career management

How to get to the police if there is a call?

How to get to the police if there is a call?

Video: When you call the Police on the Police 2024, July

Video: When you call the Police on the Police 2024, July

There are many people who really want to work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs - this is the vocation of their soul, so the question of how to get a job in the police is very urgent for them. Of course, there is no doubt that the applicant must be healthy physically, psychologically and morally, and therefore not have any debts to the law, and also be well educated. It is for such people that the police service is suitable.

Graduates of secondary schools often write in questionnaires: "I want to work in the police." Such a desire is not only commendable, but also feasible, because in the internal affairs bodies good ordinary employees are needed. When selecting them, they do not impose such stringent requirements as on middle-level employees, and especially senior officers in the police, where the level of education should be appropriate.

There is a misconception in society that if an army service has not been completed, then it makes no sense to hope for work in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Many young people who have not served in the army are concerned about how to get into the police, because they do not know that service in the armed forces gives the applicant a certain advantage, but this is not a necessary condition.

Of course, the post of investigator or investigator is given to people who have already graduated or are studying at the university, at the law faculty. Teachers and economists are in demand among police officers. Teachers receive positions in departments working with youth, and economists deal with violations in economic activity. Therefore, many young people, considering how to get into the police, pre-select the appropriate specialty when entering the university.

The police are good drivers, athletes, engineers, so you need to start the service by contacting a specialist from the personnel department about the available vacancies. Each applicant for the position undergoes a special medical commission, which includes examination by a psychiatrist. At the interview with a psychiatrist, the applicant is asked test questions, logical tasks and draw conclusions about the adequacy of the person based on the answers received.

Only with confirmation of the required level of health can one hope to get a position. But what if the physical condition let us down, and the medical board did not issue an admission? Do not despair. Because health can be improved even if serious chronic diseases are discovered. And then you can again go through a professional medical commission. In addition, medical contraindications for police service will not be an obstacle in order to find another job in this area, where the health requirements are not so stringent.

While the applicant for the position in the police undergoes a medical examination, special officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs examine his biography and examine personal data. Moreover, this type of verification is mandatory for every employee of any rank and title and captures not only the applicant for the position, but also his close circle. You can’t admit to the ranks of the police those people who have a connection with the underworld, or who themselves are not in tune with the law.

That is why before getting into the police, you need to prepare in advance physically, psychologically, morally and boldly to act.