career management

Who to work if you don’t know what you want? Choice of profession. Business ideas

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Who to work if you don’t know what you want? Choice of profession. Business ideas

Video: How To Decide On A Career 2024, July

Video: How To Decide On A Career 2024, July

Quite often, after graduation or a secondary special institution, young people face a dilemma: who to work if you don’t know what you want? The specialty indicated in the diploma is far from always the limit of dreams or was chosen by chance at all. We will try to find out in this article how to find an occupation that suits your soul and abilities, which will bring decent income.

The most popular and highly paid professions in Russia

It is quite logical to start by clarifying the question: what kind of specialists does the Russian labor market need today? According to the official data of the Ministry of Labor, the leaders in the list of professions with the highest salary are such romantic specialties as the captain of an ocean ship (with a monthly salary of about half a million rubles) and the aircraft commander (about 360 thousand rubles). The third place belongs to the main technologists in the field of gold mining, their income is about 320 thousand rubles.

In addition, the top ten highest salaries are professions:

  • coaches of hockey teams - about 300 thousand;
  • heads of construction sites - about 250 thousand;
  • dentists and risk managers - up to 200 thousand;
  • electrical engineers - about 195 thousand;
  • IT specialists - up to 190 thousand;
  • pilots - 180 thousand rubles.

Ten of the necessary professions

The most popular and highly paid professions in Russia are not always the same thing. We have already figured out a little about salaries, now we will consider who the employers are most in need of today.

First of all, “hands and minds” are waiting for the field of information technology, the need for specialists is extremely high, be it system administrators, programmers, web programmers, etc. The IT sphere is developing more and more every day, therefore, demand is growing.

Russia urgently needs design engineers, architects and designers. Unfortunately, technical specialties are not very popular among university entrants because of the more complex learning process compared with the demanded economic and financial areas. Higher educational institutions lure students to these specialties with low passing scores.

The shortage of teaching staff is becoming more acute every day. The lack of qualified teachers is explained by the low level of remuneration. Experienced teachers eventually go on a well-deserved rest, and young specialists do not come in the right amount, because they cannot provide a normal standard of living for the teacher’s salary.

As it turned out, the legal sphere also suffers from a shortage of specialists. It would seem that over the past 20 years, young people have only studied for lawyers and economists, but the lack of serious experience gained over the years causes a shortage in this profession.

Another budget area in which there are not enough “hands” is medicine. Here the same problem as that of teachers - wages, or rather its small size. Especially in the medical field there are “narrow” specialists: nutritionists, speech therapists, ophthalmologists, otolaryngologists.

Next five

If the previous list did not help in answering the question "who should you work with if you don’t know what you want," you should pay attention to the second half in the ten most popular professions in the domestic space.

We live in an age of advertising that haunts us everywhere: on the radio, television, the Internet and even on the streets - in the form of banners, distributors of leaflets, etc. The saturation of the market with goods and services has created a need for competent marketers who can monitor it and make a forecast for the necessary products or services to date.

Also on the list of popular professions are personnel specialists involved in the selection of qualified personnel, testing and conclusion of contracts with them.

Regardless of the time, the country always needed professional workers. Skilled machinists, fitters, electricians, a welder with a high rank, extensive experience and an arsenal of skills are constantly in demand.

Modern girls and women always want to look good and carefully monitor themselves. This trend has led to the growth of beauty salons throughout the country, and, accordingly, the need for specialists in this industry.

But the environmental profession has become relevant in Russia and around the world in connection with the steadily worsening environmental situation.

Gender division

It has long been a man to find work was much easier than a woman. This is due to the difference in strength and endurance. Professions accompanied by heavy physical labor do not suit the fair half. Of course, there are ladies who have made a successful career in the field of construction, mining, raw materials, automotive, but in the general mass - this is a drop in the bucket.

When the question "what work girl?" immediately come to mind the profession of secretary, seller, hairdresser. Of course, because it is for them that truly female skills are needed: stress resistance, sociability, the desire for cleanliness and order. But the developed technical process lured some of the ladies into the IT sphere, which, in addition to its demand, assumes perseverance and attentiveness, which are inherent in women.

