career management

Profession: nutritionist: concept, definition, necessary education, admission conditions, job responsibilities and features of the work performed

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Profession: nutritionist: concept, definition, necessary education, admission conditions, job responsibilities and features of the work performed

Video: Food and Nutrition Sciences Practical Demonstrations 2024, June

Video: Food and Nutrition Sciences Practical Demonstrations 2024, June

The word "diet" from Greek translates as "healthy lifestyle." The founder of a healthy diet and nutritionist is considered the Roman physician Asklepiad. He is the founder of the concept of proper food intake. The scientist proved the fact that the proper intake of food has a huge impact on the treatment of many diseases. The practice of medicine has actually shown that a patient who follows the recommendations of a nutritionist recovers much faster than someone who does not listen to a specialist. It is such a doctor who can advise which products should or should not be consumed in a particular case.

The prospect of becoming a nutritionist

Today, when many people are concerned about the problem of overweight, the profession of nutritionist is very much in demand in medicine. Those wishing to master this specialty, in order to help others, can study in courses on dietetics and in universities. According to statistics, every third inhabitant of the planet is overweight. Therefore, doctors in this area are very much in demand on the labor market today.

For young professionals starting a career, it is important not only to have knowledge in the field of medical nutrition, but also to be a psychologist. Future specialists should be able to not only listen, but also understand the patient.

Nutritionist. The main difficulties of the profession

It's no secret that overweight gives the patient not only discomfort in the aesthetic direction, but also causes poor health, as well as the onset of many diseases. In the profession of a nutritionist, the pros and cons exist, as in any other specialty. Specialists assist patients in the implementation of health problems and optimize the diet in order to adjust body weight. Their task is to improve the health of patients by selecting the right diet for each of them. The main disadvantage is that people are not always happy with the result of treatment. Recommendations of a nutritionist are not always positively perceived. The second disadvantage of the profession is the patient’s not serious attitude to his treatment. Often people stop treatment before the prescribed time and thus harm their health.

What you need to know and be able to modern nutritionist?

Future professionals should be able to listen and understand the patient. The duty of a nutritionist is consultation, treatment and monitoring of the patient's condition. This profession is related to medicine and health. For successful work and achieving a positive result, the doctor must possess the knowledge and skills of a general practitioner and specialist gastroenterologist.

Also required are knowledge of the laws of metabolism in the human body, an understanding of the characteristics of the digestive system of the body. Proficiency in dieting and diagnostic methods are the main tools in the work of a nutritionist. You must also be able to use special diagnostic equipment

Profession nutritionist: where to study to get such a specialty?

In order to get an education in this specialty, you need to get a higher medical education. After graduation, you can take special training in the specialty of dietetics. For admission to a medical university, you must have a USE certificate.

So, what to take on a nutritionist profession? Knowledge of Russian language and literature, biology, chemistry or history is required.

Training in the specialty "therapy" or "gastroenterology" is desirable. After graduation, special training in the specialty "Dietetics" is required. For beginners, applicants are provided with a list of special undergraduate programs (specialist / master). This is a list of different options for higher education in medical schools. After graduating from such institutions, you can become a nutritionist.

Where to start a career?

It is necessary to start a career as a dietitian with education, choosing one of the higher medical institutions. In the country there are not a small number of them:

  • The first medical university named after Sechenov.
  • Research Medical University named after Pirogov.
  • Academician Pavlov State Medical University (St. Petersburg).
  • State Medical University (in the city of Krasnoyarsk).
  • Pavlov State Medical University (Ryazan), etc.

The study in the field of “dietetics” lasts 2 years. In the learning process, special disciplines are studied:

  • "Social hygiene";
  • “Organization of special medical nutrition”;
  • “Basics of nutrition of a healthy and sick person”;
  • "Diet therapy for diseases of internal organs";
  • "Basics of cooking technology."

After all these disciplines are studied, students will learn all the necessary information about the profession of a nutritionist and what subjects to take for a diploma (certificate).

