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The teacher of continuing education: job duties, rights and basic requirements

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The teacher of continuing education: job duties, rights and basic requirements

Video: Introduction to Public Health 2024, July

Video: Introduction to Public Health 2024, July

If each child is introduced to who the teacher is before starting his studies at school, then the position of teacher of further education is not familiar to everyone.

In fact, often experts in this field are before our eyes. The teacher of continuing education teaches subjects and courses that are not included in the compulsory curriculum. As a rule, they run circles, sections, and studios.

Despite the fact that most children and their parents associate electives with rest and free time (albeit with benefit), the official duties of an additional education teacher are quite extensive. His work in terms of responsibility is in no way inferior to the work of a school teacher or a higher educational institution.

Who is a teacher of continuing education

Most parents do not want their child’s interests to be limited to school. Moreover, many children themselves strive to develop in different areas.

To do this, there are various optional classes: courses, circles and more. They can be associated with both intellectual pursuits and sports. For example, a study group in English or French, computer science courses, a vocal studio, a sports school, and dance lessons - all this applies equally to additional education.

As a rule, even first-graders already have any interests or preferences, on the basis of which you can decide on the choice of studios or circles to visit after school hours.

As mentioned earlier, the teacher of additional education is responsible for electives. These electives can be either at a school or university, or in a specialized institution: a home for children and youth, a private or state art studio, a music or dance school, and so on.

Any sample of the job description of the teacher of additional education first of all implies the availability of proper qualifications for the implementation of educational activities. First of all, we are talking about specialized pedagogical education. In addition, it is important to have confirmation of the skills that the teacher is going to teach the children.

Employee Requirements and Job Responsibilities

The list of requirements for teachers gives reason to argue that not everyone can become the head of the elective. An ideal specialist should not only have the appropriate education and the necessary qualifications (which is also important), but also be able to competently organize classes and find a common language with optional students. It is especially difficult for those who combine work at school and conducting elective classes. Usually, such specialists get used to strict discipline in the lessons and require the same in additional classes, forgetting that additional classes have a more free and even playful form. This does not mean at all that discipline should be absent: it simply should have a slightly different form.

It is important to remember that the teacher of additional education works not only with children, but also with adolescents: electives can be organized both on the basis of the school and on the basis of higher educational institutions. In addition, there are various private and budgetary studios responsible for extracurricular education, where both children and adults can be invited.

The duties of an additional education teacher include:

  • Composing groups to attend classes. Since electives are not required to attend, the teacher must be able to competently present his studio or his circle and motivate students to visit it.
  • Preparation of training programs, teaching materials, development of curricula.
  • Organization of events in which pupils of optional classes can take part: reporting concerts, seminars, festivals, contests, etc.
  • Teaching students of optional courses in declared skills, systematic support of the level of developed talents.
  • Consultations for parents on the development of certain talents and skills in the child, upbringing.
  • Methodical work.

The duties of a teacher of continuing education can also be safely attributed to a systematic increase in their level of qualification, otherwise, the knowledge and skills acquired by a specialist many years ago will gradually become obsolete.

In addition, the teacher must ensure the safety of all students in the classroom during class. To do this, you need to have theoretical knowledge and practical skills on how to behave in extreme situations.

Differences in the work of a full-time teacher and an additional education teacher

At first glance, it seems that the duties of a teacher of continuing education are no different from the duties of any school teacher or teacher of a higher educational institution of any accreditation.

Indeed, there are a lot of similarities, however, some differences are also present.

As mentioned earlier, it is important to understand that additional education is not basic, and elective students have the right to stop classes at any time. This is what distinguishes the motivation system. At a school, college, technical school or university, training is a prerequisite for obtaining relevant knowledge, a document on education and, as a consequence, for getting a good job. It is this fact that becomes the basis of student motivation. In elective classes, the very fact of obtaining the necessary skills is important primarily for their own development, and all other factors are relegated to the background. The task of the teacher of further education is to create a competent atmosphere and atmosphere in the classroom so that students do not fade away interest in the subject. As a rule, sincere interest is enough, since most students of the elective elective choose any additional classes for their own development.

The duties of the teacher of additional education at school are reduced to ensuring not only the organization of a circle or studio for students, but also to help them combine the development of circle skills and relaxation with basic education. As a rule, such circles and studios are organized within the walls of the school, and therefore it is psychologically difficult for children to readjust. This is beneficial for the teacher, because the children still feel in the lesson, but not very reasonable from the position of a competent methodology for extracurricular activities.

The organization of discipline in the classroom, teaching the subject, maintaining documentation, drawing up curricula, nurturing the personal qualities of students are the main duties of a teacher. Additional education at school has almost the same tasks with a small addition: it is not compulsory. Therefore, the head of the elective does not have the right to demand an unquestioning submission from the student. Instead, you can establish a list of rules and familiarize them with children and their parents.

