career management

How to take off from work for the benefit of a career

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How to take off from work for the benefit of a career

Video: How to get back to work after a career break | Carol Fishman Cohen 2024, July

Video: How to get back to work after a career break | Carol Fishman Cohen 2024, July

Studies show that 89% of workers waste part of their time. Most of them believe that interruptions increase their productivity. And they are right. And most of all - those breaks when you completely disconnect from work. What is it useful to do between work and how does this affect a career?

When you "stick" in social networks, watch cool videos or read books, then you yourself perceive this as a waste of time. Actually, it’s worth spending only 5 minutes switching to other things, as new ideas will fall on you and you will solve the problem in a non-standard way.

When you get tired of working or get stuck on a difficult task, try one of these.

1. Take a walk

Fresh air, sunbathing, and movement are all that blood needs to circulate faster, thereby improving concentration, memory, and performance.

2. Chat with colleagues

An experiment was conducted at one call center. It turned out that workers who were allowed to talk with colleagues during working hours made more calls than those who were not distracted. Light chatter also relieved stress from work.

3. Take a nap

Yes, yes, if you have such an opportunity, 20 minutes of naps will clear your mind and charge your battery for the rest of the day.

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4. Read a book

People who read books, especially fiction, are more social. By reading the latest bestseller, you increase your emotional rate and intuition.

5. Take a look at the Internet

Walking through websites that aren’t related to your activity will give your brain relaxation and inspiration.

6. Dream

The best ideas come in the most “inactive” places - in the shower, in the toilet, in the traffic jam, in bed, because there our thoughts are carried away to the most unpredictable distances. Scientists have proven that certain brain activity flares up when we dream and are mentally in a different place. And the activity of these parts of the brain pushes you to solve real problems.

7. Meditate

Even a short meditation will reduce stress and improve overall health.

8. Go on holiday planning

Vacation planning stimulates the production of hormones of happiness. If you are stuck in solving unsolvable problems, take a break, look at the hotels in Liguria, find out what beaches are there, where they prepare the best lasagna and how much is basil ice cream - in a word, dream, and you will feel better.

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