career management

Garage manager: job description, work experience and education

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Garage manager: job description, work experience and education

Video: A Career in the Motor Industry - Automotive Workshop Supervisor (JTJS62011) 2024, July

Video: A Career in the Motor Industry - Automotive Workshop Supervisor (JTJS62011) 2024, July

The job description of the head of the garage is a necessary governing document that can regulate the activities of the employee and determine what relations should develop between him and the company where he is employed.

Its items may contain different information about his rights, duties, responsibilities, education and requirements, depending on the scope of the enterprise and individual management preferences. At the same time, it should be drawn up, according to the standards of labor legislation and agreed between the employee and the boss before he begins to perform work.

General Provisions

According to the job description of the head of the garage of the enterprise, this position is a leading one, therefore, the Director General is responsible for dismissing and hiring an employee. All movements of the employee should be supported by written orders from senior management. The garage manager is directly subordinate to the chief engineer.

Qualification requirements

This position, as indicated in the job description of the head of the garage in an educational institution or enterprise, can only apply for an employee who has received basic or complete higher education. He must have appropriate training, meaning a bachelor or specialist. After the diploma, he should receive an education in the direction of managerial activity. Employers also require at least two years of work experience in the profession in road transport.


Before starting to fulfill his duties, according to the job description of the head of the housing and communal services garage, educational institution or enterprise, the employee must familiarize himself with all the orders, decisions, orders of the management. To study the regulatory, methodological and other guidance documents that relate to the activities of the company where he is employed.

His knowledge should include information on how it is built, what it is intended for, what design features, technical and operational data the rolling stock of the organization has. He is obliged to know the rules for the technical and safe use of the vehicles entrusted to him.

Other knowledge

As indicated in the job description of the head of the garage of the trucking company, before starting work, he must study what technology and how the technical maintenance of the transport and repair work are going on. Important knowledge in the field of economics and labor organization, management methods. Among other things, the employee must understand the provisions on wages, and also know how to properly incentivize garage workers.

His knowledge should include information on maintaining accounting and reporting documentation that affects the rolling stock of the enterprise and its operating materials. It is important for the employee to study all the rules of the road, the basics of the labor code and other standards and norms established by the organization.


The job description of the head of the garage of the hospital and other institutions on the basis of which the vehicles are listed suggests that he will ensure that all vehicles entrusted to him are maintained in proper working order and, if necessary, provide technical assistance to drivers on the line.

The employee controls the employees subordinate to him, whether they comply with the rules of technical operation and whether they keep the transport assigned to them in good condition. He must deal with the repair of industrial premises and equipment of the garage itself, develop and implement measures aimed at improvement, landscaping and cleaning of the enclosed area. It controls whether employees comply with the rules and regulations established by the enterprise.

Employee Responsibilities

The job description of the head of the garage includes a clause about his responsibilities in the company. In particular, it takes into account the release of road transport on the line, according to the declared schedule, and verification of its serviceability. The employee must ensure that there is a sufficient amount of combustible and lubricating materials in the garage, all vehicles undergo maintenance in a timely manner and the storage rules are followed.

His responsibilities include direct monitoring of road safety, and he must ensure that all workers under his authority comply with the instructions and responsibilities for ensuring trouble-free driving. He instructs staff, provides drivers with the necessary technical documentation, conducts interviews and monitors the condition of transport before releasing it on a flight.


As indicated in the job description of the garage supervisor, this supervisor is required to provide subordinates with a medical examination before and after the flight. Sometimes it is his responsibility to personally check all the documents of the driver’s garage, to ensure that only experienced workers who have the driving categories “C” and “D” drive the transport of passengers.

The head also controls that the drivers do not violate the regulations on working hours and have a good rest from doing their work in accordance with labor legislation. His duties may include a ban on the use of vehicles in hazardous weather conditions. He must remove employees from work if their actions or condition may adversely affect their work.

Other duties of an employee

The job description of the garage manager may include a list of responsibilities, which include attracting new employees for an internship, recruiting staff and assigning mentors to them with a written indication of the duration of the training.

He is engaged in field visits to road accidents, in the clarification of the circumstances in which they occurred, and in the development of measures to prevent similar problems in the future. The employee must not only assign the vehicle to the driver, but also explain to him all the features of the operation and maintenance of this vehicle. If necessary, conduct a full briefing on driving a vehicle with the specification of all details and nuances.


Before signing the document, the employee should carefully study the sample job description of the garage manager. In addition to the above, a list of important tasks can be included in it, namely, the preparation of reporting and accounting documentation regarding vehicles, materials, inventory and work done.

It may also be indicated that it is his responsibility to notify management of all violations committed by his subordinates and suggested methods of punishment and prevention of similar situations in the future. He must ensure that the garage has everything necessary for the maintenance, maintenance and repair of vehicles, including equipment, inventory and materials.


According to the job description of the head of the garage, the head has the right to remove subordinates from work if they violate the safety rules for using cars or their technical operation. He has the right to prohibit the use of vehicles during difficult weather conditions, except in cases when there is an emergency or any other need approved by the senior management. Suspend drivers from work if their action or condition threatens the safe use of vehicles. He also has the right to offer management the encouragement or punishment of employees who are directly subordinate to him.

A responsibility

The head is responsible for the failure to fulfill his duties or poor-quality work entrusted to him subordinates. He is responsible for the maintenance of the vehicles entrusted to him, their release on the line, maintenance of the technically sound condition of the machines. He can be held accountable for traffic violations by him or his subordinates, for non-compliance with any other company charters. He is responsible for creating working conditions in the garage, as well as for the timely implementation of measures to improve them.

He can be held accountable for violation of the laws, rules and regulations of the company, for obstructing the work of officials. He is also responsible for causing the company material damage and untimely or distorted communication of information to the management or bodies of control and supervision. Also, the instruction may contain other information regarding the rights, duties and responsibilities of the garage manager.