career management

Features of work in network trading. How to become an Avon representative?

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Features of work in network trading. How to become an Avon representative?

Video: Avon Representative October 2016 Update 2024, June

Video: Avon Representative October 2016 Update 2024, June

It’s hard to find someone who hasn’t heard of a company like Avon. Its popularity is due to the good ratio of price and quality of products, as well as a global marketing program. But more importantly, Avon makes it possible for anyone who wants to join the ranks of the company to earn money on their product.

Therefore, let's consider all the pros and cons of this proposal. We’ll also talk about how to become an Avon representative in your region and at the same time reach significant heights.

Features of work in Avon

First, let's look at the sales system that this company uses. This will not only allow you to get to know her better, but will also be the first guide to how to become an Avon representative. In Ukraine, in Russia, in Belarus (as, indeed, in all other countries), the same technology of network sales works. That is, there are no familiar cosmetics stores or expensive boutiques - all goods are distributed through representatives acting on behalf of the company.

It should be noted that all of them are like links in one large chain leading directly to the top of this organization. And although its length may be different, the sales system itself is the same for everyone.

For example, a person began to work for a company, while having a certain percentage of sales. Over time, this becomes not enough for him, and he invites several more representatives to Avon. Now he is the team coordinator and adds a small bonus to his regular salary from the monthly earnings of colleagues. Then his subordinates invite more people, and those, in turn, still … and so it can go on forever.

Thanks to such a system of sales and relationships, the company was able to grow to its current size and at the same time reduce the cost of renting real estate to a minimum. In addition, this technique allows you to maintain an unlimited number of employees, which means that everyone can test themselves as their representative.

How to become an Avon representative?

There are a number of ways to achieve this goal. Therefore, let's consider all of them in order to see the full range of possibilities.

So, how to become an Avon representative in your area?

  1. Register online on the company's official website. This method is simple and fast, the main thing is to have a computer and access to the network.
  2. Talk with your local Avon coordinator. This option is well suited for those who do not like online communication, and prefer to ask questions face to face.
  3. Fill out the questionnaire in the Avon catalog and mail it. Let this method look old-fashioned, but it’s worth considering it as an option.

How to get started on Avon over the Internet?

So, how to become an Avon representative over the Internet? Given the realities of modern society, the easiest way is to start cooperating with the company by filling out a special form on its official website. Finding the right section is not difficult, since it is on the main page, it is impossible to miss it. You see for yourself, the solution to the question of how to become an Avon representative is easy and simple.

You will need to provide the following information:

  • personal data: last name, first name, patronymic;
  • exact address of residence;
  • contact information: email and phone;
  • passport data;
  • how you found out about Avon.

You will have to wait for a response from the company, sometimes it takes from several hours to 2-3 days. If the answer is in the affirmative, all that remains is to familiarize yourself with the details of the work and get your first catalog of products.

Device in Avon using the coordinator

Another interesting way to get a job at Avon is by talking to your local manager. You can find it by calling the support service, whose phone number is easy to find on the official website of the company or by finding the address in the local directory.

After that, you just need to go to the office or arrange a private meeting in any place convenient for you. To make a decision, the coordinator needs the same information as when filling out the questionnaire on the site.

The main advantage of this method is that in the future the coordinator will help his ward. For example, he can advise how best to advertise a product, where to look for potential customers. Thanks to this approach, the new employee very quickly delves into the work, which positively affects both his financial situation and the reputation of the coordinator.

Attracting New People

Everyone knows that for each new employee involved, the company gives bonuses. Therefore, it will be useful to talk about how to propose becoming an Avon representative to another person.

So, first of all, you need to bring the idea of ​​network earnings to all your friends. After all, most of them either did not hear anything about it, or they consider this process a waste of time.

Also, do not forget about your customers, they may want to change the role of the buyer to the seller. In addition, it will be much more profitable for them, because in this way they will receive a 30% discount on all goods.

And also advertise, for example, on your page in a social network.