
Basic rules for writing a teacher’s resume

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Basic rules for writing a teacher’s resume

Video: Resume Tips for Teachers | That Teacher Life Ep 29 2024, July

Video: Resume Tips for Teachers | That Teacher Life Ep 29 2024, July

Job search is an important and responsible business. Not the least role in its successful completion is played by a correctly written resume. The preparation of this document is a painstaking process, it requires attention and concentration. The resume of the teacher is not too different from what the engineers, doctors, and managers write. However, it has its own characteristics.

What to look for first

Before starting work on a document, the applicant should ask himself a few questions:

1. For what purpose is he looking for work?

2. What position is suitable for him?

3. What attracted him to cooperation with this educational organization?

Only then can we begin to select information that will later be displayed in the teacher’s resume.

Particular attention in the preparation of the document should be given to literacy. The profession of a teacher involves a high level of proficiency in the mother tongue. The presence of spelling and punctuation errors will inevitably affect the decision of the head of the educational organization.

At the stage of material selection, it is necessary to give preference only to those facts that are able to show the competence of the applicant. Hobbies, hobbies - this information can be excluded. If the employer needs it, he will ask the appropriate question at the interview.

Exemplary structure

If there is no time and desire to think through the structure of the resume yourself, you can use the samples. Many specialized sites offer their users templates.

So what should a teacher’s resume contain? A sample of this document is intended to include the following information:

1. Basic information about the applicant. These include name, date of birth, communication methods.

2. Education information. Looking through this section, the employer will be able to find out:

- what kind of education the applicant received: secondary special, higher;

- what educational institution he graduated from;

- When was the last time I upgraded my qualifications.

When listing the courses attended, you must indicate the date and place of their conduct, the number of hours and the topic.

3. Work experience. Most of the resumes should be devoted to this section. Names of educational organizations, position held, hours of work - these fields are required. It would be better if this information is presented in chronological order. In the same section, you can give a brief description of the acquired skills.

4. The achievements of the teacher and his students are an important part of the teacher’s resume. A list of professional skills contests in which the teacher took part, as well as data on the number of participants, prize winners and winners of school competitions and scientific and practical conferences, exam results are the main indicators of the teacher's work, which the employer will definitely pay attention to.

Additional information about the applicant

Very often in the resume you can find data on the personal qualities of the applicant and life position. However, experts advise avoiding the inclusion of this information in the resume, as some employers may find it unnecessary.

If it seems to the applicant that the resume does not fully reflect his personality, you can include data on existing additional skills in the document. These include knowledge of foreign languages ​​and a personal computer, the presence of a personal car and driving experience. Any employer will pay attention to this.

Personal photo: attach or not

Perhaps this question is the most difficult. Someone prefers to accompany the resume with a photograph, someone does not. Experts advise to check with the human resources department or the secretary before sending a resume whether a photograph is needed. When receiving an affirmative answer, it is important to approach the choice of a picture responsibly. Attaching a photo taken on the beach or in the night bar to the teacher’s resume is not worth it, because this profession is public in nature and involves working with children.

The basic rules for writing a resume are listed above. A model for a teacher’s work can be found if desired. However, it is important to remember that a clearly verified structure, ascetic design, rich content with a small volume, competent presentation of the material - this is the recipe for a quality resume.