career management

Job descriptions of nurses in various fields

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Job descriptions of nurses in various fields

Video: JOBS FOR NURSES beyond the bedside 2024, July

Video: JOBS FOR NURSES beyond the bedside 2024, July

Job descriptions of nurses are documents containing information about the requirements for this profession, job responsibilities and the rights of the employee. There is no universal paper of this kind; the exact list of information is determined by the specific place of work of the nurse. Consider a few options.

Universal Responsibilities

What do the general job descriptions of nurses look like? It should be noted that medical workers in this category belong to the category of specialists and must perform the following actions:

  • monitor the availability of appropriate uniforms for the staff of the hospital or clinic;
  • monitor compliance with internal regulations;
  • instruct sponsored employees;
  • follow the recommendations of senior specialists;
  • observe the sanitary-hygienic regimen in relation to patients;
  • draw up a preliminary work schedule, keep a time sheet, replace sick employees;
  • control the arrival and consumption of medicines, auxiliary tools;
  • keep a record of potent drugs, poisons, products with narcotic properties.

Universal rights

Job descriptions of nurses imply not only duties, but also certain wishes for knowledge, as well as the rights of employees. Among the latter - the possibility of advanced training, obtaining all the information and tools necessary for a full-fledged work activity.

Work in the dressing room

What is the job description of the dressing nurse? The list of her immediate responsibilities, as a rule, includes:

  • performance of medical appointments;
  • preparation of tools for further processing (sterilization of products);
  • monitoring the condition of the entrusted room (dressing room);
  • accounting, storage, and, if necessary, replenishment of products and medicines for the full operation of the dressing room;
  • training and instructing sponsored employees, monitoring their work;
  • maintaining documentation in the framework of its activities;
  • ensuring sanitary standards.

To fulfill the listed duties, the list of which can be expanded, the dressing nurse must have a secondary professional education, take into account laws and official recommendations in healthcare, be able to use medical equipment and keep records and records.

Work in the treatment room

The job descriptions of nurses operating in the treatment room are largely similar to the above, but the functions of such employees are still slightly different and boil down to the following:

  • blood sampling for analysis;
  • allergy testing;
  • accounting of incoming products and medicines, and, if necessary, their order;
  • performing medical and diagnostic manipulations within the framework of their rights;
  • organization of work and support of junior staff;
  • strict observance of sanitary and hygienic standards.

Specific work

There is such a position as a pool nurse in primary preschool institutions. Similar vacancies are also available in other public institutions with an equipped swimming area. So, what is the job description of the pool nurse. Typically, this document includes the following responsibilities:

  • inspection of the wards before each swimming;
  • restriction of admission in case of detection of diseases;
  • observation of children while they are in the water;
  • assistance to educators in conducting hygienic procedures for children after and before class;
  • accounting of incoming documentation (certificates of admission, analyzes);
  • monitoring the condition of the pool bowl, the main and additional rooms;
  • monitoring of key indicators (pool water, air temperature).

School work

There are their own medical workers in general educational institutions, and special regulations also exist for them. So, the job description of a school nurse involves performing the following manipulations:

  • assistance to doctors in examinations of children and adolescents (preventive and therapeutic);
  • vaccination according to the general schedule;
  • disinfection of rooms, tools and medical devices;
  • storage of medicines, vaccines, regular check of their expiration date;
  • control of sanitary conditions in the educational institution;
  • the organization of the prevention of infectious and other diseases;
  • analysis of diseases and injuries of students in the sponsored territory;
  • maintaining medical records as part of their activities.