
Responsibilities and achievements in the resume. How to fill in the column "Achievements" in the resume

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Responsibilities and achievements in the resume. How to fill in the column "Achievements" in the resume

Video: Resume Achievements - How To Write Achievements In Resume 2024, July

Video: Resume Achievements - How To Write Achievements In Resume 2024, July

A long-known truth: cadres decide everything. The human resources market is the very perpetual motion machine. Time passes, labels, trademarks, persons, company names, positions change, but the scheme remains unchanged. Ever the question of choice of work faced everyone.

The first step on the path to finding a job is to create a valid resume. A very fine line - it is necessary to describe the existing professional experience without belittling or embellishing it, while setting out everything in the most structured and informative way. Indeed, it depends on how vividly and professionally you present yourself, describing your duties and achievements in the resume, whether you will receive an invitation to an interview or your response will remain uninteresting for the employer.

Defining Ambition

So, we are faced with the task of creating competent advertising for ourselves as an employee.

The writing form is fairly standard - the resume should contain the personal data of the candidate, including convenient contacts, information about education, experience, training courses or courses. An important point: in order to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to identify your main professional or universal advantages.

The correct resume. What should it be

Having sat down for a resume, you should adhere to the "golden" principles:

• brevity. Your resume should be placed on 2-3 sheets, no more.

• Structurality. The information you indicate in the resume should be set out in a certain sequence and exactly correspond to the form chosen earlier.

• Objectivity. Pointing your experience and skills, moderate creativity and imagination, be objective and realistic. Emphasize results with action verbs. Using the same principle, fill out the "Achievements" section in the resume .

• Concreteness. It is recommended to be as specific as possible when choosing wordings, as well as indicating your responsibilities and achievements in a resume.

• Selectivity. Analyze your existing professional experience, choose from it only what will be most useful when achieving your goal.

• Positive. Negative information prefer positive. Description, definition, narration of information through denial will not play into your hands.

• Focus on achievements. Define and focus on your achievements. How to fill in the column "Achievements" in the resume, we will tell a little later. Confused, do not know what to attribute to your achievements? Think about it: maybe you should look around better? What do you already have, what happened, failed? Recall that a well-written resume as a result should be fairly easy to read not only by professionals in your segment, but also by selection managers. It is necessary to write responsibilities, functions, achievements (the summary as a whole also applies) briefly, but capaciously, to reflect all the work experience.

Standard chronological resume

To date, the standard form is the so-called chronological resume. It starts from the last place of work and then, in descending order, lists the rest. Do not rush to immediately write down your duties and achievements in the resume, do not rush things.

Let us illustrate the step-by-step compilation of such a summary.

Start with the last name, first name, middle name, contact details and designation of the desired position. It would be nice if you complement your resume with a business-style photo.


Do not place a strong emphasis on education if you have completed your training long enough. It is quite possible to get by with the period of study, the name of the university, faculty and specialty. But students, on the contrary, are recommended to give education a key place.

You can specify the topic of the graduation project and some term papers that you performed during the training period. If you have several diplomas, as a rule, they are listed in reverse chronological order. When describing your education, you do not need to go deeper globally and remember high school education. It is unlikely that this memorable fact exclusively for you will characterize you as a professional.

Briefly about the main thing

So, we come to the key section of our resume - “Experience”. The main task here is to show that you can perform the proposed functionality efficiently. Responsibilities and achievements in the resume should be set out so that you can convince the employer that he needs you. This, of course, will help your previous work experience.

A few tips at once: provide information according to the following scheme: the period of work (dates of employment and dismissal), the correct and full name of the organization, then be sure to indicate the market segment occupied by the company, the scope of its activities, as well as the position and responsibilities in the resume. You can give even more information if, after each place of work, you will indicate the reason for your departure.

Primary screening

Do not forget that the “Work Experience” section is the most important, and also the most informative paragraph of the resume. The Skills and Achievements section is reviewed first. Think: your resume is read in 1-2 minutes, and during this time the leader should find useful moments in it. Try to help him with this, write your resume properly. Make it in a single, comfortable reading style.

The resume should be constructive.

Quite widespread phrases: “there is a lot of work experience”, “good managerial experience”, “brilliant organizational skills” and others, except that they have absolutely no informational content, the employer will not be interested at all, because if you did not take the time to correctly state your duties, why should he spend this time on you?

Not sure how to describe professional accomplishments and results in a resume, or are you afraid to indicate something wrong? Refer to your job description. But do not make the mistake of many, do not literally copy and paste the paragraphs from the instructions into the resume form, at least it looks ridiculous, at least it casts doubt on such competency as sociability: in your own words you can’t tell what you yourself did the information is copied and absurdly pasted like a template. We faced the question of what to write in the section "Achievements" in the resume, where to write and who needs it at all? Need, do not hesitate.

No memoirs required

Talking about job responsibilities, do not set out to mention them all to one, select about 5-7 main ones, and enough. The employer is not interested in your whole life, it is important for him to follow the last 3-5 years of professional activity. Therefore, do not overload the resume with additional and unnecessary information. It is worth telling in detail about the maximum of the last 2-3 places of work. Others will be enough just to mention, without delving into responsibilities.

Filling out a resume (column "Achievements", as well as "Key skills") can be planned in such a way as to include actions that you really know how to do at least well and that were applicable in work experience. Remember that when writing a resume, it’s not customary to be modest. Your main task is to increase your "marketability", present yourself from your very best side. Moreover, the information should be objective, without fail based on facts from previous experience. What else do you need to remember when doing such a thing as filling out a resume? The column "Achievements", in addition to information about successfully completed projects and career development, should contain information about foreign languages, if the level of proficiency is really high.

In the final section "Additional Information" it is recommended to indicate your personal qualities that help you achieve professional goals, and your professional guidelines in general. This section should help the employer determine why he should hire you.

Do not forget to adhere to the requirements for design, impeccable literacy and stylistic unity, and your resume will certainly attract a potential employer.