
How to create the right resume for an architect?

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How to create the right resume for an architect?



Statistics determined that one of the most sought-after professions in the next twenty years will be the profession of an architect. In the past, the low popularity of workers in this field in our country is explained by the utilitarian approach to private construction and urban planning. A whole generation of panel houses and "Khrushchev" was erected without much involvement of professionals.

However, times are changing. The construction market craves fresh ideas, needs a modern approach and competent execution of construction projects. Therefore, the work of an architect is prestigious in our time - this is an excellent perspective for creative people.

What does an architect do

This profession, known since ancient times, allows you to combine art and engineering. Therefore, in addition to the most obvious occupation: the design of structures and buildings, the work of an architect is closely related to interior design, urban landscaping, and the creation of parks. There is a more extended specialization - urban development and urban studies. Now there is a tendency to narrow architectural specialties. This is due to the fact that construction projects are becoming more complicated and understanding all of their types at once is a very difficult task.

The direct responsibilities of the architect include the planning of the future structure. This is the design of the building, and the technical design of the project, and control of the entire construction process. Not an easy task. In order to carry out an order efficiently, you need to know your business and love it.

The specialty of the architect is now in demand in our country. This fact is confirmed by numerous vacancies on specialized job search sites. However, there are also quite a lot of people with an architect's education. Therefore, it is important not to miss your chance, look for the best offers and submit a resume.


In order to become an architect, secondary specialized education is enough. Of course, specialists with university diplomas are in a privileged position. However, a red diploma is not always an indicator of excellent knowledge and professional acumen. The employer often understands this. Many large companies take architects with education from a college or technical school, and then send them to further training. They "grow" professionals for themselves and for themselves.

average salary

Work as an architect can bring the following income:

  • in Moscow - from 43,000 to 52,000 rubles;
  • in St. Petersburg - from 36,000 to 46,000 rubles;
  • the average figure across Russia is from 25,000 to 30,000 rubles.

How to get a good job

Of course, any decent company will conduct the selection when searching for employees. And in order to facilitate their task, they will ask for a resume before inviting a future colleague for an interview.

Work should always be treated responsibly, as well as its search. The resume of the architect is his first and most important project. A well-written document is the first step towards your goal. The main task in compiling it is to convince the employer that it is you who should be invited to the next stage of selection. It remains to figure out how to do this.

The right approach

It’s not so difficult to make a good story about what kind of specialist you are, it’s enough to take into account a few rules.

  1. More specifics. Remember that the answers to all questions must be clear and concise. Indicate the specific position that you want to occupy, your skills necessary for this particular place of work, the exact amount that you plan to earn. No need to breed drama and write something like: "Ready to discuss the salary offered by your company." The more accurately you answer the question, the more likely it is that your resume will not fly into the basket.
  2. Remember that you are creating an architect resume! This is a document that should be written in an appropriate style. Do not get too sprayed and try to joke and flirt with the employer. You are not planning on going on a date, but on an important business meeting. Also discard the “water” in your text. Specify specific information, and do not write an epic novel.
  3. Avoid personal information. Your personal life does not bother anyone and you do not need to indicate a large amount of information. Refrain from the exact address of residence, passport number, etc. In the selection of candidates in the first place is what kind of specialist you are, in the second - personal qualities. Therefore, it is better to delete all unnecessary data about yourself. This list also includes links to profiles on social networks. If the information does not speak about your professional skills and is not required by the company itself, then it is not needed.
  4. Grammar is the root of all evil. A well-composed resume of the architect should not contain a single error, so carefully check the text for spelling. Believe me, knowledge of the Russian language will add you some extra points in the selection.
  5. Do not lie! An architect is a profession requiring good professional skills. Imagine that you were invited for an interview, and you passed it. Now you need to show yourself to the employer. Declare yourself as a first-class specialist who knows how to properly design, make high-quality drawings, control the work process and identify errors. If the knowledge or experience that you indicated in the resume does not prove yourself, then you simply lose your and other people's time. It’s not enough to sit in a soft and comfortable chair in a large company, you still need to stay in it.
  6. It is desirable to have a photograph. Since the document is official, then the photo should be appropriate. Of course, no one asks to be photographed as a passport, but the pictures from the last party in this case will not work either.

Sample Architect Summary

Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich

Personal data: 30 years;

married, two children.

Contact Information: Address: Moscow, Zvenigorod highway.

Phone: +7 999 999 99 99


Purpose: Get a job in the company "Camomile & Co" as an architect-designer.
Desired Salary: 30 000 rubles.
Education: University - …

Specialty - …

Years of study - 2000-2005.

Additional courses - …

(indicate all periods of professional development that you had).

Languages: Russian is the main one.

English is intermediate.

Extra skills: Professional PC skills;

Knowledge of programs: …

(specify in the resume of the architect exactly those skills that will be really useful in your work).

Work experience and



From 2005 to 2015 he worked in the company "Vasilek" - a large company involved in urban planning. Tell us a little about the company and the position you held in the past.

It is very important to indicate achievements, if any. For example, about participation in the creation of a scale project, about victories in competitions, etc.

Personal qualities: In this section, specify only the data that is needed specifically for the resume of the architect.

Do not put your thoughts, texts of your own composition and publication in the resume. All this is superfluous. Your resume should fit on one page, a maximum of two. Excessive brevity is also destructive and will not add to your solidity. Filling in the main fields and graphs is the main task.