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Parity Finance: Employer Reviews for the Employer

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Parity Finance: Employer Reviews for the Employer

Video: Convertible Bonds 2024, July

Video: Convertible Bonds 2024, July

Today we will find out with you what Parity Finance really gets the feedback from employees. The problem is that finding a good and conscientious employer is difficult. Moreover, online reviews do not always tell the truth. As practice shows, most often you can stumble upon the most common deception and scam. All this is done to attract new personnel, as well as customers to a particular company. Not too honest, but nothing illegal. A similar technique is already known to everyone, it has been successfully used by many. So what kind of "Parity Finance" receives employee feedback? Which of them really can be trusted?

What kind of company

First, a little about the activities thereof. This factor most often has a huge impact on opinions about the company. The fact is that Parity Finance is a consulting firm. It is based on the basis of foreign brokers. That is, we can assume that the work here is not just debugged, but also brought to the ideal.

Our current organization is engaged in market, price and finance studies. It is a kind of advisory center for everyone. As many residents say, Parity Finance provides quite useful services to citizens. And it does not matter who is in front of them - an individual or a legal entity. The fact remains - a consultation will be provided.

It is also worth noting that Parity Finance receives positive feedback from its employees and customers for its diverse activities. After all, the company not only provides advice, but also develops software. And not the most terrible quality.

Variety of work

Parity Finance receives employee reviews (SPB) also for the variety of vacancies offered. Many people pay attention to this fact during employment. After all, no one wants, having a higher education, to work as a cleaner or a simple manager. Therefore, as practice shows, the more vacancies an employer can offer, the better.

In this sense, Parity Finance is really different from many other companies. Why? He offers his potential employees a huge selection of areas for work. Here you can find vacancies, both managerial and the most ordinary.

Most often, we need employees who are versed in consulting - financial managers. In second place are programmers and developers. Further, as many potential employees claim, there is an “office plankton”. By the way, the last category is, as you might guess, the main staff of the team.

Job interview

Well, if you have decided on a vacancy, you can try to find a job in the company. And here, as many employees note, surprises begin. Someone considers them luck, and someone, on the contrary, tries to stay away from such phenomena.

The fact is that the first suspicions about the not entirely honest functioning of the company appear at the interview stage. If you yourself have applied for an ad to go through it, nothing will surprise you. But in practice, most often potential employees are invited for the first meeting selectively.

What does it mean? Parity Finance does not receive the best reviews from employees in this sense. After all, they can just call you on your mobile phone and schedule an interview. That is, to offer a job. And you didn’t even look for her, you didn’t leave any resumes or phones anywhere! Nonsense, and only. This makes many think - it is not without reason that this company called you and even somehow found you! So some doubt the integrity of the employer.

First meeting

They also speak ambiguously about interviews. “Parity Finance” (Nevsky, 134) reviews of employees in this regard receive contradictory. This is not to say that everything goes horribly, but not quite smoothly. Rather, the situation is not much different from most companies.

Nevertheless, it is worth paying attention to exactly where you are invited to undergo an interview. We are talking about the fact that the head office is located on 134 Nevsky, in St. Petersburg. Only now to call for an interview, most likely, you will be at some other address. In principle, this is not a basis for mistrust. Such phenomena are sometimes observed. But for many, this approach remains a mystery. Moreover, it is alarming.

Parity Finance LLC. Employee reviews about the interview, as we have already found out, receive mixed reviews. If you do not take into account the invitation to it outside the company’s head office, it can also be noted that much will depend on what position you are applying for. The more prestigious it is, the better they will communicate with you. When it comes to the most ordinary manager, one does not have to rely on justice and some kind of equal treatment. Rather, they will make it clear to you that you will have to work a lot, and also the employer is unlikely to be considered with you. A clear indication of leadership excellence. It annoys many.

If you evaluate the situation as a whole, then the interview is the same as the rest. There is a friendly attitude, and a certain superiority of the potential employer in front of you. So there's no getting around it. A typical situation for many companies.


