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Which car is better for a taxi? Features, types, classes, advantages and rating of car models for working in a taxi

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Which car is better for a taxi? Features, types, classes, advantages and rating of car models for working in a taxi

Video: CAR Parts: Names of Parts of a Car in English with Pictures | Auto Parts 2024, June

Video: CAR Parts: Names of Parts of a Car in English with Pictures | Auto Parts 2024, June

For those who plan to make money by private carriage, the first question that arises is the choice of a car. You need to understand that for personal needs and for working in a taxi you need completely different cars. It is not the potential driver’s own needs that come to the fore, but the preferences of passengers, as well as reliability, efficiency and some other characteristics. We will consider them in more detail.


Once all the taxis traveling around the streets were state-owned. Therefore, there was no need to choose a car. Usually they were standard Volga of various shades.

Times have changed, and now there is a heated debate among drivers on the topic that is always relevant to them, which car is better for a taxi. Of course, no one will give a universal answer. There are many nuances to consider:

  • car class;
  • benefits etc.

Typically, drivers, deciding which car is better for a taxi, prefer economical models to operate. In the process of choosing a new or used car, experts recommend not buying a saloon car, especially Russian-made cars. A similar vehicle that has been in use can cost significantly less. As for domestic models, passengers often treat them with distrust. Yes, and drivers who choose which car is better for a taxi, they also do not inspire confidence.

By the way, if you plan out-of-town trips, for example, for small companies, you can consider the option of acquiring a minibus.

You need to understand that private transportation has other features. Working alone can be not only unprofitable, but even dangerous. In the absence of experience, you can get a company that is professionally engaged in private transportation. In this case, you don’t have to decide which car is better for a taxi. You also don’t need to search for customers.


When deciding which car is best to use in a taxi, there are many criteria to consider. In particular, the costs associated with regular maintenance of the vehicle. Let's list the main points that a taxi driver needs to lay in his own budget.

List of expenses

  • Fuel. The car can work on the basis of gas, gasoline or fuel. The taxi driver needs to calculate the economic feasibility of each type of fuel in advance, taking into account previous work experience. It is impossible to say unequivocally which car is better for working in a taxi.
  • Butter. Another consumable item that needs to be changed regularly. Experts do not recommend saving on car maintenance by buying low-quality oil. Indeed, in the future this can result in more costly breakdowns, respectively, downtime and lack of income. After all, a car brings money to a taxi driver only when he is engaged in transporting passengers. On average, oil needs to be changed every ten thousand kilometers traveled.
  • Depreciation. Even if you carefully operate the car, which not every taxi driver can boast of, many parts still wear out. They recommend timely replacement. Even those drivers who operate the best taxi cars are unable to avoid this.
  • Rubber. Another expense item for the driver. Twice a year, seasonal tires will have to be installed. In addition, periodically have to buy new sets of tires, as they have a maximum degree of wear.
  • Unplanned expenses. It is not possible for a taxi driver to calculate all expenses in advance. There is no insurance against unplanned situations. For example, violation of traffic rules entails the need to pay a fine.
  • License. It doesn’t matter if the driver is engaged in a private carriage of passengers or gets a job in a specialized company. In any case, he will have to purchase a license. The absence of this document for a taxi driver can lead to some difficulties. For example, claims by law enforcement officers.

Choosing which car is best suited for a taxi, and calculating the economic benefits of its acquisition, it is recommended to consider all the criteria described above. Such a careful approach will allow the driver not to lose the extra money. It is especially true for those who use the services of bank loans and are forced to overpay for their car.

Criterias of choice

It’s not so easy to answer which is the best taxi car. Too many characteristics need to be considered with this choice. These are the wishes of the driver and the requirements of the service in which he plans to work, as well as the wishes of potential passengers.

For example, a client wants to get comfort. He needs a respectable and comfortable lounge. But for the driver, these are far from paramount criteria. Because by purchasing an expensive car, he will not be able to earn enough.

What to consider?

  • Patency. Russian roads, to put it mildly, are far from ideal. Often, taxi drivers have to drive many kilometers off-road. And this applies not only to suburban trips. Bad driving conditions are everywhere. Even without leaving the city limits, you can find many routes with frankly poor coverage. That is why a taxi driver’s car must have good cross. This will make it possible to cope even with bad roads, which are more than enough in Russia.
  • Convenience. Moreover, this criterion should be directed not only at potential passengers, but also at the taxi driver himself. After all, it was he who had to spend the entire shift in one position. You need to choose a comfortable chair. After a long drive during the shift, the taxi driver should not feel wild fatigue. As for passengers, it is advisable to choose a car in which no passengers will feel discomfort. In particular, tall and thick.
  • Spaciousness. In the practice of a taxi driver, there are different situations and customer requests. Do not exclude the possibility that you will have to perform long trips. Usually in such cases, passengers take with them a very impressive baggage. That is why a taxi driver’s car must meet similar requirements.
  • Cost. The potential income of a taxi driver depends on it. That is why, in terms of the amount of earnings, it is most profitable to purchase inexpensive cars. For example, economy class.

Classes and Views

When deciding which car is best for working in a taxi, you need to know what options are available on the market.

  • Economy class. These are the most budget options. They are often recommended in response to a question about what is the best taxi car for Russia. Economy class passengers choose because it is an opportunity to quickly and inexpensively get to the desired address.
  • Middle class. It may also be called comfort. Despite the fact that modern carriers are trying to develop this direction, which should become an intermediate option between economy and business cars, they are not very successful. Because the mid-sized car segment is incredibly blurry. In fact, it includes all taxi cars, which are slightly more expensive than budget ones.
  • Business Class. It differs not only in the high cost of the car for private transportation, but also in its approach to work. It is necessary to ensure not only the perfect functioning of the vehicle, but also visual appeal, as well as comfort. It is for a couple of these components that customers are willing to pay more.


Each type of taxi car has its own nuances. Both disadvantages and advantages.

For example, the use of an economy taxi does not bring significant income to the driver. However, the cost of maintaining the car is also minimal. In particular, due to the low cost of spare parts.

The expenses of a taxi driver of a business class car are much higher, but the income is corresponding.

Economy Rating

  • Daewoo Nexia. Passengers who use the services of low-cost carriers often prefer this particular car. The popularity of these vehicles is due to endurance, the ability to purchase inexpensive parts and the low price of the Daewoo Nexia model, manufactured in Uzbekistan.
  • Hyundai Solaris. The Korean sedan is popular not only among taxi drivers. Meets the wishes of both young families and students. Depending on the configuration, prices for Hyundai Solaris can differ almost twice.
  • Renault Logan. Another popular choice among economy class taxi drivers. They have a hardy gearbox and a similar engine. Cheaper to buy used. But you need to soberly assess the condition.

Business Rating

  • Toyota Camry. Perhaps the most popular option for taxi drivers who want to break into the business class. Toyota Camry sedan is in demand among representative citizens. Experts recommend buying a car in the cabin. It will remain presentable longer than a used counterpart.
  • Mercedes E-Class refers to premium cars. Cheaper than the previous option. Therefore, taxi drivers can pay attention to used cars.

The cost of acquiring a car for a business-class taxi is quite high. However, this compensates for the higher rates set for customers who want to get comfortable conditions during the trip. With a steady flow of passengers, business-class taxi drivers manage to make enough money.