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Is it possible to officially work in two jobs and is it legal?

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Is it possible to officially work in two jobs and is it legal?

Video: 20. Weber on Legal-Rational Authority 2024, July

Video: 20. Weber on Legal-Rational Authority 2024, July

Is it possible to officially work in two jobs? A similar question in the context of the financial crisis is relevant for many people. Unfortunately, the lack of minimum knowledge in the field of labor law raises certain questions, misunderstandings and worries, which, you will agree, is absolutely unacceptable for professional work. So, is it possible to find yourself in several labor directions at once and not violate the current laws of the country?

general information

Is it possible to officially work in two jobs? Yes, the modern Labor Code officially authorizes such actions and even calls them the special term “multiple jobs”. Within the framework of such a combination, it is possible to perform labor duties not in two, but even in three, four or more companies. The main requirement for this is compliance with the design rules. For the most part, they are set out in chapter 44 of the TC, namely in article 282.

The main nuances

When answering the question of whether it is possible to work in two jobs officially, it is necessary to mention two main types of combining jobs:

  • External. It means work in different places.
  • Inner. It implies work in one organization, but in different positions.

In this case, in order to classify labor activity as combination, certain conditions must be observed. They are expressed in:

  • The presence of the main place of work.
  • Performing additional duties in his spare time from the priority schedule.
  • The conclusion of an employment contract governing yet another working relationship (mandatory).
  • Compliance with all social guarantees.
  • The presence of a liability agreement.

Ban in combination

Formal employment in two jobs may be prohibited for certain categories of citizens. So, these include minor citizens of our country (under 18 years old). Among other things, such a ban will be relevant for everyone in the event of an attempt to combine the main work with dangerous, hard or even harmful types of work. Also, if you are already working in such an enterprise, do not try to find yourself additional responsibilities.

Let's move on from general recommendations to particulars. If your main activity is related to driving, part-time job will also be in the restricted area for you. In addition, there is a whole list of professions prohibiting the performance of any additional work. These include:

  • Lawyers
  • Judges.
  • Police officers and other law enforcement officers.
  • The prosecutors.
  • Representatives of foreign intelligence.
  • Representatives of municipal authorities.
  • Members of the government (with the exception of scientific or teaching activities) and deputies.

Design Basics

Quite often, various pseudo-experts negatively answer the question of whether it is possible to formalize in two jobs officially, motivating this with article 66 of the Labor Code, which contains information about the illegality of having one person two work books. In fact, everything is much simpler. It is necessary to clarify that in combination, one type of activity is always considered the main (initial work), and the other - additional. In the first case, registration of the relationship takes place through the work book, in the second - with the help of the labor contract, the obligatory clause of which is a note that the employee’s activities are conducted concurrently.

Nuances of registration in combination

Now that you know whether it is possible to officially work in two jobs, it is necessary to clarify the additional nuances of combination. First of all, you need to stipulate the schedule officially authorized by the TC. So, for additional work a citizen is allocated no more than 4 hours a day, provided that before that the employee performed his immediate labor duties during the entire shift. The day off (if it falls on the interval from Monday to Friday at the main job) can be used for part-time work in full.

Another limitation does not apply to the duration of the work per day, but to its total duration. So, the additional load drawn up under the contract must necessarily be limited by the time frame, that is, the validity period must be given in the document. However, it should be noted that termination contracts can also be drawn up for combination. In this case, their termination is carried out at the initiative of one of the parties or by their general agreement.

The algorithm for receiving additional work

How to work in two jobs officially? What documents must be provided for registration of part-time job? When leaving for a second job, do not forget to bring along the main identification document (passport), a diploma confirming your qualifications and specialty, as well as a certificate from the place of main work, which contains information about the conditions for its implementation and specifics. Please note that such a list of documents is general, the local personnel department may well ask you to convey other necessary information. So, males are always asked to provide military registration documents, often a certificate of pension insurance is also useful. As for the work book, its availability for re-registration is not mandatory, as it is stored directly in the main job.

The next step is the signing of an employment contract with a mark of part-time, on the basis of which the personnel department issues an order for employment, and then it starts a personal card for each such employee.

Employee rights for additional work

Is it legal to work in two jobs officially and what rights does the employee have in his second, additional job? In the sphere of rights and obligations, concurrent activities are no different from the main ones. So, the employee can always count on the regularity of receiving payment for the actions performed by him.

In addition, he may also receive allowances and various bonuses, if any, are provided for by company regulations. We should not forget about social guarantees, they also remain unchanged and are regulated by the Labor Code. Working part-time, you have the right to receive paid leave in each company.

However, there are still additional nuances in this matter. Thus, allowances and guarantees for workers in the Far North are provided for the main work and do not apply to additional work.

If an employee is ill or is going on maternity leave, then he can take advantage of social benefits in both companies. This moment of Federal Law No. 255 is determined (Article 13, paragraph 2). In this case, sick leave in the prescribed form must be provided to each employer.

About an additional entry in the labor

Is it possible to officially work in two jobs and at the same time make all the entries in the work book? Yes, this is also possible - directly at the request of the employee. Even if you work in more than two companies, entries about this can be made in an official document. Moreover, all of them will be carried out by personnel officers at the main place of work. To enter information, it is necessary to provide certificates from companies that will contain information about the duties performed and their nature.

Can I get two jobs officially? Now you know the answer to this question. However, in the pursuit of financial resources it is still worth being extremely careful and not forget about your own health. Remember: significant stress can worsen your condition, reduce physical and mental activity.