
Profession of the worker. Professions: List. List of occupations

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Profession of the worker. Professions: List. List of occupations

Video: Jobs and Occupations / Learn English vocabulary about professions 2024, July

Video: Jobs and Occupations / Learn English vocabulary about professions 2024, July

The profession of a worker today has lost its popularity. People with specialized secondary and technical education face many difficulties both in society and in employment. Let's try to prove that having a “working” profession is not only interesting and in demand, but also useful for society and quite profitable!

Let's turn back a little

Let's look at the last century of our country. Then began the mass development of cities with high-rise buildings, the old factories were restored and new factories of various production appeared, the profession of a worker was more popular than ever … This was due to the fact that few had the opportunity to get a higher education, and in the difficult post-war period they first wanted to provide themselves financially, and only then, if there was time, to study.

Then, the profession of a worker was considered honorable, adequately paid, was strongly encouraged by the state (housing, all kinds of benefits, social assistance, etc.). However, with the advent of accessible and possible for all higher education, people of working professions began to be attributed to the “working class”. They simply ceased to be respected and appreciated …

Why has the profession of a worker lost its high position among other crafts?

There are a number of reasons for this situation, we list them:

  • the accessibility of education in higher education institutions (and this has its advantages and disadvantages);
  • the deterioration of working conditions at various industrial enterprises (job cuts, lower cash remuneration, inappropriate working conditions, etc.);
  • poor involvement of students in technical schools and schools (there is no decent advertising for such professions);
  • negative images of laborers have settled in society (positive characters and heroes of these professions are needed).

These reasons still exist and will exist, little is being done to eliminate them. The profession of a worker, as never before, needs advertising and popularization!

Should I choose a school (technical school) as the main education?

From the point of view that in this educational institution they master the course of specialization much faster than in any higher education, it can be advised for young people who want to quickly become independent and start making money. In addition, due to a shortage of laborers, employment will not take long. A plus is the fact that the employer will be interested in such a specialist, so a decent salary is provided to him.

Technology is becoming more sophisticated every day, but people in working professions are still needed in any industry. It is possible immediately after school to successfully settle down to where the most comfortable working conditions will be created by the authorities. Possible career growth, and additional continuing education courses, and other pleasant moments.

But do not forget that the profession of a worker in society does not yet enjoy special prestige, and it can affect any state of health with any deviations from the norm.

The most popular professions for graduates of vocational schools

In the modern world, only a handful of laborers are really needed, such employees, as they say, are worth their weight in gold, especially if they have a talent for their craft, qualifications and a desire to develop and grow further along the career ladder.

The branches of engineering, food industry and textile enterprises constantly need to replenish their ranks with valuable personnel. Therefore, a young graduate of the relevant schools and technical schools can successfully get a job, even as a student.

Here they are - professions in demand (list):

  • field workers;
  • car drivers;
  • construction workers (masons, concrete workers, stucco workers, etc.);
  • room cleaners;
  • carpenters;
  • cooks;
  • movers.

According to official figures, there is a huge demand for such specialists, but there are very few masters in these fields in particular.

Ranks of workers

For successful employment, it is desirable for a person who has graduated from vocational school to have some level of qualification, this will guarantee him a higher salary and a better position.

Ranks are assigned by the working special commission and employers for demanded ideas and many years of professional experience. Further training is possible through the expansion of specialization. Each production has its own discharge grids - from initial (low-paid) to the highest (demanded and valuable).

What is a classifier?

Someone or something should separate the workers according to their specificity, adhering to specific established rules. Therefore, there is such a thing as a classifier of working professions. Let's try to understand what it is.

The classifier is a specific list of rules for certain criteria developed by the Scientific Research Institute (Scientific Research Institute), its specificity is the solution of labor and social issues. It was introduced back in the USSR in 1987.

The classifier of occupations of working positions deals with the tasks of calculating the number of various professional places, takes into account and distributes personnel by categories of personnel, qualifications depending on specific working conditions, comparing them with the wage funds and the need for institutions in them.

All issues of ensuring employment of the population, of all monetary accruals (salaries, pensions, etc.), employment, etc., are solved by the above-mentioned document. All actions are carried out according to a specific set of rules, in accordance with legalized restrictions.

Classifier structure

It is divided into sections of the profession of workers and positions of employees. The first consists of occupations listed in accordance with ETKS (reference book of jobs and professions). The second one was developed based on the “Unified Nomenclature of Employees' Professions”, “Qualified Directory of Executive Positions”, existing decrees and other regulatory documents.

All positions consist of several blocks: identification, names of classification objects and information section.

Professions in the classifier are characterized by a number of features, from types of industries and specific classes to working conditions and the degree of mechanization.

It is in this document that you can find the most detailed information about any position and occupation.

It's time to change our views!

Despite the lack of prestige of working professions, one should not discount this educational option. Every year there are less and less good specialists. This profession begins to become rare and in demand, which, in turn, entails an increase in wages and an improvement in the attitude to such a specialist.

Judge for yourself: firstly, training in a technical school takes much less time than at an institute or university, and secondly, the cost of such education is significantly lower than in higher education institutions. Thirdly, if you have a talent for some craft, then in the future your work will bring you only pleasure, and the level of your services will be appreciated.

A good option for graduates of vocational schools is to start their own business, opening a small (and later, maybe medium) business. It’s even better - to work for yourself is much more pleasant and profitable than for some organization.

In general, the advantages of working professions, as they say, are "obvious", but the choice is always yours!