career management

Excellence Group of Companies: Employee Reviews

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Excellence Group of Companies: Employee Reviews

Video: Employee Excellence Awards 2018 2024, July

Video: Employee Excellence Awards 2018 2024, July

Every person has been searching for work at least once in his life. This issue has been particularly acute in recent years, when the economic crisis triumphantly marches on the planet. It is accompanied by layoffs, lower wages and cuts in production. In addition, most private companies went bankrupt, which almost significantly reduced the share of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian economy. However, firms that remained afloat received a great advantage by reducing competition in many areas of the business. The company "Excelsior" in Moscow was able in a crisis not only to maintain its position, but also to expand the list of customers and increase the number of staff. If you are looking for work, then our article will be very useful to you. In it, we will talk about the company itself, its main activity and analyze the feedback on the work left by former and current employees of this organization.

Company Creation

The first company in the Russian market was Excelsior SC, which has consolidated its position since the beginning of the 2000s. The main activity then was warehouse management. That is, the company employees took all the cares on the content of these premises, the selection of personnel, as well as the leasing of certain areas.

Over the course of seven years, the company has managed to build up an extensive client base and earn a good reputation. At that time, Excelsior had very good reviews from employees; they often wrote positive comments on the Internet mentioning sensitive management and high wages, which in many cases were supplemented with bonus money.

As the customer base was growing and at the same time competition from other Moscow companies was growing, the management decided to create the Excelsior group of companies. The date of foundation of the organization is 2010.

Company Description

The company "Excelsior" provides a fairly wide range of services. First of all, the organization is ready to take full administrative support of your business. It includes the selection and rental of personnel, cleaning of premises and the implementation of security services. At the same time, Excelsior’s work includes the initial activity of the company - warehouse management in any part of the city.

At the moment, the organization boasts that it has twenty-five regular customers. In general, the company operates at two hundred and fifty facilities, and each provides its own range of services.

Over the entire period of its existence, thirteen company offices were opened, and the number of employees is approaching six hundred people. They most often allow you to form an opinion about the company "Excelsior". Employee reviews are publicly available on various sites, so we had the opportunity to analyze them and conduct a conversation about this organization, based on the facts provided. In all subsequent sections of the article, we will focus specifically on the reviews of people who worked in the company.

Group of companies "Excelsior": address

All job seekers can come for an interview at the company’s office. It is located on Leningradsky Prospekt, house fifteen, building twenty eight. The company has its own e-mail box where you can send a letter with your questions or a resume indicating the vacancy.

Also, you can always call the office by phone and find out what time the interview for a particular vacancy is held. Typically, administrators at the other end of the wire always specify the package of documents that you need to bring with you.

Company Jobs

The clients of Excelsior (we’ll provide feedback from employees in the following sections of the article) are restaurants, large production halls, supermarkets and the like. They are located in Moscow itself, regional cities and other settlements of our country.

Thanks to an extensive customer base, the company's employees offer a fairly wide list of vacancies. A professional chef, a furniture collector, a picker, or, for example, a cashier, can choose the right job for himself. Typically, applicants for a particular position have the opportunity to sort out at least one hundred vacancies. All of them with a complete and detailed list of requirements are located in the office of the company.

List of requirements for candidates

If you focus on the information written about Excelsior company in the reviews of employees, then we can say that the requirements for applicants for any vacancy are quite soft. Work can be obtained not only by residents of Russia, but also by foreign citizens.

Everyone can receive the training necessary for effective work in their chosen specialty. Moreover, even someone who does not have any work experience in principle, or one that is required from the job seeker, can come to the company.

People of any age are accepted for work, but keep in mind that those who are not yet eighteen years old must bring written permission for work from parents or official guardians to the office for an interview.

Interview Features

The feedback on the work of former employees of the company contains information that many applicants are surprised by the small and not too clean office of the company. Some note that the manual is not at the indicated time and has to wait more than an hour.

