career management

Basic safety instructions for a vehicle mechanic at an enterprise

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Basic safety instructions for a vehicle mechanic at an enterprise

Video: Safety and health at the motor vehicle repair shop 2024, July

Video: Safety and health at the motor vehicle repair shop 2024, July

Each profession has its own advantages and disadvantages. And each profession is complex in its own way, labor-consuming, energy-consuming, just the working conditions can differ significantly. So, the work of one specialist can be as safe and protected as possible from unforeseen situations, and the specifics of the work of another master in the meantime can be caused by circumstances that can be accompanied by possible threats and dangers.

Just such specificity also includes the work of a master in the repair of vehicles - mechanics. Instructions for labor protection for the chief or ordinary engineer-technician at the plant provide a lot of requirements for the preparation of the work process, the direct performance of duties and the termination of labor. This is due to the fact that working equipment of an electrified and mechanized nature can pose a real threat in case of improper operation. In addition, the cause of an emergency may be the banal negligence of the mechanic. In this case, the labor protection instruction for the repair and installation engineer with vehicles at the enterprise serves as a kind of guideline that helps the specialist to secure the conditions of his labor activity and minimize the risks of industrial injuries.

Working conditions and tasks of an auto mechanic at the enterprise

In order to understand the danger posed to auto mechanics when working with various mechanical tools and electrical appliances, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​the functions performed by him, which are prescribed directly in his job description. Occupational safety for the mechanic for the repair, equipment and maintenance of vehicles provides for compliance with all safety rules and all operating standards of devices, which makes it possible to minimize the causes of an accident. What are the functional responsibilities of a vehicle mechanic?

  • Chassis: maintenance and repair work.
  • Internal combustion engines (ICE): repair, washing.
  • Injection engine nozzles: flushing, maintenance.
  • Gearbox: repair work.
  • Fuel equipment: gas tank repair.
  • Repair anti-lock braking system (ABS).
  • Tuning and adjusting the airbag (SRS).
  • Wheel slip control (EDS) service.
  • Support for multi-mode transmission (SUPER SELECT).
  • Service units and assemblies.
  • Installation works, wheel alignment adjustment.
  • Work on balancing and tire fitting.
  • Installation services for crankcase protection.
  • Carrying out maintenance.
  • Fixing the work performed in the worksheet and much more.

Any garage with the provision of appropriate services requires the presence of several specialists of this category at the facility. Moreover, each enterprise that has at its disposal a certain number of vehicles on its balance sheet also contains one or more mechanics and a chief mechanic in the staff of this category. Instructions for labor protection for each specialist in the installation and technical department involve the study by employees of each of its sections. The sections provide information about the general provisions, the rules for preparing a workplace, the mandatory nature of certain actions at the time of the installation and repair work, and the rules of conduct at the time the work is completed. Among other things, a separate section displays information on the rules of conduct in emergency situations.

General Provisions

The initial danger in itself can be borne by labor equipment and special technical equipment. A typical labor protection instruction for a vehicle mechanic begins with general provisions. They include a list of those items, familiarization with which is mandatory for each specialist who has occupied this position at the enterprise.

  1. The hiring of a master for the technical installation of automobile transport provides for the achievement of eighteen years by the applicant. At the same time, he must undergo a medical examination, where the conclusion will be recorded the absence of any contraindications for health reasons.
  2. Occupation of a position of a mechanic implies the presence of a third and higher group of tolerance in terms of electrical safety. The specialist must undergo an introductory and initial briefing at the workplace, as well as be familiar with safe working practices.
  3. A future employee undergoes an internship at a particular workplace with the obligatory delivery of theoretical knowledge. This is a kind of test of a new staffing by the leadership of the trucking company. In addition, a member of the auto mechanics department should receive regular labor safety training at least once every six months, and at least once a year he should undergo a medical examination at the clinic - these decisions are provided for by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 302N, approved on April 12, 2011.
  4. In addition to scheduled briefings, the mechanic must undergo unscheduled, which may be due to changes in technological processes, adjustment of labor protection rules, replacement or improvement of one of the cars, its parts and specific devices, as well as changes in working conditions at the workplace.
  5. In his direct labor activity, an auto mechanic is obliged to be guided by the rules of internal staffing and comply with the requirements of labor protection instructions, as well as clauses of the provision on fire and electrical safety measures.
  6. Personal protective equipment and protective clothing issued to a full-time employee should be used by him exclusively for its intended purpose. In addition, the issued equipment and working equipment require a careful attitude to them and appropriate tidying as necessary (cleaning, washing).
  7. After working, a mandatory factor is the observance of precautions in terms of personal hygiene: the remnants of the means used by the mechanic in the process should be washed thoroughly with soap, especially before eating, which is fundamentally important.
  8. An employee of the department of auto mechanics is obliged to be aware of the location of the first-aid kit, fire-fighting equipment and be able to use them in case of emergency. In addition, he, like any other employee of the enterprise, should be familiar with the basic concepts of first aid.

