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Work at home: collect pens. Home Work Reviews

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Work at home: collect pens. Home Work Reviews

Video: Writing from Home #3 - Konmari your Pen Collection 2024, July

Video: Writing from Home #3 - Konmari your Pen Collection 2024, July

Well, which of us did not dream of making money without leaving the borders of our own apartment? How serious should you be for ads like: “Work at home. Is it convenient and profitable to assemble pens today? ” Does such a variation in labor activity really mean fraud and investment?

Let's try to figure out whether working at home is really profitable at present - to collect pens.

A popular form of fraud

Surely many have heard of such an occupation. Moreover, it is precisely those who have serious financial problems who, as they say, have not a penny to show interest in him. The poor category of citizens is also not averse to improving their own financial situation. For housewives, people with disabilities and senior citizens, sometimes the only way out is to work at home. They are ready to collect pens around the clock, the main thing is that their work be paid.

Unfortunately, today in the labor market, under the guise of an “honest” employer, there is an ordinary fraudster who is ready to do anything to deceive a “potential” employee, who sometimes gives his last savings.

Option number 1

So, you read the announcement: “Highly paid work at home. Collecting pens is all that is required of you. ” Most often, scammers make such tempting offers to residents of megalopolises, Muscovites, and Petersburgers.

The applicant comes directly to the office of the company “on the announcement of employment”, he is interviewed, he is given a contract form, a package with disassembled pens. At the same time, a person is warned: it is necessary to compensate the employer for the cost of the material in the amount of 300 rubles, despite the fact that the newly-minted worker has a very distant idea of ​​how ballpoint pens are assembled.

You, inspired by the idea of ​​making “easy” money, and forgetting to read the terms of the contract in details, rush home to work hard all evening.

The next day, it suddenly turns out that no one is going to purchase finished goods from you, and this is not provided for by an employment agreement. As a result, you not only did not make money, but also suffered losses.

Option number 2

Of course, many fell for the trick of scammers who suggested collecting pens at home. Responses of applicants about such work for the most part, of course, are negative.

Some scammers are lured by offers of the following content:

“You can work in a comfortable environment, listening to music or watching your favorite TV show. At the same time, we guarantee you a legal form of earnings, which provides for the conclusion of an employment contract. Our company regularly pays taxes. The technique for collecting pens is incredibly simple: you will need to put together only five elements: a decorative insert, a core, a cap and two halves. And for such a simple job we pay good money. ”

As a result, the employer company is obliged to send “components” by mail, and an employee of the local retail network will come to purchase finished products, where office supplies made by your hands will be sold. He will make all financial calculations with you.

A tempting offer, isn't it? Who doesn’t like such a job? Collecting ball pens at home is a simple matter, the main thing is that without any fraud. But the catch still exists. Which one? Everything is very simple. In the letter, the manager asks to make an advance payment in the amount of 300 rubles for the postal delivery of the parcel with “accessories” for assembling the pens. Naturally, after you do this, you will not receive any premise, and the scammers simply will no longer get in touch.

Option number 3

Of course, you can come across a conscientious employer who will fully fulfill his obligations. Then you can consider yourself lucky. Salary will be transferred to you immediately after completing the order.

Precautionary measures

When considering these or other homework options, you should not lose your vigilance for a minute. The mere fact that a stranger makes you a tempting offer should alert you. Never pay money in advance, as this can always be done by cash on delivery, upon receipt of the parcel. Well, of course, you should in no case confirm your honesty with money.

It is also worth considering why a huge number of sites in Runet that offer remote work use free hosting, using free mailboxes.

In any case, think a few times before sending money to anyone unknown. At a minimum, you should have a couple of days to think. Remember that the main trump card of swindlers is the calculation of quick “production”, when the victim will not think for a long time about why you need to pay money.