If the elective is organized on the basis of a school or university, the task for the leader in organizing holidays and events is simplified. As a rule, events are already planned for various holidays in the educational institution, starting from the First bell and downloading on the Eighth of March. If the elective is creative (songs, dances, performances and the like), then children usually perform at school holidays.

The duties of the teacher of further education at the pre-school educational institution are the same as that of a specialist with an identical position in other educational institutions. The difference is that with the organization of reporting activities, things are more complicated if the DOE is of a budget nature. It is not always possible to adequately finance reporting concerts, not to mention the normal conditions for their holding.

Drawing up work programs

The instruction of the teacher of additional education at the school involves not only teaching children in practice, but also preliminary planning for future lessons. To do this, draw up a curriculum and work programs.

It is important that the work program be flexible enough so that it can be adapted to the needs and requirements of a specific group of students in the optional class. Practice shows that there is not a single program so perfect that, without adaptation, would suit any team.

In addition, some teachers use the experience of foreign colleagues. In this case, the need often arises to adapt foreign curricula to the national and socio-cultural characteristics of students.

It is worth noting that the curriculum is drawn up in the form of an official regulatory document. It should consist of:

  • Descriptions of the direction of the optional.
  • A detailed hourly plan outlining the material studied during these hours.

The learning process should be consistent with the curriculum.


Both experienced and novice teachers know that their work comes down not only to teaching children or adults. Almost half of the working time is the preparation of documents (including work on curricula and filling out magazines), participation in teachers' councils, courses and advanced training webinars.

The skill level also affects the size of wages. Moreover, professional development is the responsibility of the teacher of further education at the school, at the higher educational institution, and in a separate cultural organization.

The qualification of the teacher is determined by his results during the certification, which is carried out on average once every five years. For this, the educational institution in which the teacher works collects a special expert commission.

The certification shall result in the assignment of a category to a specialist. For teachers of further education, three categories are provided: first, second and higher.

Modern technologies at work

The functional responsibilities of the teacher of further education also include the organization of the learning space, providing students with optional classes with everything necessary for normal work. As a rule, financing issues fall on the shoulders of the heads of art institutions or directors of schools, universities, and technical schools.

Nevertheless, the head of the elective should notify the authorities about the need for any materials or equipment for work and correctly substantiate this.

Mostly, for sports or choreographic classes, non-technical equipment is required: mats, sports mats, machine tools, balls and more.

If the elective is aimed at the study of computer science or languages, there is definitely a need for good technical equipment of the office.

In addition, the teacher himself must be able to competently use technological progress. Having your own website or blog is a definite plus, despite the fact that this is not part of the duties of an additional education teacher. Colleges and universities even often teach the basics of developing a simple site.

If there is no way to create your own business card website, there should be at least a presentation that reflects the experience of the teacher and the teaching approach.

Participation in professional competitions

Another thing that does not apply to the official duties of an additional education teacher, but at the same time gives huge advantages, is participation in competitions.

Undoubtedly, letters and diplomas confirming the victory of students of elective classes in competitions and festivals also go to the teacher’s portfolio as a bonus, but their own victories in pedagogical competitions are much more appreciated.

There are many competitions that evaluate the quality of the developed methodological program, curriculum. Another option is the preparation of articles or even entire scientific monographs on the approach to working with children: in this case, usually only publication in a collective collection and assignment of a certificate is expected.

If the teacher conducts classes in creative subjects, he can participate in high-level creative contests for dancers, musicians, singers, depending on his field of activity.

Specialist rights and their protection

It is worth remembering that additional education teachers have the right to protect working conditions. As a rule, heads of educational institutions are engaged in ensuring normal work for their employees.

Protection of the rights of a teacher of continuing education begins with the fact that every specialist should know them. Teachers have the right to:

  • Normal statutory working day. The number of working hours per week should not exceed 40 for those who work at the rate.
  • Training.
  • Presentation of requirements for children and their parents to observe discipline and maintain a normal atmosphere for the implementation of the educational process.
  • Statutory leave.

Many rights have something in common with the duties of an additional education teacher. This ensures a normal level of modern teachers who are interested in both personal and professional growth.

Tips and tricks for young educators

Many young educators need advice from older comrades. Here are a few of them.

  • Although additional education is not included in the main curriculum, it is necessary to maintain the proper level of discipline. In order not to overdo it and not turn optional classes into standard school ones, it is necessary to find an adequate approach to establishing discipline so that the atmosphere during classes remains relaxed, but sufficiently conducive to classes.
  • The rights and obligations of the teacher of continuing education should be respected equally. If, for some reason, obligations are prioritized, this is a cause for concern. An example of a violation can be a situation where the authorities forcibly require processing on a clock basis before an important event, but at the same time do not give time off after that.
  • Take into account the age of the pupils. The curriculum should be adapted to this factor.


The teacher of further education faces no less important task than the teacher of a school or university. It should help the student or student to develop their skills in their chosen field. Any elective involves full involvement in the process, because the teacher of additional education is almost no different from the classical teacher. The need for documentation and ongoing re-certification is equally present.