career management

Job description of a tractor driver. Job description of a tractor driver

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Job description of a tractor driver. Job description of a tractor driver

Video: Arlington tractor driver interview 2024, July

Video: Arlington tractor driver interview 2024, July

Almost all people know about such a profession as a tractor driver. However, not everyone knows what exactly this person does. In this article, everything will be told about the named profession, in strict accordance with what the special job description prescribes.

Tractor driver - who is he?

A tractor operator is a specialist whose responsibilities include the management of various tractor and truck-type machines. As a rule, their driver is involved in the field of agricultural and agricultural production.

Being a tractor driver is not so easy. A competent specialist must work, constantly applying knowledge from the fields of chemistry, physics, geometry or biology. In addition, he must know the basics of metal science, the theory of machines, the basics of agrotechnical production and much more. The specialist in question should be able to use a variety of electrical appliances and tools.

Currently, the profession of a tractor driver is relatively common and in demand. You have to work only physically; that is why this profession is suitable not for everyone, but only for strong, physically developed people.

What does job description say about getting a profession? The tractor driver must have at least a secondary vocational education. The requirements for the named specialist vary somewhat depending on his discharge.

Tractor driver 2nd category

All the main duties and functions of the specialist in question are prescribed by the job description.

The tractor driver of the initial, namely the 2nd category, must perform the following functions:

  • Management of tractor machines having an engine power of not more than 26 kW (while the machines themselves must be liquid fuel).
  • Monitoring of loading and unloading.
  • Timely refueling of the tractor with the necessary fuel. Repair and car care - lubrication of trailers, other elements.
  • Detection of problems in the operation of the tractor. Resolving these issues.
  • Implementation of repair work.

Thus, the specialist of the second category is obliged to perform many functions and duties. And what about people with higher qualifications?

3rd category tractor driver

What does the job description say about the employee with the third rank?

A tractor driver with such a skill level is required to perform the following functions:

  • The management of tractors and other trucks with a motor power of at least 26 and not more than 44 kW.
  • Monitoring of loading and unloading, transportation, fastenings.
  • Refueling the tractor with fuel, lubricating the mechanisms and various elements of the tractor or other machines.
  • Identification and elimination of various kinds of malfunctions in the operation of the tractor.
  • Carrying out repair work, control over repair work carried out by specialists of the 2nd category.

It is also worth pointing out another duty of the 3rd category tractor driver. This specialist is required to know and be able to correctly apply in certain situations the provisions of various regulations and documents. This includes, for example, the Labor Code, the job description in question and other documents.

Tractors of the 4th and 5th category

What does the job description of an agricultural tractor having a 4th or 5th category prescribe?

Speaking of responsibilities, they are relatively similar. For instance:

  • Both specialists are required to carry out supervisory work for loading, unloading or transportation.
  • Tractor drivers should periodically refuel their cars.
  • Both specialists must fill out all the necessary documentation, keep a shift journal (or accounting journal).
  • Both employees are required to manage the work processes carried out by tractor drivers with a lower level of qualification.

Thus, the job descriptions of these two specialists practically do not differ. It is worth noting only one most significant difference: a 4th-category tractor driver can control a tractor or other truck developing a power of 44 to 74 kW (no more than 100 hp), while a specialist with the 5th discharge is capable of drive machines with a capacity of more than 74 kW.

Who is a tractor driver?

There is also a separate job description for the tractor driver. It prescribes all the main points characteristic of the labor activity of the specialist in question.

And in order to make up a fairly clear picture of who exactly such a tractor driver is, it is necessary to talk about the main functions and responsibilities of this specialist:

  • The tractor driver should control the machine that is attached to it.
  • He is obliged to carefully and accurately treat his car, to prevent deliberate breakdowns and malfunctions.
  • Timely refuel your technical equipment with various materials of a fuel and fuel type.
  • The tractor driver must inspect his vehicle every time before starting work.
  • To make various kinds of repair work, periodically send your technical tool to those. inspection.
  • Ensure optimal operation with the tractor: economical, but at the same time highly productive.

Many people do not quite understand the difference between a tractor driver’s specialty and a tractor driver’s driver. In fact, everything is quite simple here. An ordinary tractor driver, regardless of skill level, is only able to control his machine. The tractor driver is also capable of professionally servicing various technical means. Of course, the latter has much more responsibilities and rights. He also has a large share of responsibility.

Tractor driver rights

Below are the basic rights of an agricultural worker. Since the general list of rights is approximately the same, those that are prescribed by the job description of a tractor operator or a housing and communal services tractor operator will not be taken into account.

The general list is as follows:

  • The employee has the right to report to the authorities about all discovered violations or shortcomings in the operation of the equipment.
  • To offer management their ideas on improving the labor process.
  • To cease to carry out their labor activity upon detection of any shortcomings or malfunctions in the operation of the machine.

The job description of the tractor operator of the housing and communal services, for example, leaves the employee with the following rights:

  • on social guarantees;
  • on special shoes and clothes;
  • to work in comfortable conditions, in accordance with established standards.

Responsibility of the tractor driver

A lot of things actually depend on a specialist like a tractor driver. That is why the level of responsibility of this kind of workers is very high. It is necessary to provide a brief list of those points for which he bears great responsibility. As a source, the job description of the MTZ-82 tractor driver will be taken:

  • The employee is responsible for the complete non-fulfillment or performance, but inappropriately, of his job functions.
  • He is punished for driving while intoxicated.
  • Must be responsible for inappropriate fuel consumption.
  • Be responsible for safety breaches.