Dietology course

In addition, there are various courses offered by higher education institutions, at the end of which you can get the profession “Nutritionist”. Today, the Academy of Science and Technology has the opportunity to provide this type of training to medical professionals and gives them a unique opportunity to take advanced training courses remotely.

Professional retraining courses in Dietology are also offered. These types of educational courses undergo a special examination at the Ministry of Health. Upon completion of the courses, specialists receive state-standard documents: a specialist’s certificate, a retraining diploma or a certificate, and professional development. Having connected his life in the future with scientific activities in the field of medicine, the intern should enter graduate school. At the end of such training, they receive the title of candidate or doctor of medical sciences.

The main methods of work of the patient and nutritionist

If we turn to general statistics, we can say that today about 40% of the world's population suffer from obesity. People with extra pounds are the first visitors to a nutritionist. An imbalance in the body due to metabolic disorders is one of the main reasons for the decreased tone of life and the deterioration of the general condition of a person. That is why a dietitian - a profession is in great demand in the labor market.

When visiting a nutritionist, a general examination of the patient is carried out: measuring height, weight and analyzing his general condition. Information on all diseases that the patient has suffered recently has been taken into account. The direct relationship between the disease and the possibility of recovery through diet is determined. Using special equipment, the ratio of water, muscle and fat mass in the human body is checked. In this case, information about the patient’s nutrition, his physical activities (work), general regimen and diet is very important. If there are violations of the general condition, the necessary treatment is prescribed.

Programs for individual treatment. The diet of the patient

The first and very important element in the recovery of a person is a correct and balanced meal. Exclusion from the diet of harmful products, the use of which contributes to the development of certain diseases, increase blood pressure, lower vision and worsen the general condition of the patient.

Foods that contribute to weight gain are excluded from the diet: high-calorie foods, foods rich in cholesterol and substances harmful to the body. Particular attention is paid to the use of fruits, vegetables, berries and foods rich in vitamins. In the first place is the use of food products that help cleanse the body of cholesterol, slag and other harmful substances.

A regimen for their use is being developed. Focusing on the main reason for the patient’s anxiety, a special diet program and a patient’s lifestyle are drawn up. The program is compiled individually for each patient. According to this regimen, a nutritionist can monitor the general condition of a person throughout the course of treatment, making any amendments to achieve the desired result. A correctly compiled menu individually for each patient serves as the key to solving problems with his health. In addition to solving problems with excess weight, a dietitian helps to cope with other diseases associated with metabolic disorders: anorexia, bulimia, etc. Sports nutritionists are involved in the preparation of diets for athletes and people whose regime includes increased physical activity.

The work of a dietitian in conjunction with other specialists

Very often, a dietitian determines the relationship between nutrition and the patient’s health status. Turning to any other specialist (dermatologist, allergist, gastroenterologist) and wanting to find the cause of concern, the patient finds the answer and gets the right conclusion from the dietitian. It turns out that there is a direct correlation between diseases of the skin, liver and other organs with a diet. Therefore, the treatment of the patient is not only a leading specialist, but also a dietitian.

The specialty "nutritionist" is very multifaceted. This kind of specialist can work not only in clinics, but also in multidisciplinary hospitals, dispensaries, various types of sanatoriums and dispensaries specializing in weight loss. Of great importance is the work of a nutritionist in sports clubs and organizations. In the future, a professional nutritionist can devote himself to scientific research. An example of this is participation in the Research Institute of Nutrition RAMS. Having achieved success and authority in the field of their work, they organize their own nutrition clinics.

If we turn to statistics, we can attribute the specialty of a dietitian to the highest paid among others. To date, about 300 nutritionist vacancies are open in the country. Among them, 39% of employers on the labor market offer a salary to nutritionists in the amount of 3,000 to 22,500 thousand rubles. 32% of specialists are offered wages in the amount of 23,000 to 42,000 rubles. And the nutritionist’s salary in the amount of 62-82 thousand rubles. promise 20% to specialists. It is no secret that higher wages of a dietitian in Moscow. In second place is “cost” St. Petersburg. According to statistics, the average salary of a nutritionist profession is 59,000 rubles. (Moscow region). In second place are Tomsk and Kaluga regions.