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Work as a bailiff: reviews of employees

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Work as a bailiff: reviews of employees

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Video: Builder Demolishes His Work After Pay Dispute With Homeowner 2024, June

The bailiff is an official who executes a decision of either the court or other authorized bodies, and he has to do this by force. For example, to recover a debt, to evict, etc. This happens when the debtor fails to fulfill his duties within the prescribed period.

Profession history

The post "bailiff" appeared in Russia in ancient times. However, in those days, representatives of this profession were endowed with different powers. For example, in Novgorod, bailiffs had to reconcile litigants in court. And in Moscow, these executive officials were entrusted with special assignments. This, for example, could be the accompaniment of foreign ambassadors. For this, people from the most distinguished families were selected.

But in general, in Russia, the work of the bailiff was reduced to summoning witnesses and defendant to the court, as well as execution of penalties.

Since the end of the 15th century. and up to the 17th century. people in this profession were called weekly workers, since they had been performing their duties for weeks. They notified the parties about their summoning to court, as well as the capture of criminals.

In the 18th century such a position as a bailiff was abolished. All executive functions were assumed by the police. However, this decision did not justify itself. After all, the police did not have a material interest in ensuring the appearance of the invited persons to court. As a result, there are cases when such litigations lasted for years, since either witnesses, or defendants, or plaintiffs were alternately absent from the meetings.

A new era of bailiff service

The times of political changes, the development of entrepreneurship and changes in the forms of use, disposition and ownership of property have made adjustments to the system of enforcement proceedings. In 1997, the bailiff service was revived in Russia. She entered the system of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. The creation of a special service was reflected in two federal laws. The first of them - “On Bailiffs” - entered into force on November 6, 1997. On the same day, the law “On Enforcement Proceedings” began to operate.

However, in 2004 another reorganization of the bodies of the Ministry of Justice of Russia took place. As a result, the Federal Service of Bailiffs of the Russian Federation was formed. The regulation on it was approved by Presidential Decree No. 316 of October 13, 2004.

Today, the bailiff service is one of the links in the system of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. Moreover, it is a structured and organized department with a certain staff. Units of this service cover all subjects of Russia.

Demand for the profession

To date, the work of a bailiff is often offered. Jobs for this position can always be found in the labor market. Of course, specialists in this professional field are graduated from universities in large numbers. However, qualified bailiffs today - a profession in demand. This is due to a rather large amount of debt in various regions of our country. Where is the job offered by a bailiff? Reviews of specialists note the possibility of employment only in the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, its structural divisions, etc.


What level of training does a bailiff require? Feedback from employees of this service indicates that they need to have a diploma of obtaining a higher legal or economic education.


Bailiffs work in two directions. In the first of them, they provide the order of the court. Such bailiffs accompany documents from the office to the courtroom and ensure that all witnesses are present at the hearing. People in this profession keep order and pronounce the phrase: “Get up! The court is coming! ” What other requirements does such a bailiff make? Feedback from representatives of this specialty suggests that it is important for them to recognize the danger and the criminal connotation of everything that happens in the courtroom on time.

The second area of ​​activity of bailiffs is the enforcement of decisions that have entered into legal force. These may be decisions of tax and judicial authorities, as well as organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system. The powers of such a bailiff are enshrined in the law of the Russian Federation. They include actions necessary for the seizure of the debtor's property and its further sale in order to repay the debt.

What is this work about? The bailiff is sometimes in the office. Here he receives citizens who want to collect or pay a debt. However, he mainly works outside the office. The bailiff walks around the homes of the debtors to identify their undeclared income, hidden property and determine the financial situation. And if citizens do not give money for fines for violating traffic rules or for transport tax, then the representative of this profession has to participate in joint raids with the traffic police.


Today, most defaulters go to various tricks to avoid paying debt. Someone realizes their property in advance, someone leaves the apartment, taking things with them, etc. These actions do not allow the bailiff to collect debt obligations. In such cases, the interrogators take up the matter. They are looking for debtors and studying their financial capabilities. Only after this is it possible to recover the legally claimed funds.

