
Job CV. Sample Writing and Features

Job CV. Sample Writing and Features

Video: How to write a CV in 2020 (Get noticed by employers) 2024, July

Video: How to write a CV in 2020 (Get noticed by employers) 2024, July

An autobiography for a job is a document that is often required when hiring along with a resume. This mainly applies to government agencies, educational institutions, large commercial organizations and so on. In the first case, this document is more formal. An autobiography for a job application is filed in a personal file with the rest of the package of papers. In the second case, it has significant significance. Therefore, an important role for your career is played by how well this document is written.

An autobiography when applying for a job (an example will be given below) is a hand-written document that describes the main events in a person’s life. And your main task in compiling is to present yourself in a favorable light.

From this document, future employers receive information about your environment, new and interesting information. In other words, they will learn about your strengths, preferences and disadvantages. It is very important that an autobiography for a job does not constitute a bare statement of facts. Also a significant role is played by how the document is compiled. Needless to say, spelling mistakes and confusing presentation of thoughts are unacceptable.

You should be prepared in advance for what you will be asked to write everything in the presence of the interviewer. An autobiography for a job does not provide a standard compilation. Depending on the desired position, you should adjust and fill out this document. However, there are established traditions of writing. For example, the text is narrated. Try to place everything on one sheet. State the facts in chronological order.

Sample autobiography when applying for a job


I, Ivanova (Shalashnaya) Galina Fedorovna, was born on April 17, 1984 in Omsk. She graduated from secondary school No. 79 in Omsk in 2000. In the same year she was enrolled in the Omsk University of Architecture and Civil Engineering and in 2005 she graduated from this educational institution with a master’s diploma with the qualification of “Industrial and Civil Engineering Engineer” with a degree in civil and industrial construction.

From 2005 to 2007, I did not work in connection with the birth of a child.

In 2006-2007, she received additional specialized education in the BIP "Lingua". The qualification “Translator from German for the field of professional communication” was awarded.

In October 2007 she was admitted to Stroyinvest LLC as a junior engineer, in March 2008 she was promoted to the position of assistant chief engineer. Currently, I also work at Stroyinvest LLC in this position.

Married. In June 2005, she changed her maiden name Shalashnaya to Ivanova in connection with marriage.

My husband, Ivanov Sergey Petrovich, born in 1977, holds the position of project manager at Prostor LLC.

The son - Ivanov Petr Sergeevich, born in 2005, attends the 1st grade of the secondary educational institution of the Gymnasium No. 2 of Omsk.

We live at the address: Omsk, st. Spacious, d 76, apt. 65.