The next most popular sectors in the “My Future Profession” women's ranking are: medicine, PR, psychology, marketing, ecology, chemistry, service and nanotechnology.

Right choice

When you ask a young child what he wants to become, you often hear in response: “I will work as a mother, a doctor, a teacher,” etc. If you ask high school students the same question, they are most often in answer shrug. True, who to work with if you don’t know what you want? To determine this, you need to understand that incapable people, in principle, do not exist. Everyone can do something, sometimes better than others, the main thing is to understand what he is more inclined to. If some adolescents are interested in specialties with a technical component, then others prefer humanitarian ones, still others feel communicative abilities, and fourth are only interested in the world of creativity.

Everyone in their place can achieve good results if they accurately and timely recognize in themselves the inherent skills only in order to further develop them professionally. Therefore, when choosing a profession, self-determination is so important.

But no less significant aspect is the family, with its help and support in all vitally important circumstances. It is the parents who should prepare the child for the moment of independent steps on the path of professional development. After all, every day, watching their child, like no one else, they notice the peculiarities of development, inclinations, interests and behavior. Another question is whether the adolescent himself hears the opinion of the family, determined by the concept of “My future profession”, but the point of view of the parents should be expressed without fail.

Work for yourself

In the case when it is difficult to decide who to work with, if you don’t know what you want, it’s worth considering: maybe try your hand at your own business? This choice is very attractive, because here:

  • you work for yourself;
  • incomes are not limited to fixed salaries and can grow;
  • You can choose the scope of interest.

On the other hand, owning a business requires initial capital, certain organizational data, and continuous improvement: studying market conditions, legislative changes, etc. In addition, there is always a risk of “burn out” and be left with nothing.

But who does not take risks, he does not drink champagne: as people choose work, so you can choose the business that you will do on your own. And it’s not always necessary to risk big money: it may be a small starting capital or its absence at all.

Small Business Ideas

Even if financially limited, there are many directions for starting your own small business, they can even be divided into categories:

  1. A home-based business is attractive because you do not need to rent a separate room for work, and you can also combine activities with household chores. This is especially convenient for young mothers on maternity leave. The directions of activity here can be very different: from organizing a business using your own garage or garden plot to needlework profitable activities (sewing, knitting, cooking, crafts, etc.).
  2. Business in the village (village) - this area is associated with agriculture, within its framework you can engage in breeding pets, growing crops, ecotourism, raising exotic animals.
  3. Business in the resort town - in this category you can deal with the opening of mini-hotels, attractions, catering points, night discos, organization of excursions.
  4. To conduct business in a small town, it is most preferable to focus on trade and the service sector (hairdresser, shoe repair shop, machinery, etc.).
  5. The real estate sector is very attractive and reliable for their business. One of the most popular destinations available even for beginners is the sublease of apartments, when you rent an apartment on a monthly basis for a reasonable price, and rent it out daily, making a profit.

Internet business

Everyone can make money online today, if desired, and stability and the amount of income will depend on the abilities of a particular person and the efforts made. Internet business is convenient in that you can do it everywhere: both at home and in parallel with the main work, both in the metropolis and in a small provincial or resort town. In this sphere of ideas there is an “unplowed field”; if you wish, you can always find something to your liking. Feel a trading vein? Open an online store or organize online fairs.

If you have literary skills or philological education, you can engage in copywriting, web design will be close to artists. Advertising, website promotion, sales, exchanges, cryptocurrency - this is not a complete list of areas in the Internet business.

Without money

If you have a solid initial capital, which is not critical to lose, if the business does not burn out, opening your own business is easier. But what about those who do not have money or are not ready to part with the latter, so that in case of failure they can go around the world? For such situations, starting a small business from scratch is acceptable. Oddly enough, there are quite a few ideas in this direction, the most common of them are:

  • tutoring services, conducting trainings in various fields: foreign languages, dancing, photography, art drawing, culinary skills, etc.;
  • manufacturing of handmade goods and their sale;
  • organization of a travel agency;
  • conducting children's parties;
  • Courier services;
  • private accounting and legal advice;
  • psychological services;
  • assembly of furniture at home.


You can always find a work of life that will bring both pleasure and a steady income. You only need to correctly and in time recognize your own abilities and talents and move towards fulfilling your goals.