career management

Want to be successful at work? Avoid 5 types of people!

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Want to be successful at work? Avoid 5 types of people!

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Success at work is very important for many, and it often depends on the people with whom we work. In this aspect, the work should contain such elements as respect, mutual understanding, recognition and comfort. To get all this, you need to learn how to avoid certain types of people that you may meet at your workplace.

1. Negative employee

If you have an employee who constantly complains about everything and everyone, then the chances are high that you will fall under his negative influence. People with a negative type of thinking have the power to convey a similar mood to others, which in turn affects the level of your ability to work, academic performance and motivation in the workplace. It also leads to depression and detachment, since it is difficult to enjoy work if your colleague constantly complains about it. To improve the situation, limit your communication with similar people and set unbounded boundaries. Of course, sometimes you still have to communicate, but keep such situations to a minimum. Spend more time with happy and positive-minded people, which will also allow you to feel better and, accordingly, work with high motivation and more productive.

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2. Disrespectful employee

If you have a person at work who is rude towards you, gossipsing about you or expressing disrespectful things in your face, then be careful not to contact such a person, and also, if necessary, contact your boss. If you spend time with someone who does not respect you, then it is difficult to be happy and enjoy the work process. In addition, if your colleague does not respect your opinion, your knowledge and skills, as well as your contribution to the work, then it will be more difficult for you to be successful and have the right level of performance and activity.

3. The thief

What could be worse than disrespect, low salaries or lack of recognition? A precedent creates a truly negative situation when your employee takes credit for the work that you have done. If this happens on a regular basis, then it makes you feel lazy, as well as incompetent in your business. Also, such people have a bad effect on your reputation at work and on your salary level, because from the outside it may seem that you are doing less than others. If such a negative situation is present at your workplace, then you need to resolve it as soon as possible. Talk to such a person openly, and if this continues, then seek help from your boss or other colleagues. In any case, leave the case in this form is impossible.

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4. A person who constantly wants something

If your colleague constantly forgives you to help with some tasks and the result is a situation where you have to finish your work after the end of the official working day or on the weekend, then you must stop this practice. Of course, sometimes you need to help employees, because it creates a comfortable and friendly atmosphere in the workplace, but if this happens very often and you see that the person is just using you, then it must be stopped immediately. Such situations will have a bad effect on your level of performance and activity, which will also reduce your motivation and the process of getting pleasure from the work done. It is especially difficult to work if such a person is your boss. In this case, you may even need to change your place of work, since it is difficult to maintain motivation and activity if you constantly perform tasks of others.

5. Distracted employee

You probably have colleagues who are constantly busy with anything, but not with their own business. They constantly talk on the phone, drink coffee or tea or do other unnecessary things. If such a person is near you, then it also becomes difficult for you to concentrate on work. You will subconsciously be distracted by his conversations over the phone, or he will constantly drag you into empty conversations, chatter and gossip, which will negatively affect your performance. If you have such colleagues and they are doing something similar or any other things that distract you from doing your work, then you need to openly talk about it and find a way out of this situation, as this reduces your activity, productivity and motivation in the workplace and does not allow you to achieve success.

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