Among other things, according to the standard instructions for labor protection for a mechanic in automobile transport, as, in principle, in any other field of activity related to repair and maintenance, it is not permissible to leave your workplace without the permission of the chief mechanic. An ordinary employee should also not perform work that is not entrusted to him by management. It is forbidden to smoke or eat during working hours at the workplace - this is done exclusively in designated places: smoking is allowed in the smoking room, lunch in the dining room or in a special room for eating.

Threat Factors

In fact, there are a number of all kinds of points that a transport technician should beware of while fulfilling his immediate responsibilities. Their list is also spelled out in the basic labor protection instructions for the garage mechanic. The following aspects are dangerous:

  • moving mechanisms and machines, as well as moving parts of working equipment;
  • excessively high or low temperature of the equipment and materials that mechanics have to work with (carburetor, injector, engine spare parts);
  • high voltage of the mains, which may cause a short circuit;
  • increased static electricity;
  • sharp edges, gaps and roughness in the workpieces, tools and equipment that the mechanic directly uses in the workflow;
  • location of a mechanic’s workplace at relatively high surface levels from the floor or, conversely, underground — in a caisson (garage pit);
  • increased dust and gas contamination of the working space (car exhaust, sediment from the operation of working tools, etc.);
  • lack of noise isolation - excessive vibration and noise of running engines, equipment, tools negatively affect concentration in the work process;
  • serious deviations from the norm of the humidity level in the garage;
  • abnormal changes in air temperature at the workplace of a mechanic;
  • poor illumination of the work area of ​​the master technician in the garage;
  • sliding surfaces of the floor, tables, machines, for which the garage employee works.

In order to avoid injuries and industrial injuries, the mechanics are required to supply overalls, as well as special footwear and other necessary means to ensure personal protection and provided by applicable labor protection standards at the enterprise of this kind of activity. The use of protective equipment that has already expired is not permitted.

In order to avoid loss of attention and orientation behind the workplace in the work process, the use of alcohol and drugs is also strictly prohibited, as well as being at work in a state of intoxication (alcoholic or narcotic). If any unforeseen situation threatens the life and health of employees in this sector of the work process, the mechanic must without fail report to the immediate management what is happening. In case of non-compliance by an ordinary or chief mechanic with instructions for labor protection and the release of vehicles for their intended purpose, a garage employee may be held liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Rules for preparing for the beginning of the workflow

Before the direct commencement of the fulfillment of his labor duties, a specialist in the repair and maintenance of vehicles must follow certain labor protection requirements at work. The instruction for mechanics provides for a number of preparatory procedures at the initial stage of performing functional duties.

