career management

Junior Researcher: job responsibilities, qualifications and specialties

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Junior Researcher: job responsibilities, qualifications and specialties

Video: How to Write a Great Job Description in Seven Steps 2024, July

Video: How to Write a Great Job Description in Seven Steps 2024, July

Job descriptions for any category of employees should be approved and agreed with management. Each instruction must comply with the laws of the Russian Federation, as well as the regulations that govern labor relations in the company.

Researchers are structural units of government organizations. Most often, their activities are associated with the development and implementation, as well as the study of phenomena, events, processes occurring around. In order to become a researcher, it is necessary to approach a number of parameters and qualification requirements that apply to candidates for this degree.

The concept

People who are engaged in scientific activities at enterprises, universities, research institutes, called the general concept of "researcher." Such employees are not unit managers. Almost all of them have academic degrees and titles, each received a higher education. Often involved in the scientific and pedagogical process, however, the bulk of their activities are related to studies and research. Based on the results of their work, researchers should publish print publications that highlight their research and achievements.

The junior employee must publish at least 1 article per year. To move to a higher level, you need to increase the number of publications.

The junior researcher is the first step with which a career begins in the world of science. According to the approved hierarchy, in Russia the gradation looks like this:

  1. Junior Researcher.
  2. Researcher.
  3. Older.
  4. Leading.
  5. Main.

The highest position at the chief researcher.

To better understand who such a junior researcher is and how to become one, you need to familiarize yourself with the qualification requirements and responsibilities that are indicated in the job description.

General Provisions

The junior research assistant belongs to the category of specialists. Appointed to the position, according to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, by order of the senior management (head of the organization). All provisions and regulations relating to his work must comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In order to get an appointment for this position, you must have a higher professional education, as well as work experience in the specialty of 3 years. If there is a scientific degree, graduate school is completed or an internship is taking place, then the requirements for work experience are not presented. If there are recommendations of the council of a university or faculty, then a graduate who has gained experience while studying can be appointed to the post.

Necessary knowledge

For high-quality performance of work, each employee must have a set of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills. The field of science is complex and multifaceted, therefore, the requirements put forward in it are tougher and more voluminous than in other industries. The junior researcher must know:

  • the objectives of the research, as well as the tasks that are set at the beginning of the study;
  • domestic and foreign developments related to the topic of the study;
  • modern tools and methods that are used in research;
  • methods for processing and analyzing information, especially electronic data analysis tools;
  • the basics of labor organization and labor legislation;
  • health and safety rules and regulations.

In his activities, the researcher should be guided by the internal regulations, orders or instructions of the organization’s leadership and his immediate supervisor, job descriptions, health and safety rules, sanitation and fire safety.

Job responsibilities

The job description of the junior researcher contains a clear list of duties that must be performed during the course of work.

The main provisions of the relevant document:

  • Under the supervision, carries out research and development according to the stages of the research of the topic, relies on approved and agreed methods in the work;
  • takes part in conducting experiments, observes and measures research results, describes them and formulates conclusions;
  • explores foreign literature on issues related to research, studies literature;
  • prepares various reports on the topic of research or individual stages;
  • takes part in the implementation of research and development results.

Museum worker knowledge requirements

You must understand that depending on the industry in which the employee works, requirements and responsibilities will change. For example, a junior researcher at a museum should know:

  • normative legal acts and laws of the Russian Federation on issues related to the preservation and development of the heritage of the Russian Federation;
  • laws that govern museums;
  • the order in which work is organized on the storage, registration, publication, study, preservation of museum collections and objects;
  • copyright laws;
  • the rules by which museum exhibits are described;
  • the procedure for organizing the examination of museum objects and cultural property;
  • requirements for the issuance of museum items for permanent or temporary use;
  • the procedure in which the State catalog of the Museum Fund is maintained;
  • the state of modern science in the field of museum activity;
  • the order in which research work is executed, planned, planned;
  • methodological and regulatory documents that govern the security of museum funds;
  • the basics of labor law;
  • rules of personal hygiene and general sanitation;
  • health and safety regulations, fire protection.


Occupying a position in the scientific sector, an employee has to cover a wide range of diverse matters directly related to his work.

Responsibilities of a junior research fellow include:

  • implementation of scientific and research work in accordance with the goals, objectives and subjects of activity according to previously approved plans for conducting research activities;
  • development of plans for exhibitions and expositions;
  • preparation of publications;
  • participation in conferences, seminars, symposia, scientific expeditions;
  • preparation and planning of scientific activities, preparation and delivery of reports.


Often there is a situation where an employee knows only his duties, but does not have information about what rights he has. The junior researcher whose qualification requirements are listed above has the right:

  • to receive assistance from the management of the company or organization in the performance of its direct duties;
  • advanced training;
  • familiarization with draft guidelines on issues related to its direct activities;
  • propose the solution of issues and tasks to their direct management;
  • receive information that is necessary for work from colleagues.

A responsibility

Assessing the responsibility that employees, for example, research institutes bear, it should be noted that its level does not particularly depend on the level of the position. The intern of the junior research associate, like the chief research associate, is responsible for the improper fulfillment or non-fulfillment of his duties.

Responsibility is assigned to:

  • for poor performance or non-performance of official duties;
  • commission during the work of offenses or any other violations of the law;
  • damage to material or moral;
  • offenses related to violation of the rules of the routine, fire safety, TU and OT, which are established and accepted in the organization.

Features of work

The position of Junior Researcher does not involve lengthy business trips or overhauls. A standard eight-hour working day or other schedule is agreed upon, consistent with Labor law. Periodically, situations may arise when business trips are necessary. Given the level of position, business trips are most often assigned to local importance.

In the framework of such trips, the employee is tasked with conducting research in the territory of another organization, receiving an exchange of experience, informing about developments or making any other event agreed and approved by the organization’s management.


The requirements for a junior researcher require a decent level of remuneration. However, there are many pitfalls you need to know. The junior researcher in the Russian Federation earns from 18,000 to 20,000 rubles. This is the average for the country. The salary of a junior researcher directly depends on whether there are print publications, how many of them and what their topics are.

The largest number of employees in the field of science is concentrated in the Moscow and Leningrad regions.

Many industries require a junior research fellow. Moscow, as before, is a leader in all areas. By the number of vacancies and offers per person, the capital takes first place.