career management

Who is a dog handler? What does the dog handler do? Features of the profession dog handler

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Who is a dog handler? What does the dog handler do? Features of the profession dog handler



Who is a dog handler? Believe me, this is not just a profession. This is a vocation, lifestyle, call of the soul. Read about what qualities a dog handler should have, what this specialist does, where and how training takes place, read in the article.

Can a dog breeder be called a dog handler?

Judge for yourself. Who is a dog breeder? This is a man holding a dog at home. He takes care of the animal, feeds, walks, comb out, makes vaccinations. This is a dog lover. And who is a dog handler? This is a specialist. Moreover, a graduate. With specialization. For example, on training or on examination. In a word, a dog breeder differs from a dog handler just like a student from a professor at an institute. One is only at the beginning of the journey, the other is already a professional. Moreover, it is quite possible that an amateur will someday become a good dog handler.

“Knights without fear”

Let's start with officialdom. To the question: “Who is a dog handler?” modern literature and reference books say something like this: "This is a specialist involved in the breeding and training (training) of dogs."

And everything seems to be correct, but somehow it’s very dry and meager. A dog handler is a knight without fear. Both figuratively and literally. If we consider the very exact meaning, then initially “Ritter” (German) meant a heavily armed equestrian warrior. The complete equipment of the dog handler really resembles knightly equipment - during operation the whole body must be protected. Otherwise, the dog trainer may suffer (especially in the early stages of training). Protective clothing is called a dress suit. Most often it is needed by the defendants - people who help to train dogs according to the program of ZKS, IPO (IPO), etc.

“But if the horse is on the horse! "You say. And you will be right. Today, the expression "on horseback" means "fully armed." In order to be invulnerable, besides fearlessness, attentiveness, knowledge, confidence and … absolute contact with the dog are necessary. After all, who is a canine really? This is a person who understands and feels a dog. Agree - a good dog handler on a template system will not work. He really feels the animal and is able to predict its future actions. The real instructor will pick up the key to any dog.

Profession Features

What should a dog handler be able to do? What does this person do? Perhaps you should first list the main areas in cynology:

  • guard;

  • patronage;

  • driving;

  • shepherd;

  • hunting;

  • decorative;

  • official.

Typically, dog handlers specialize in one particular of them. What exactly the specialist does depends on the direction of work. This may be, for example, breeding dogs. Here you need to clearly know the genetics and general issues of veterinary medicine, to understand the exterior features of the breed.

It may seem that dog breeding is a simple matter. However, the opinion is very, very wrong. A person who does not understand this issue will definitely harm the breed, a good dog handler will only improve it. Or bring a new one, devoting his life to his cause.

The work of a dog trainer is associated with training (raising) dogs: teaching teams, instilling obedience, and correcting behavior problems. Such specialists can work in dog breeding clubs, in the police, in nurseries. Private practice is also possible.

The direction of training can be any. Not only service dogs are capable of serving. For example, toy spaniels might indicate sources of harmful mold in homes. Or be dog therapists. Do not be surprised - there is also a medical cynology. It is also called dog therapy. It is indicated for children suffering from various kinds of neurological ailments (cerebral palsy, Down syndrome).

Communication with dogs helps to develop memory and emotionality, improve coordination of movements. This was also mentioned by the psychiatrist Levinson (1961). Shaggy therapists can lead people out of a coma. Unfortunately, in our country, canister therapy in its development takes only the first steps. I would like to believe that there will be much more good shaggy healers of souls. In some large cities, specialized canine centers specializing in canine therapy have already been opened. Many dog ​​handlers help shelters for dogs, creating as comfortable conditions for tailed guests as possible and putting them in really good hands.


The narrow specialization of further work will depend on the chosen direction:

- work with dogs with a specific genotype;

- training dogs for specific purposes (specialized or narrow training), such as guide dogs, rescue dogs, guard dogs, detective dogs, dogs for drug search, etc.;

- instructing novice dog breeders.

Place of work

Where is the canine dog most often working? What the dog specialist does, we’ve already found out. Now we find out where their services are most often required.

Most of all, the cynologist profession is needed in the Department of Internal Affairs (cynologist policeman), at the border, at customs, in nurseries and dog training centers (clubs, departments). Unfortunately, really good specialists in the field of dog breeding are few.

Therefore, if you can establish yourself as a knowledgeable and knowledgeable dog handler (or instructor), you will always have work. The profession of dog handler is in constant demand.

Necessary qualities

It’s not enough just to love dogs. And specialized education here is also not enough. A dog handler must possess certain qualities: patience, determination, perseverance, observation, good self-control, and the ability to react with lightning speed. Moreover, the latter quality is no less important than all the others.

For example, when working out the elements of the ZKS, which is simply called protection in the common people, any reaction of the dog can be expected. Especially if this is only the first lesson. By no means always dogs go (bite, grab) for a special grip or training sleeve, which the instructor puts forward. Some animals “trick”, noting the most vulnerable spot for an attack. Some may rush to their feet, others - in the throat. Imagine how training can end if the dog handler for at least a second loses vigilance and is confused.

Physical fitness is also very important. The work of a dog handler takes up a lot of energy, so unprepared people quickly get tired and even quit this lesson. The pace of work is so high that dozens of thousands who want to learn this difficult profession remain. And only a few become true professionals. In addition, dog handlers "live" on training sites. Do not think that the instructor works on a schedule of "from eight to twelve." These are frequent trips, training camps, seminars, retraining courses, competitions, rallies. The work of a dog handler is a way of life.

Can a girl become a dog handler?

Of course, if she has the qualities listed above. Moreover, there are more and more dog handlers now. Stereotypes have long been broken. And observations prove: the dog perceives the female voice better than the male voice. Although serious and lengthy debates are underway on this issue. However, the fact that the female dog handler is not inferior to the male instructor (of course, with the same knowledge, training and experience) is already a fact.

Training (dog training courses)

If you already have a dog and you are registered with the dog department, try contacting its head. As a rule, serious clubs train narrow specialists - dog trainers, experts.

Training is conducted either on the basis of branches, or with departure to another city (in the direction). At the end of the courses, exams are taken and only then a degree is given that indicates the level of training of the dog handler.

If we are talking about training with higher education, it is worth considering such centers as: Federal Penitentiary Service (Law Institute, Voronezh); Federal Penitentiary Service (College of Law, Perm); border institutions in the cities of Khabarovsk, Moscow, Kaliningrad, Golitsyno, Kurgan.