  • The first thing a technical garage master should do is put on his work uniform and special shoes, as well as prepare all personal protective equipment (PPE) - gloves, glasses, a mask if necessary. It should be noted that the hair at this moment should be removed under the headgear, and pockets checked by him for the presence of foreign objects and objects.
  • At the beginning of the working day, the mechanic receives immediate tasks from his supervisor for execution, if necessary. In addition, if necessary, he also receives information in the form of a briefing on the safety of upcoming work.
  • At the beginning of the shift, before the direct departure of vehicles to their destinations, the mechanic is obliged to conduct a visual inspection of all cars and trucks that are to be sent on the flight soon. For example, in the logistics centers in the garage of the enterprise there are a lot of vehicles through which goods are transported to retail outlets from the warehouse. And, according to the instructions on labor protection and technology, a mechanic carefully and thoroughly examines all working systems of a car to prevent and minimize the risks of an emergency: checks the brake system, engine, safety system, wheel fastening strength, etc.
  • Directly at the workplace in the garage, a specialist should inspect the surface of the floors for slipping and cluttering with unnecessary garage or extraneous equipment. If it is necessary to strengthen the lighting, the mechanic must take care of the organization of additional lamps, spotlights, light sources.
  • Also, according to the instructions for labor protection, the chief mechanic, like the ordinary, has the task of monitoring the health of existing equipment and working service platforms.
  • Throughout the working day, the mechanic must make sure that the equipment that no one is currently using is disconnected from the power supply. If necessary, he determines the areas for repair work through the establishment of barriers and puts up around the perimeter of this segment the corresponding posters with inscriptions like: “Warning! Work is underway, do not include! ”
  • In the course of work, the mechanic also checks the degree of wear of the equipment and its compliance with working conditions. If some equipment has exceeded the norm of its operation, the mechanic reports this to the management, and then the issue of decommissioning such equipment is already being decided.

Work with non-mechanized tools

Instructions for the labor protection of a mechanic at an enterprise provide for the operation of both equipment connected to power supply and non-mechanized tools. As for the latter, the specifics of the work of the technologist-installer of the garage provides for his observance of certain precautions. What is included here?

  • Checking the appearance and durability of the assembly (a tool with a wooden handle should be equipped with hard materials, smoothly processed surfaces without dents and chips, as well as other defects).
  • Inspection of tools for planting on the console with a strong raskladyka in the free edge of the handle (chisels, barbs should be equipped with stainless steel tips, and the handles should not have cracks, hooks, splits).
  • Sizing of wrenches to the corresponding nuts and bolt heads.
  • In the case of metal cutting, a mandatory check is made of the reliability of fixing the disks on the workbench, as well as the serviceability of the notch.
  • The reliability of fixing the handle of the screwdriver is checked so that the rod sits firmly in the handle with side faces.
  • Particular attention is paid to working with the jack: a mechanic must, before using it, inspect the equipment for serviceability, determine the operating life taking into account data from the technical data sheet, and assess the density of pneumatic and hydraulic connections. In addition, the garage specialist must ensure that the jacks have locking devices that exclude the possibility of the screw coming out and spontaneously lowering the car at the time of removal from the lever.

Work with an electrified tool

If an electrified tool is used in the work, the labor protection instruction for a mechanical engineer also provides for some mandatory measures in the process of preparing electrical equipment for the working process. The actions of the mechanic are directed in this case to check:

  • protect all electrical appliances and power tools with insulated contacts of electrical wires: to prevent their interaction with moisture and the possibility of mechanical damage, the wires are protected by rubber hoses and secured to the free end with a plug with a special plug;
  • location in a safe and convenient place for use of all equipment connected to electrical power;
  • the availability and serviceability of the equipment warning system, as well as the grounding of the nulling wires (if necessary, the ventilation system must also be inspected);
  • safety of the trajectory of moving equipment - all surfaces must be smooth, stable, not slippery;
  • the serviceability of portable ladders and ladders when working with electrical appliances in the hands on a hill - it is necessary to study the strength of the structure and the reliability of the fastenings, as well as the surface of the material for the presence of knots, cracks, protruding bolts that can injure; in addition, rubber or silicone “shoes” for stop should be present on the legs of the stairs, which are designed to prevent sliding on the floor surface, and the period of use should be indicated on the bowstring with an inventory number that identifies belonging to a particular enterprise.

A mechanic is forbidden to start fulfilling his duties if a malfunction of the technical equipment of devices, instruments and tools is found, which is indicated in the manufacturer's instructions. It is also forbidden to start work in the absence of personal protection materials. If a mechanic discovers any of the problems described in a garage with vehicles, he will inform her immediate supervisor about it.

