career management

Certification of the welder in the NAKS system

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Certification of the welder in the NAKS system

Video: Production Management Ch 16 Lean Operations (Toyota Production System) Part 4 2024, July

Video: Production Management Ch 16 Lean Operations (Toyota Production System) Part 4 2024, July

Welding involves a wide range of operations that require the use of various equipment and supplies. Accordingly, the degree of difficulty in performing welding activities also varies. There are several classifications of workers in this profile, but in most cases, the qualification of NAKS welders becomes the determining factor in assessing the level of training, the presence of which can be considered as a form of licensing. Passing certification in this system means training the worker, as well as testing his skills and knowledge.

Why do I need a NAKS certificate?

The benefits of having this certificate can be seen from two sides. From one point of view, it is worth noting the formal permission for the welder to work at sites representing an increased level of danger. For example, to work with gas pipelines, only specialists with a NAKS certificate are allowed. The second moment comes from the first. The fact is that certification of a welder is still not only theoretical, but also practical confirmation that the employee is familiar with the rules for performing operations provided for by the NAKS system. That is, for welders with low qualifications, work of this level is not available due to lack of knowledge. Usually, applicants undergo appropriate training before receiving a certificate, and then they receive a document that gives them access to work at complex facilities - accordingly, wages also increase.

Documents for certification

The advantages of obtaining a certificate include the fact that with a technical background, sufficient knowledge and skills, almost any welder can get it. However, without the following documents, a certificate cannot be issued:

  • Photocopy of the passport.
  • Certification application.
  • 2 photos of the applicant for obtaining a NAKS 3x4 certificate.
  • A photocopy of the certificate or diploma of graduation.
  • Certificate of work experience.
  • If there is no diploma of education, then a photocopy of the document on retraining for a specialist in welding is necessary.
  • Photocopies of the protocols that were compiled on the basis of a test of safety knowledge from Rostekhnadzor.

It is worth noting that the requirements regarding the list of documents may vary depending on the level at which certification of the welder and, possibly, his equipment is planned. There are several levels that are worth considering separately.

NAX levels

Certification of the first level refers to workers who are sent to the work of surfacing and welding operations. This can be manual, semi- or automatic welding using melting technology. It is important to note that production in this case is implemented at facilities controlled by Rostekhnadzor. The second level does not apply directly to welders. It is held by foremen, craftsmen and other persons who organize and supervise the workers. The third level implies that the certification center of welders will license the work of managers, among which may be the heads of departments, sectors, laboratories, bureaus and other departments and groups whose work is associated with the implementation of welding activities at hazardous facilities. The final, fourth, level involves the certification of leaders by groups and teams of welders in the framework of entire enterprises, which are also part of the Rostekhnadzor department.

Certification Schedule

Certification is carried out in special centers included in the NAKS registry. Testing of knowledge is carried out in the form of a practical and theoretical exam. It is important to take into account that the certification procedure for welders allows repeated examination passing only after 30 days. That is, if the first practical test of skills was unsuccessful, then the welder will have to undergo additional training and again test his strength after a month.

If leading persons are certified, then it is possible to complicate the examination. In particular, employees and specialists carrying out technical control must pass an exam on working with polymer materials. By the way, the rules for certification of welders suggest that the license activity time in their case will last 2 years, while managers have the right to use the document for up to 5 years.

Types of certification

Along with the levels, there are different types of certification - in particular, they distinguish primary, periodic, extraordinary and additional. If the employee has not previously dealt with professional production activities in this area, then he will have an initial audit. Further, in order to increase the validity period of the certificate, periodic certification of the welder is performed in the same format as the previous time.

It happens that a qualification test does not provide the opportunity for a specialist to work in a specific narrow specialization. In this case, additional certification is provided, which will allow the employee to confirm their knowledge in a specific direction. Also, this type of check is used in the case of employees who have not been involved in work operations for a long time (more than 6 months). If the specialist was suspended from work due to a violation, then an extraordinary certification of the welder is provided for him, in the organization of which his employer can participate.

Certification of equipment and materials

In addition to direct certification of a specialist, the corresponding inspection of welding equipment, technologies and workplaces is also practiced. In the case of equipment, control is carried out on hoisting-and-transport equipment, gas devices, metallurgical and oil and gas production technical support, as well as various designs. Certification of the welder's workplace is also essential, in which working conditions are evaluated from the point of view of the employee’s safety. In the complex, certification measures can improve the quality of welding production and minimize the costs of its maintenance.


For the welders themselves, certification also provides many advantages. First of all, the certificate confirms the high professional level of the specialist, expanding his career opportunities. As practice shows, the salaries of such workers almost double the rates of beginners in this industry. At the same time, certification of NAKS welders can be considered as a kind of self-regulatory community. That is, the specialist receives certain privileges. This applies not only to the advantages in finding a job, but also access to the latest equipment, which allows you to solve highly specialized complex tasks. Therefore, experienced welders recommend that those who choose this specialty design the NAKS as soon as possible and continue to develop professional skills at a higher level.