
The best recruiting life hacks on social networks and search engines

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The best recruiting life hacks on social networks and search engines

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Social networks in the modern world are used for different purposes: someone with their help communicates with many friends on different continents, others earn money. Today we’ll talk about how to recruit staff using social networks.

The standard methods for recruiting staff - posting job advertisements in various groups and communities, using personal messages with job offers or job interviews - are known to everyone, and we will not consider this information. Today, life hacks for personnel search will be presented to your attention, which by far not everyone knows, but which can significantly facilitate the life of a recruiter who wants to quickly close a vacancy. The basis will be taken by the social network Facebook.

Lifehack 1. Be sure to use Facebook Graph Search

This is a function to find the right information inside Facebook. To use it, you need to "talk" with the social network in English, so in the settings you need to switch the language.

This is a function to find the right information inside Facebook. To use it, you need to "talk" with the social network in English, so in the settings you need to switch the language.

After that, in the search bar you can specify the following types of queries:

- people who work at * company * - so you will find people working in a particular company;

- people who work at * company * and go to * school - this query is for finding people working in a particular company and graduating from a particular school;

- friends of people who work at * company * - these are friends of people working in a particular company.

Etc. You can ask absolutely any requests - search by place of residence, by university, by specialty, by work experience, by places that your potential employees have ever visited.

Life hack 2. Do not waste time creating a special "working" page

Some recruiters prefer not to mix personal life and work moments, therefore, especially for contacts on work issues, they create another page on the social network with which they communicate only with applicants. However, few know that Facebook has a function of dividing contacts into groups. That is, you can divide all contacts into "personal" and "workers", and, for example, make all your posts about vacancies visible only to the "working group", and personal photos - only to family and friends.

For the subsequent targeting of your posts, for example vacancies, use the option “Available to all” in the publication settings.

By the way, such a function is present in some other social networks (for example, VKontakte).

Lifehack 3. Use boolean search

If it is necessary to close a difficult position by a qualified employee with a certain work experience, then the HR manager often faces a lack of suitable resumes on job search sites. Even fewer candidates respond to job postings. This is especially true for IT professionals. To cope with the closure of such vacancies, you can use the boolean search tool.

This is a way to set queries in search engines (google, yandex, etc.) or on the expanses of specific sites (including FB). It allows using special characters or words specified in the search query to find information on specific words or phrases. Using boolean search, you can also exclude any words and phrases from the search results. That is, this tool gives the recruiter the opportunity to make the most accurate request and get the most relevant selection of candidates for an available vacancy.

In the table below, we have collected the most popular special characters and words boolean search, which can be used in search engines google and yandex. For some functions, the same symbols are used in both search engines, but there are also those that are set by different words and symbols.

Let’s see how it works, using the google search engine as an example. Let's say you need to find testing and development experts who own Java. To do this, in the search line you should write (OR tester developer) AND Java. So we will let the search engine understand that we need both specialists, and each of them must know Java. If only a tester should know this programming language, then the request should be written as follows: OR developer (AND Java tester).

If you want to remove all unnecessary sites from the search results (for example, links to java-programmer courses), then you can add this restriction to the query in the following way: -curses.

To search only one site (for example, Facebook) in the query, you must add the phrase with the value site: Based on our additions and limitations, the final query will look like this: (OR developer tester) AND Java site:

Lifehack 4. Add as a friend, but do not impose

If you found, at your request, the right specialists working in a particular company, then you should not immediately call them to work, describing all the charms of your organization. If a person is satisfied with their current place of work, then most likely they will immediately remove you from their friends without answering anything. And this is understandable - now your proposal is not interesting to him. Professional recruiters are advised to simply add a potential candidate as a friend and tell him a minimum of information. For example, you can write that you work in a certain company in the field of personnel selection, and that when your new friend needs work, he may contact you. And that’s all. No promises of a large salary, description of conditions - nothing needs to be indicated. When such information becomes relevant to a person, he will contact you. Someone will do it today, someone in a few months, and someone will never need you. This is the so-called “backlog for the future”, which will constantly give you an influx of new candidates (of course, if you regularly expand your circle of friends). And one more thing: if the candidate has refused you now, do not rush to remove him from your friends, maybe after some time his circumstances will change, and he will resume communication about your vacancies.

Finally, one more small tip: social network administrators track suspicious pages and sometimes block them, and adding a large number of people to your friends at once will immediately cause suspicion. Therefore, it is recommended to add no more than 15-20 people, otherwise vigilant admins can simply ban you. Good luck searching!

The HR-PROFI recruitment agency conducts staff recruitment throughout Russia and the CIS countries. We professionally use social networks to search for personnel, so if you have complex vacancies, call and write to us.

LLC HH Ar Profi

St. Petersburg, Bolshoi Prospect, Petrograd Side 76-78, office 31

+7 (812) 458 04 01

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