
Welder Summary: Drafting Model, Features and Recommendations

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Welder Summary: Drafting Model, Features and Recommendations

Video: How to Read Welding Symbols: Part 1of 3 2024, July

Video: How to Read Welding Symbols: Part 1of 3 2024, July

In times of crisis, it is very difficult to find a good well-paid job. The key to success in this case is the competent preparation of recommendations and resumes. Even as an experienced professional, all necessary skills and achievements should be indicated. Now many companies are focused on working professions. It is in this direction that you can earn a living. Yes, and the work of "hands" in demand, like no other. In this article, you will learn how to write a resume correctly using the welder’s resume as an example, as well as what important features are best indicated.

Professional skills

In Russia, the profession of a welder is now in demand, like no other. The whole industry - heavy, chemical, oil, as well as construction and other areas need qualified welders. But how to indicate in the welder’s resume that you are really a good specialist with extensive experience, who owns different welding skills?

A welder is a specialist engaged in various types of welding of metals and alloys. As in many industrial professions, here every mistake can cost the life of both one person and the whole group.

Therefore, skilled welders are always worth their weight in gold. To write a welder’s resume, you must first specify a vocational school specializing in welding production, where the training was held. It will not be superfluous if you specify all the exams and testing certificates in local authorities, for example, Rostekhnadzor.

Welder Responsibilities

A specialist in welding production is, first of all, a person associated with physical labor, as well as the risk of getting occupational diseases. Therefore, women are highly discouraged from holding this position. Men regularly undergo a medical examination, which reflects the right of admission to welding.

The following are the immediate responsibilities that can be included in the welder's resume, a sample of which is presented at the end of the article:

  1. Knowledge of alloys and metal cutting techniques for further production.
  2. Planning and analysis of future alloy welding.
  3. Implementation of welding activities in accordance with the approved work plans.
  4. Compliance with labor protection and electrical safety requirements.
  5. Keeping records.

As you might guess, examples of welder resumes do not tolerate deceit. It is important to indicate only real skills and qualifications.

Qualification and labor market

The profession of a welder is always in demand in the field of industry and production. Each region requires gas welding. With hard work, working as a welder, whose employer liked the resume, brings the appropriate results. A competent specialist, starting as a simple worker, can achieve a leadership position. Therefore, the salary is quite diverse. In Russia, the most valued are specialists of the most recent - VI category.

At the same time, the highest opportunities are for specialists working in large companies in the oil industry, and the lowest in the housing sector.

It is also important to indicate knowledge of industrial safety and labor protection requirements in the welder’s CV. Now this topic is very relevant both at the legislative level and in industry.

Argon welding

One of the most popular types of welding now is argon. 40 years ago it was used in the high-precision, space industry. It's hard to believe, but now it is used everywhere, from aircraft repair to automotive equipment. Sometimes argon-arc welding is replaced by helium, but it is much more expensive, so it is used less often. Most often, argon welding is used in the alloy of aluminum products, since this metal is the most difficult to manufacture.

A resume on the work of a welder, a sample of which can be seen below, will look more advantageous if you add the skill of argon welding to it.

Argon welding is the fusion of gas welding and electric arc. The source of heating is an electric arc. And then gas - argon enters the battle, it will displace oxygen and allows you to accurately and accurately make a seam, without bubbles.

Argon driver principles

When working with argon welding, objects are pre-cleaned - all growths, fats and other sediments and excess elements are removed. The welder uses a torch and wire. Using his experience, the welder himself selects the time to turn on the torch, usually 20 seconds before starting work.

When welding with this method, you will need the following: transformer, torch, gas cylinder, rectifier, auxiliary transformer, gas cylinder and gearbox, oscillator.

There are much fewer specialists who know the argon welding method than ordinary welders, so they are more valued, so you should not forget to specify this item when compiling a welder resume.

When compiling a resume, an argon welder should definitely indicate what types of work were carried out, which non-ferrous alloys were used in the implementation of the measures.

Welder Resume

So we smoothly moved on to the part where the welder’s resume is presented. The sample initially, like any other resume, contains personal information.

Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich


- Desired income - 45,000 rubles.

- Total work experience - 7 years, 10 months.

The following indicates the experience and place (s) of work.

- CJSC Gazprom Stroytransgaz, Moscow.

- 3 years 7 months (dates).


- Semi-automatic, argon, manual welding of various metals at construction sites.

- Cleaning and checking the strength of the seams.

- CJSC Argus-Promt, Izhevsk.

- 4 years 3 months (dates).


- Semi-automatic, argon, manual welding of various metals at construction sites.

- Controlling the strength of the seams.

- Gas cutting of metals of varying complexity.

Then indicate the education.

- End date - 2009.

- Polytechnic College (or other educational institution).

- Secondary special.

- Specialty: specialist in welding work (gas welding, electric welding, argon).


- Certification in the RTX for the 6th category.

Professional skills

- Certification of the 6th category of NAKS GO, KO, NGDO, OKHNVP, SK.

- Excellent welder skills (argon, electric arc, gas and semi-automatic).

- Ability to cut metal by gas.

- Ability to work with various types of alloys and metals.

- Knowledge of all the basics of electrical safety.

- Ability to work with documents, reporting.

And most importantly, personal qualities. They play an important role, as they allow you to form a more detailed idea of ​​a person as a whole.

Sociability, responsibility, diligence, resistance to stress and high physical exertion, quick response in emergency situations.

Submission of Resume

We hope that this example will help to work out and prepare a high-quality resume and answer all questions regarding the profession of a welder. To find a job, the final resume of the welder can be placed on popular portals or sent directly to industrial and production companies. During the crisis, many companies do not publish vacancies in order to reduce costs, so you should not be afraid to send resumes directly to the companies themselves. Do not miss your chance!