career management

What is a career? Types of career. Types and stages of a business career

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What is a career? Types of career. Types and stages of a business career

Video: How to Choose a Career - Choosing a Career 2024, June

Video: How to Choose a Career - Choosing a Career 2024, June

Each person seeks to ensure comfortable living conditions. But just like that, the money will not fall into our pocket. In order to earn them, you need to devote yourself to your profession, develop and grow in order to advance on the career ladder.

Career and careerism in the system of business relations, definition

What is a career? The concept and types of careers considered in the article make it possible to find out how a person is progressing in service and with the help of which one can increase the rate of career growth.

Career - not only the type of person’s occupations, his promotion in the professional field, but also the achievement of other goals, improving the situation in society. Also, sometimes this concept includes possible future changes in the field of work that occur over time as a result of gaining experience.

Careerism is called the desire to improve their position in the professional sphere, to increase career growth. Sometimes careerists are called people who "go over their heads", that is, they do not take into account feelings, generally accepted moral norms, and family ties. Careerists see their goal and go towards it, no matter what. On the one hand, it positively characterizes a person - he is decisive, courageous, responsible. On the other hand, this person is callous and unpredictable, because due to financial rewards or career advancement, he is ready to sacrifice something precious. But if earlier the term “careerist” had a negative connotation, now it has become synonymous with the words “ambitious”, “secured”, “significant for society”.

Place of a career in people's lives

In a modern market economy, an important measure of the usefulness of the individual, his skills and abilities. Therefore, to move up, a person must be able to fully reveal their qualities in the professional field. Unfortunately, this is not easy. But still, every employee wants to succeed, for which scientists, responding to the demand of society, study the types and stages of a career, identify various classifications and theories.

Careers from different angles

Donald Super, the most famous scientist who has studied career growth and its attendant phenomena, believes that career is the totality of all social roles played by an individual throughout his life. Success in a career, in his opinion, depends on the "I-concept" - a person’s own idea of ​​himself.

Donald Super considered such a concept as career, career types from various positions:

  • in economic terms, a career is a certain position taken by an individual in the hierarchy of economic relations;
  • in sociological terms, a career is a sequence of social roles of a person, demonstrating the mobility of a person, its adaptability to certain conditions;
  • psychologically, a career is a series of individual roles that he can play separately from each other, but also quite copes with playing them simultaneously.

Holland believes that a career is the result of a person moving from one position in a company to another.

Tolstaya claims that this phenomenon is characterized not by a person’s actions to improve a position in a company, but by a person’s point of view, appropriate behavior.

Organization career types

Any employee sets himself certain goals at the place of his professional activity. Some work only to earn wages, others need self-development, others want to develop, promote the professional growth of others, and also receive decent pay for their work. Any goals within a particular firm are defined as a business career.

There are such types of business careers:

  • Inside the organization - the movement of an individual within a certain place of work. It takes place in various forms: horizontal, vertical and centripetal.
  • Between organizations in which an individual person overcomes various stages: getting an education, hiring a job, moving forward in a profession, leaving due to retirement age.
  • Professional career, divided into specialized and non-specialized. The first is that an individual employee overcomes all stages of a career in the field of his profession. In the second, a person changes his place of work within the organization in order to form his opinion about it from all sides.
  • Vertical, consisting in career advancement.
  • Horizontal, involving frequent changes in professional interests and areas of activity, or being in a permanent position outside the hierarchy.
  • Centripetal, where a person gradually approaches the concentration of power in the company.

Types of this concept from a psychological point of view

Psychologists determine the following types of professional career:

  • situational - sudden, independent of a person events that change the course of his work;
  • “From the boss” is also a random phenomenon in which management takes an active part;
  • “From the development of the object”, where the wage worker himself unknowingly changes his fate, developing the company as a whole;
  • autograph career - the active and successful work of individual individuals leads them to promotions;
  • "Over the corpses" in which a person is able to overcome any obstacles in order to achieve the desired goal, demolishing others on his way.

Careers, types of careers and their use in work activities lead to various professional consequences.

What are the stages of a business career

Types and stages of a career have in common, because it is impossible to immediately achieve a transfer from one organization to another, to switch to better working conditions, pay and schedule. For this you need to go through certain stages.

  1. Preliminary - obtaining education and relevant qualifications up to 25-28 years. At this time, the individual is looking for his vocation or favorite business.
  2. Becoming - mastering a certain occupation, obtaining the necessary qualities and knowledge. Up to 30 years, the formation of independence at this stage lasts.
  3. Promotion - increasing skill and experience. Significant career progression is possible. The individual is constantly striving for self-improvement and gaining more weight in society; career is rapidly changing. Career types may overlap at this point. This stage is held by a person in 30-45 years.
  4. Conservation - consolidation of the existing situation lasts up to 60 years. Skills are improved due to accumulated experience and acquired education. Promotion is still possible.
  5. Completion - pre-retirement age forces you to look for a new person in place and train him. A person’s career ends at about 65 years old.

Success Criteria

There are 2 main criteria for a successful career: objective and subjective. The first is considered on the basis of two values: promotion within the company or within the profession, regardless of the boundaries of organizations. At the same time, movement along the job hierarchy is usually more significant for a person, as it is associated with a change in wages and social status. The subjective criterion is determined by the individual himself. He compares the achieved result with the desired goal, analyzes the stages and types of career used to achieve the required position, and also focuses on the social group and its signs of success.

The concept of "career management"

Career, career types, its change, stages can be called career management. This concept is defined as goal-setting, a way of long-term planning, monitoring your professional level and means of improving it, the importance of your skills and competencies. The analyzed main types of careers and the factors influencing it, by their own example, allow us to see new ways of promotion.

Career management can also occur on the part of the company, which allows it to improve the quality of employees, and therefore the productivity of the enterprise as a whole.

Factors Affecting Career Implementation

They can be divided into two groups. In the first are the personal factors of the employee. What he is interested in, what motivates him, what direction he prefers, increases the chances of success. But a good career is incompatible with insecurity and timidity, lack of determination, focus not on self-development, but on the assessment of the external environment, the desire only to obtain material wealth.

The second group includes factors that depend on the relationship between the employee and the organization (its members). This is the impact of surrounding people on the promotion of a person in the service and the way the company works, its type, tasks, features.