In addition, interviews are often conducted by incompetent people who cannot provide reliable information on all issues of interest to applicants. Often, even at the interview stage, management behaves rudely and openly disrespectfully. This repels so many people who are looking for work. Even urgent need cannot force them to start cooperating with this organization.

However, another part of the applicants notes that they were polite and helpful, the wait for the interview did not last more than fifteen minutes, and the call based on the results of the meeting arrived on the promised two or three days.

Working conditions

Most often, newly minted company employees work on a rotational basis. They sign a contract according to which they undertake to work forty-five days without days off at the selected facility. After returning, they have the right to receive the money earned.

At each facility there is a team leader who maintains a time sheet and is responsible for all organizational issues, starting with the meeting of employees and ending with their medical care. It depends on him how comfortable the working conditions will be.

Some employees of the company are unhappy with the working and accommodation conditions, expecting a better option. Many lived in a one-room apartment in the company of fifteen colleagues, but others were "lucky" to be with the same number of workers in the dormitory room. Naturally, such conditions affect the mood and performance of people. In addition, among the brigade leaders there were outright louts and those who abuse alcohol. They arrange night fights and constantly humiliate their subordinates.

In fairness, it is worth saying that complaints against such foremen were dealt with fairly quickly. The management of the company took some off the watch and sent new people who knew how and wanted to work. Therefore, they quickly established life and solved all housing issues. Thus, the situation was corrected and the working spirit of the whole team was restored.

In some cases, the nutrition of employees became a problem. At the conclusion of the contract, each applicant is promised a complete free meal. But on a watch it turns out that food is provided only once a day, and besides, its cost is calculated from the total amount of wages.

Keep in mind that Excelsior management calculates the fare from employees to the place of work and vice versa. Always clarify this point before concluding a contract.

Excelsior: salary

In terms of wages, some company employees spoke out extremely negatively. The fact is that many reviews indicate that the company's management promises timely payments of earned money, which will be made in full after returning from the shift. But the reality is not so rosy - more than half of the employees (judging by the reviews) received only part of their money. Another twenty percent were left without a salary at all, and only about twenty-five to thirty percent of the company's employees said they received the money without any problems, but minus the food, the cost of delivery to the place of work, and the health record.

By the way, it was the last moment that the deceived workers were most unhappy with. When choosing a vacancy, the management of the organization often clarifies that there is no need for applicants to draw up a health book. In fact, it is drawn up initially at the expense of the company, and then the amount spent is calculated from the employee. In some cases, it reaches twelve thousand rubles.

However, for all negative reviews about the work, the company management has its own weighty arguments. It claims that those who truly work always receive their full money. But loafers and people who abuse alcohol, skipping their shifts, rightly remain without most of the wages.

Job application

At the interview, each applicant is told about official employment. Even those who plan to find a part-time job at Excelsior have the opportunity to get an entry in the work book and white wages.


I would especially like to talk about the system of fines adopted by the company. Interestingly, most reviews noted that the signing of the contract emphasizes the need to work out a full forty-five days. Otherwise, employees will be fined.

For example, if you fall ill and cannot fulfill your duties, then penalties will be applied to you, expressed in writing off a certain amount from your salary. Of course, this does not seem fair to everyone, but do not forget that you are on a shift. Therefore, no one else can replace you, and, therefore, it is worth calculating your physical and moral strength.

Brief Summary

Of course, on the Internet a company and its activities are sometimes described in diametrically opposite colors. Some say that they are very happy with the work and have already gone on a few shifts with a break of a month. Moreover, each time, working conditions improved, and wages were at least forty thousand rubles. But other former employees of Excelsior argue that they will never work here again. In addition, they complain about fines and poor management attitude. Who knows if this is true? Do not forget that people's opinions are always subjective.

Should I get a job at Excelsior? We don’t know, it's up to you. But still, we think that everyone should make this decision, relying only on their own experience.