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Cavist - who is he, what is he doing? Elite Specialist

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Cavist - who is he, what is he doing? Elite Specialist

Video: ✅Wine Cooler: Best Wine Cooler (Buying Guide) 2024, July

Video: ✅Wine Cooler: Best Wine Cooler (Buying Guide) 2024, July

Over the past century, the world has changed beyond recognition. The once smooth and measured course of life, centuries-old foundations and traditions are breaking on the rapid stream of modernity. Scientists, engineers, and simply talented and persistent people come up with something new and exciting every day. How can an ordinary person keep track of all these innovations and keep abreast of events, if not all, then at least the most important and relevant? Special guides and guides who can tell about all the intricacies and nuances of a particular science or side of life can help everyone interested in this or that issue.

Now you will not surprise anyone with a personal stylist, personal financial consultant or spiritual guru. Whether it’s the case, if at your disposal is a representative of a new and incredibly interesting profession - Cavist. Who is this, what does he do and where does he live?

Cavist: briefly on the main thing

The word “cavist” has French roots and in the original sounds like cave, which in translation into Russian can be interpreted as “cellar”. To be more precise, it is the wine cellar. So Cavist - who is it? The man who makes the cellar? No, this is the one who knows everything about the most valuable content of dark, humid and cool rooms - about wine.

Such a profession as Cavist is now widely heard by many, but not everyone knows about its features. Most often, it is associated with those who taste elite alcohol. There is some truth in this, but the matter does not concern the entire alcohol assortment, but only wine.

Multifaceted personality

True, this only at first glance seems simple and straightforward. "What's so complicated?" - the uninitiated person will ask. Try all kinds of different kinds of wine for yourself, know the main differences between dry and sweet, advise with what is better to use white, and when red comes up, - here is all the wisdom that a cavist should know. Who will argue this, does not understand the whole depth of the profession and how much you need to be able to, know and understand for a person working as a consultant in a good liquor store.

The cavist industry is specialized in wine boutiques. These are very specific stores in which elite alcohol is sold differently than in ordinary retail outlets. In a good liquor store, all conditions must be created for the proper storage of goods, and its employees, who are also called sales consultants, are generally a special people.

A person who claims to be a cavist must have a developed sense of taste and smell, be able to communicate with completely different people, be sociable, erudite and competent, have pleasant manners and appearance. It is simply impossible to list all the requirements and preferences of employers, and for many they differ. It is important for one that a person has at least elementary ideas about wine, and that he will be taught everything else on the spot, while others primarily look at the personal qualities of the future cavist, and specially trained people are ready to take up the development of taste and olfactory memory.


The main objective of a cavist will always be sales. A poor person cannot be a visitor, and therefore a potential buyer in a wine boutique, people come to such establishments consciously, though not always clearly understanding what they need. The profession of Cavist suggests that a person will be able to reach out to his interlocutor, talk to him and offer him his perfect drink.

To do this, it is important to have certain skills of a psychologist, it is necessary to be able to work with different people, among which quite gloomy and intractable specimens are often found. The consultant needs to anticipate the desires of his clients, as well as to remember the history of communication with each of his customers, in order to study the circle of his interests and tastes, to have an idea of ​​what he loves and does not accept.

Holiday Man

Many are also interested in this question: a good cavist - who is it, man or woman? Are there any sexual preferences on this path? The answer is unequivocal: no. A successful wine consultant can be both sexes. It is important for some buyers to cooperate with a male seller, while others are more comfortable and pleasant to communicate with a girl. Since this profession is very young in our country, many dare to master it, achieving solid success in the shortest possible time.

Continuous improvement is important here. Self-giving is important, self-development. Cavists who have been working in the wine business for more than a year, over time, “grow up” with their own client base, generous customers who listen to the opinion of their seller and thank him for the holiday presented.

But during communication with the client, the cavist must create a special, trusting atmosphere, he must be able to verbally convey what he knows from personal feelings, he must through primitive words express the fullness of the taste and aroma of a wine, make it juicy, colorful and understandable.

Man manager

In addition to working directly on the trading floor, the seller of elite wine has quite everyday and routine affairs in the list of daily duties. He must maintain a good assortment in his institution, for this, the Cavist communicates with existing suppliers, looks for new ones, expands his client base, eliminating those who offer low-quality or slow-moving goods, replacing them with more cost-effective partners.

Acceptance of goods, their rotation, window dressing - all these are also the direct duties of a consultant in a wine boutique. Often you have to deal with special customers, look for them unique varieties of wines, get scarce and rare items. It is difficult to call this work light and dustless. To understand who a cavist is and what he does, you need to join this profession, feel its pros and cons on yourself.

Encyclopedia Man

For those who have tried themselves in this field, often an insurmountable obstacle is the task of keeping in mind a lot of information, of a very different nature. A Cavist not only knows everything about wine, he also knows where, how, when, and what they made him from. He needs to remember such subtleties as the climate of those or other regions where grapes grow, in which year was a good year for its cultivation, and when the summer was wet and rainy. All these nuances affect the taste of the product, which must be remembered forever, once tasted.

In addition to the aromas and tastes of elite intoxicated drinks, Cavist needs to help the client choose snacks. This process can be the opposite, because there are cases when a buyer comes for a specific purpose to buy wine for a particular dish, the taste of which should be fully revealed through good alcohol. It happens that the cavist has to help draw up not only a wine list for the client, but also sketch out an approximate menu for the evening.

Do not confuse with sommelier

A similar, but somewhat different in terms of complexity and goals, is the profession of sommelier. A cavist is a person who works in a store, he sells wine, he needs to understand hundreds and even thousands of its types, be able to read the label in such a way as to remember the taste and aroma of the contents of the bottle, while giving the buyer comprehensive information about the drink.

The sommelier also thoroughly understands wine and other elite alcoholic drinks, but he works with what is available at his establishment. The wine list of restaurants rarely exceeds one hundred positions, most often the choice there is much poorer. This does not mean that being a taster and consultant in a restaurant is easier, not at all. During work, the sommelier must not only learn the taste of wine, he must be able to combine it with the dishes served, so that they are a successful duet, and not drown each other.

Difficulties of the profession

Being a Cavist is very interesting and fascinating, but this profession is fraught with a number of specific difficulties and features. Taste and olfactory receptors are the work tools of a wine consultant, which must be preserved, developed and carefully preserved.

It seems to the uninitiated that this work borders on the constant drinking of strong drinks, which entails unpleasant consequences in the form of alcoholism, but this is far from the case. In order to avoid such a scenario, the Cavist must be able to control himself. There is always alcohol in his access zone: winemakers send free samples, new lots arrive, frequent presentations and tastings require the seller to taste wine literally daily. Before becoming a cavist, you need to ask yourself the question: can I just taste the wine and not get addicted to the intoxicated drink? To feel a bouquet of taste and aroma, it is not necessary to even swallow alcohol, just inhale its smell in a glass, sip a small amount of the drink, and then spit it.

Lifelong Learning

Many people wonder how to get a specialty such as Cavist. The training takes place at special courses directly at the wine boutique, where the consultant will soon work. However, a rather short briefing will give only general concepts about the upcoming work, teach the basics, and everything else is in the hands of the youngest specialist.

He will have daily self-improvement, hard work on himself. A cavist must constantly hone his sense of smell and sense of taste. A universal collection of wine aromas has been developed for this. It is called the “nose of wine”. This is a collection of the most common fragrances that a consultant will have to deal with, without knowing this basis, he simply cannot work.

Many pros attend courses and exhibitions in other countries, at various wineries, in order to learn perfectly the history and process of creating drinks from each manufacturer, which greatly helps them in their future work.