
Deceptive Krasnoyarsk: blacklist of employers

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Deceptive Krasnoyarsk: blacklist of employers

Work is a type of activity necessary for absolutely every adult. Its main goal is to earn money that can be safely spent on personal needs. Sometimes the result of the work is different from that promised by the boss. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the rating of the company before completing an employment contract. For example, in Krasnoyarsk the black list of employers is quite extensive. It is worth studying it carefully so as not to fall for the trick of scammers.

Incompetent bosses suffer working class

If you create a black list of employers in Krasnoyarsk, then the leading position in the ranking will be occupied by the company PromEnergoTechnology. The organization is located in the city of Krasnoyarsk at the address: st. Tire, house 20. For many years, it successfully existed, produced high-quality products and had good profitability.

Several years ago, completely incompetent young specialists replaced the experienced managers. They took this post for the sake of profit and do not want to fulfill their direct duties. The staff working at this enterprise complains about the instability of salary payments. Money is issued in stingy parts.

Negative is also heard from consumers who use manufactured products. According to them, in recent years the company has sharply reduced its turnover. For the full restoration of their former status, employers have to make a lot of efforts.

You have to wait for months

The Krasnoyarsk black list of employers mainly includes organizations that are unstable in paying wages. LLC “Geocontrol +” was no exception. The company has been successfully operating for over 11 years. Its main direction is the provision of quality services related to well drilling.

Most residents of the city turn to this organization. Potential customers are attracted by low prices, the staff of qualified employees, fast execution of orders and much more.

However, employees at such a seemingly successful company do not stay long. According to them, the well-deserved wages here have to wait more than three months. Despite the fact that there are always a lot of customers.

Incomprehensible situation with paperwork

LLC “Factoria” is a leading company in the field, which is engaged in the processing of wood and the production of high-quality furniture. Customers trust this company, as it has extensive experience. The employees have an ambiguous opinion about the employer.

Most negative reviews are addressed to the personnel department. All documents here are drawn up quite a long time and illegally. Many workers claim that the employment contract was not executed even after three months of work at the enterprise. Also, inconsistencies in filling out work books often appear. The violators themselves do not admit their guilt and do not take any actions to correct errors. It is because of this that former employees of the company often have problems when applying for other enterprises.

It is worth noting that this is the only place on the black list of employers in Krasnoyarsk, where there were no problems with the payment of wages.

Disgust towards employees

In Krasnoyarsk, the black list of employers and developers is the largest. By the number of negative reviews, the company stands out under the loud name "SpetsAtomEnergoMontazh". They get to the state of the enterprise almost the same way - they see a bright advertisement and come for an interview in order to get more money. The conditions in which employees are forced to live are hardly favorable.

As housing for them, a hostel is provided with a capacity of 6 to 12 people in one room. Each is equipped with old furniture. Few repairs have been made and there are accessories necessary for living. Separately, you should talk about the toilet, which is located right on the street. Needless to say, what inconvenience arises from this. In some cases, the money earned had to be knocked out through the prosecutor's office.

As practice has shown, this organization successfully recruits employees every month and deceives them. For this reason, the sensational company was included in the Krasnoyarsk black list of employers. Employee reviews are rarely positive.

Salaries below the minimum subsistence level

One of the largest, most beautiful and progressive cities in the country is Krasnoyarsk. The company “Legion” was included in the black list of city employers who pay meager salaries to employees. Every month, women are invited here who provide household services, carry out housekeeping, laundry and other similar activities. The salary here is stable, but hardly exceeds 5 thousand rubles.

Unfortunately, in big cities there is often a hoax due to the fact that there are much more people who want to work than there are free jobs. That is why there is still a black list of employers in Krasnoyarsk. Employee reviews will help the applicant assess the situation at the company of interest and make the right decision for themselves.