career management

The banker, earning $ 90 thousand a year, quit his job and got a job as a plumber. Now he has a successful business.

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The banker, earning $ 90 thousand a year, quit his job and got a job as a plumber. Now he has a successful business.

Ten percent of Australian traders earn more than $ 200,000 a year. Plumbers get a little less - about $ 100,000. The owner of GT Plumbing Alex Taksun worked as a banker, but decided to become a plumber, because he was tired of constant stress. Now he is 29 years old, and he loves what he does.

Reasons for leaving

Alex Taksun, working as a trader, earned about $ 90,000 a year. Once he talked with his old friend, who worked as a plumber. Alex was surprised to learn that, despite less responsibility and stress, he earns a little more than him. Then Alex decided to quit and go to Cambodia as a volunteer. Needless to say, work in the banking sector can be really stressful!

When eight months later he returned to Australia, he got a job as a plumber. According to one of the sites, this specialty is one of the highest paid and in demand in the country. The average salary in Australia is 110 thousand dollars a year. Now, 41-year-old Taksun leads a successful business and builds relationships with new customers.

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The key to success

According to him, the key to his success lies in the fact that he does not pay for targeted advertising on Google. Instead, he works for 16 hours, and grateful customers come to him through word of mouth. “There is nothing complicated or cunning in what I do,” he says. - I just work 16 hours seven days a week. I like it very much. Sundays do not play a role, like holidays. Accordingly, I get other money than people who spend 30-40 hours a week on a profession. ”

However, Alex was not always successful when it came to business. At 29, he decided to resign as a bank clerk to help people in Cambodia. There he was a volunteer in a group that monitored the quality of local drinking water. “On the border between Vietnam and Cambodia, people drank from ponds and were sick a lot. Therefore, involuntarily, I had to learn the basics of plumbing. So I learned how to treat water and set up sewage systems so that people get access to clean water, ”he says.

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Continuation of a story

Alex lived between Australia and Cambodia for the whole eight years, periodically earning money to get at least some kind of income. The rest of the time he helped the needy. “Three years ago I returned to Australia. “I could no longer volunteer because of all that I had to see in Cambodia,” he says. Taksun is currently working with subcontractors. He registered a private company, so he can be considered not only a plumber, but also a real businessman. Alex says that the biggest problem in his field is to find good and diligent students, because "there is an opinion that you just need to finish school and go to plumbing, because it is a monetary sphere."

However, Taksun believes that the plumbing profession is much more important than is commonly believed. “People can die because the water is not well cleaned. Carbon monoxide from drainpipes can also cause poisoning, ”he says. Alex, who saw it all with his own eyes in Cambodia, knows this best of all. He also adds that he has been studying his craft for seven years, but he still has room to grow.

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How much employees get in his company

Since Alex has an extensive customer base, sometimes he hires subcontractors in order to keep up with everything. Entry-level employees receive $ 450 per day. However, if they work hard, they can earn up to 100 thousand dollars a year. “If you want to get more, then you need to work harder. Everything is simple in this area, says Alex. - I work 16 hours, but I do it not so much because of money, but because I like it. If you love what you do, and you do it well, then you become more disciplined and you have excellent prospects. You become more patient and learn even from bad situations to get something good. ”


When a man was asked what advice he can give to those who are just considering this profession, he replied: "You should be able to put up with a bad smell." So the profession of plumbing, like all others, has its drawbacks. “We see the same thing every day. Some people may be depressed. ” Alex also warned that one needs to learn how to get along with people in this area, since no successful private practice is complete without it.

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