Parity Finance reviews about the employer (that is, about itself as a recruiting company), as practice shows, gets different. There are both positive and negative opinions. Nevertheless, in relation to earnings, inconsistencies most often arise. Why? All due to the fact that your salary level will differ depending on the position.

Those who sit high really praise the firm. They say that they are paid quite large amounts without delay. Yes, and with bonuses and bonuses. But ordinary employees, on the contrary, believe that they were deceived during the interview. The average earnings in the company is 15,000 rubles. Not so much for St. Petersburg.

Plus, a hint of negativeness is also introduced by deception at the interview. As already mentioned, you will be promised a high income. But you can get it only in senior positions. But office employees are faced with exactly the same situation as in most corporations - delays, incomplete earnings, constant promises.


Further, the team in which we have to work plays an important role for all employees. And in this regard, Parity Finance receives more than positive feedback from employees. Many claim that they get not just work, but also a good environment.

Yes, there is some inequality here. Especially in relation to typical office employees. But it is observed extremely rarely. Basically, all personnel maintain a warm and friendly relationship.

There is no fierce struggle for vacancies. Indeed, in Parity Finance everyone is busy with their own affairs. Therefore, you will not find much competition here. Everyone has a chance of career growth. And success will depend only on your personal knowledge, on practice and success. But not from the troubles and failures of your comrade. It is these rules that are most often spoken by company employees.


But that's not all. The company "Parity Finance" reviews are not the best in terms of relations with management. In principle, no wonder. In general, the situation is not much different from most such companies.

The fact is that, as many workers assure, initially you will be promised equal relations. But in practice, the injustice of management will appear, as well as wage delays. Nobody advertises some aspects of the work, but they say that here often the leadership transfers its responsibilities to subordinates. I have to work hard, while getting far from the highest income. This upsets many.

Nevertheless, such a phenomenon is far from uncommon. It is almost impossible to meet the ideal employer in all plans now. Therefore, to refuse employment for this reason is unreasonable. If you are ready for some kind of injustice on the part of the employer, you can safely find a job. No? Then the company will not suit you. Just like most modern firms.


What about the work schedule? "Parity Finance" reviews of employees in this direction are far from the worst. Rather, they are positive than negative.

We can say that they work in the company according to a clearly defined schedule. Especially when it comes to leadership positions. Nevertheless, ordinary employees are also not particularly deprived in this regard. They also have a clear work schedule that they have to follow. Yes, like many similar companies, there are times when you need to replace someone or stay overtime, but all this is paid.

The work schedule is clearly specified at the interview, as well as prescribed in your contract. Options are 5/2, 2/2, 3/2. Most often, the second one is selected. After that, all additional outputs and replacements will be agreed in advance. The main advantage that is allocated by employees is that for all this you will actually be credited with additional cash. Not the biggest and with delays, but they do occur.

Eternal praise

Nevertheless, as practice shows, “Parity Finance” (St. Petersburg) very often earns extremely positive feedback from employees. Everywhere and everywhere you can find opinions that say how good this company is, how it applies to both its subordinates and customers. Moreover, such reviews are written extensively, they clearly describe all the advantages of the company.

But is it worth believing? Definitely not. The thing is that such praise was simply bought. That is, "Parity Finance" is so gaining popularity in society. Finding really real reviews is difficult because of this. Therefore, do not unconditionally believe everything that you can find. By the way, the purchase of positive reviews is a well-known scheme of work.


What do we have in the end? Parity Finance receives various reviews. Someone says that it is really possible to work here, and some claim the opposite. It’s actually difficult to decide - after all, for everyone there is a truth.

So what to believe? This is up to you. Only one conclusion can be drawn - “Parity Finance” really exists. And this company actually recruits employees from time to time to work. Moreover, in some senses the situation here is better than that of competitors. So, if you want to try yourself in consulting, you can try to find a job here. There is nothing to be afraid of. But one should not believe the numerous praise expressed in the address of Parity Finance.