Safety rules for a mechanic at the time of the direct performance of official duties

The work of a technical installer is important not only in the field of servicing automobile transport: railway companies, airlines, and ship enterprises use the services of a specialist in this field. So, the pilot crew is responsible for the control over the fulfillment of the functional duties of a specialist technologist on an airplane, and the captain on a ship. Instructions for the protection of labor of ship transport mechanics, unlike automobile ones, provide for the need at any time, during all 24 hours a day, while on a flight, to respond to breakdowns and malfunctions of the engine room of the ship. The garage mechanic joins the work with the arrival at the workplace and leaves it at the end of the working day. Therefore, he is faced with the task of studying the rules of conduct at the workplace at the stage of preparation for the beginning of the work process, during the period of direct repair and technical work, and at the end of the working day.

At the time of the direct workflow, the labor protection instructions envisage compliance with the following aspects of the mechanic's activities:

  1. Lifting devices, safety, portable and mobile devices, as well as personal protective equipment must be intact.
  2. Enclosing, blocking and other devices providing safe labor activity must be present directly in the work area - it is strictly forbidden to remove and move them.
  3. The trajectory of the maneuvering devices and rotating parts of the machines must not intersect with the location of the garage staff, so as not to catch them and cause injury.
  4. Contact with live equipment is not allowed.
  5. The workplace must be kept in strict order and clean.
  6. When starting the machine, bench-type equipment, machine tool equipment, you need to personally verify that there are no workers in the area where the machine operates, and no one can suffer from its movement.
  7. Repair and routine inspection of electrical installations should be carried out with the valves and fuses removed.
  8. You can check the absence of an increased voltage level on the leading areas of the equipment using a voltmeter or a voltage measurement indicator.
  9. It is necessary to ensure that when working with switching equipment and switch-breakers, there are warning posters with inscriptions like: "Caution, the device is operating under voltage", etc.
  10. When working with electrical devices, you need to use tools with insulator handles present on them, which prevent the passage of current. Such tools can be pliers, wire cutters, pliers. Screwdrivers must also be equipped with a dielectric coating.
  11. Equipment like a transformer, a soldering iron should be checked in a timely and systematic manner and repaired.
  12. Laying devices should be carried out in the right place for work - it is necessary to monitor the reliability of fixing the workpiece on a workbench or in a vice. Metal cutting should be done with mesh glasses, and the metal shavings formed after cutting must be cleaned exclusively with a brush, not gloves. Blowing and raking with your hands is strictly forbidden.
  13. When working with an electrical appliance, the mechanic must monitor the grounding of the body of the power tool, as well as protect himself by putting on dielectric gloves. Under your feet should be a backing or rubber carpet. Wires must be protected from mechanical damage. If they overheat, immediately disconnect the device from the power supply.
  14. When assembling and disassembling mechanisms and components, the mechanic is obliged to monitor the safety covers on devices that make it impossible for the springs to fly together.
  15. In the case of working with hydraulic hoses, it is necessary to monitor the serviceability and reliability of their fastening on the stands of hydraulic devices.

Prohibited Tricks

The labor protection instructions provide a list of prohibited actions:

  • You can not use a faulty tool or one that does not correspond to the task - devices and mechanisms are used exclusively for their intended purpose.
  • It is forbidden to lengthen wrenches by attaching one wrench to another.
  • It is contraindicated to use faulty mechanisms that ensure the lifting of the load and its capture.
  • It is impossible to carry out fastening of parts and tools while being on mobile equipment. In addition, it is forbidden to jump from moving installations, as well as stairs and ladders.

Among other things, it is forbidden to lift heavy loads. If you feel unwell, you need to stop working and contact the medical center.

Emergency situations

In case of emergency - when observing sparkling devices, equipment malfunctions, severe overheating of equipment, fire - it is necessary to immediately stop all work and disconnect electrical appliances from power. The mechanic is obliged to notify all working people about the accident, to ensure their safety by taking them out to the street or restricting access to the source of danger. Management must be notified immediately of the incident. In the event of a fire, a fire brigade must be called up by dialing 101 or 112.

End of work

At the time of completion, the mechanic must check for:

  • assembly and stacking of tools in the proper place for this;
  • cleaning up spilled oil or fuel, if any, with sand or sawdust, followed by crushing them into metal boxes with lids;
  • cleaning used materials in metal garbage bins;
  • tidying up the workplace.

The mechanic himself must take off his overalls, take a shower, or at least thoroughly wash his hands and face with soap.