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Pilot - who is this? Or a scientific approach to the love of the sea

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Pilot - who is this? Or a scientific approach to the love of the sea

Video: class_4_science_chapter_no_13_air_water_and_weather_part_3_16_february_2021 2024, July

Video: class_4_science_chapter_no_13_air_water_and_weather_part_3_16_february_2021 2024, July

At least once in a lifetime, every person pronounces the phrase: “And who is the pilot?” A person proudly bearing this title is a navigator, assistant to the captain, who knows the coastal zone like the back of his hand and is capable of bringing the ship to port in a safe way under any weather conditions.

The position of a pilot is one of the prestigious and well-paid maritime professions. No modern sea or river vessel can do without the services of this specialist. The first answer to the question: "Who is the pilot?" can be read in a book about the coastal navigations of Western Europe, written around 500 BC

The first representatives of this interesting ancient profession were Arabs, who tended to use nautical charts, a compass and other navigational instruments.

Pilot, or ship guide

The science of the passage of pilots is an integral part of the art of navigation. Not a single sea voyage is complete without the participation of a pilot. And let, perhaps, practically not a single passenger during the sea cruise cares about the question: “Pilot - who is this?”, But this happens precisely because the ship safely moves off the coast and reaches it again safely. To learn more about the profession of a pilot, you should turn, first of all, to books on romantic sea voyages. It is in them that the meaning of the word “pilot” is revealed in the best possible way, because already at the time of great geographical discoveries this professional was a mandatory member of the crew of the ship and was responsible for ensuring the safety of the ship during its stay on the high seas and when entering the harbor or port. The contribution of each ship pilot is very important, thanks to the information they brought in, the first navigation aids and navigation charts were created. Over time, the activities of sailors specializing in the study of pilots began to undergo licensing. After all, there were more and more specialists in this field, but not every one of them could be trusted with confidence in the safety of the vessel.

Who is the modern pilot?

The word "pilot" appeared in Russian from the word "pilot", which means translated from Dutch "lead ship".

If you read one of the famous marine encyclopedias, you can find many answers to the question: "Pilot - who is this?" The main occupation of the flight specialist is to advise the ship's captain on safety issues regarding navigation, the so-called fairway laying. What the pilot does is advisory. The captain is the commander of the ship, and all responsibility for the fate and safety of the ship rests with him.

What does it take to become a pilot?

In modern navigation, the following requirements are presented to pilots:

  1. A person must have a higher education in shipping with a qualification not lower than the level of senior assistant.
  2. He must have a personal certificate of a specialist in his field and have a certificate-conclusion of the medical commission confirming that he is able to carry out activities that correspond to his specifications every day.
  3. A professional pilot is a person who has completed an internship with an experienced master for a period of at least six months.

Due to the fact that geographical discoveries in the field of navigation have been made long ago, in the modern market of professions and specialties the pilot's profession is not in special demand, but given all the above points and a certain desire to find a well-paid job, it is quite realistic.