
Content manager is the mind, honor and conscience of the site

Content manager is the mind, honor and conscience of the site

Video: How Green is Your Website? with Hannah Smith of Opcan 2024, July

Video: How Green is Your Website? with Hannah Smith of Opcan 2024, July

More and more new professions are directly linked to the World Wide Web. This is understandable: after all, we not only communicate on the network, but also make purchases, obtain the necessary information, knowledge, and advice. The content manager is responsible for the content of websites, portals, platforms, message boards. This word is increasingly becoming part of the everyday life of freelancers and developers.

After all, it is one thing to acquire a domain name, buy hosting, create a website, prepare an environment for posting information. But how much the resource will be interesting to users and visitors, whether it will be attractive to advertisers, whether it can sell goods or services, depends on its content.

A content manager is the person responsible for the content of a site or portal. Sometimes this position combines the functions of a journalist, copywriter, photographer and graphic designer. But more often than not, a content manager is an employee who only posts materials (texts and illustrations) provided to him by performers and authors. At the same time, he must monitor the relevance of the information, the observance of the resource policy, the appropriate content of certain sections and categories.

What other responsibilities may include a job description for a content manager? Sometimes he must independently select the semantic core for a specific topic of the site and, in accordance with it, come up with topics for future articles.

What is meant? For example, if the portal is dedicated to the repair and design of premises, the content manager is exactly the employee who is one of the first to make a list of the main and secondary keywords related to this topic. On such a resource, advice on raising children or growing tomatoes would be inappropriate. Therefore, the content manager should clearly indicate this in the instructions for the authors. Then he distributes tasks between copywriters, selects appropriate illustrations, monitors the uniqueness of texts and graphics, and observes copyright. On some resources, copyright photographs are published, on others - images from image banks.

Responsible for compliance with the resource policy is also the content manager. Training, as a rule, can take from two to three days to a week, depending on the complexity of the content management system - or CMS. If it is publicly available and widely distributed (such as Joomla! Or Wordpress, or, for example, Magento), then it’s easy to master the publication process. In the case of copyright or self-written

Learning engines may take a little longer.

Often, the content manager also acts as a moderator - it deletes texts or comments that do not comply with the portal’s policies, which violate ethical principles or legislation, and also include insulting or hateful entries. He is also responsible for the variety and uniqueness of articles and notes. It is difficult for the creator or owner of the site to keep track of all the information up to date, and a "freeze" on the obsolete data portal can greatly damage the reputation of the resource. On the Internet, news and messages spread lightning fast and quickly lose their freshness. Therefore, the position of a content manager for virtual newspapers, magazines, news portals is especially relevant. It is he who, in close cooperation, coordinates the work of journalists, copywriters, photographers and promotion specialists.