What duties does the bailiff investigator perform? The feedback on the work of these employees confirms that they, acting within the framework of the legislation of the Russian Federation, carry out the inquiry process on collection issues. Moreover, as a rule, bailiffs-investigators conduct business only for malicious defaulters. Among the powers of such a specialist is the possibility of initiating criminal cases on issues of evading the enforcement of judgments.

Psychological qualities

The bailiff is primarily an official who is in the public service. This circumstance determines the psychological characteristics that an employee of the FSSP should have.

It is considered not at all easy to work as a bailiff. Employee reviews indicate that attention and observation are most important to them. These characteristics are of particular importance in the professional activities of bailiffs guarding the premises of courts and deliberation rooms. They are also needed when observing the situation that developed during the meeting, as they contribute to ensuring the safety of protected people. These qualities include the ability of the bailiff to maintain steady attention for a long time. Moreover, it should be maintained, despite external irritants and fatigue. It is important for the bailiff and to be able to distribute their attention to perform several functions, tasks and actions at once.

People in this profession should have the ability to monitor not only one, but also several objects at the same time, noting even minor changes in their behavior. What other character traits does a job in the bailiff service require? Feedback from FSSP employees speaks of the importance of emotional and volitional qualities. They are necessary for bailiffs in situations where people who do not want to appear in court or to pay off debt are brought in.

Emotional and volitional qualities are necessary for employees of the FSSP even when removing violators from the courtroom, preventing and preventing crimes, etc. These characteristics can also include:

- self-control and balance in conflicts;

- emotional stability in the process of making this or that responsible decision;

- perseverance in overcoming difficulties;

- low suggestibility;

- maintaining high activity;

- the ability to an objective assessment of their actions, etc.

There is another important quality that a bailiff requires. Employee reviews emphasize the importance of the ability to make adequate decisions in the most difficult work situations. For this, the bailiff must have high intellectual characteristics. The representative of this profession often has to quickly navigate and make decisions in conflict situations.

To do this, he needs such qualities as:

- the ability to recreate the visual image according to the verbal description;

- the ability to immediately see more than one scenario, and choose the most effective way out of the situation;

- the ability to determine the nature of the information and make the right decision even if it is impossible to fully comprehend it in conditions of lack of time.

What other demands does the bailiff have? Representatives of this profession should have high communication skills. FSSP employees need knowledge of the characteristics of non-verbal communication. They will help, according to the external behavioral characteristics of the interlocutor (primarily emotional), to identify the possible intentions of the citizen and to stop his illegal actions in time.

Important for the bailiff and high personal communicative characteristics. They are of great importance in conflict situations. These characteristics include:

- the ability to find the right form of communication and the necessary tone;

- the ability to have a convincing psychological effect on the interlocutor and neutralize his aggressiveness;

- the ability to play a major role during a conflict;

- the ability to coordinate their actions with the actions of other persons.

What other characteristics should a bailiff have? Feedback on the work of FSSP employees indicates the need for a good professional memory. After all, a person of this specialty needs to be able, if necessary, to remember the appearance of a person and operate with a lot of information.

It is no secret that often in conflict is the work in the bailiff service. Employee reviews indicate that in such situations a well-developed reaction helps them. This quality will make it possible to quickly act in various extreme situations.

Feedback on the work of bailiffs suggests that the most successful professionals in this case have:

- certain life and work experience;

- interest in the interlocutor himself and his experiences;

- looseness, perseverance and self-confidence;

- ability to counteract;

- an active personal position.

Professional quality

What other requirements does the bailiff put forward? It is important for a person in this profession to properly perform their duties. Excess of authority by a bailiff is against the law. The legal framework within which the FSSP employee operates must be adhered to by the desire to comply with legal norms and the formation of an appropriate stereotype of behavior. The performance of the duties of a bailiff is possible only with constant monitoring of their actions.

What other characteristics should a bailiff have? Reviews of the work of people in this profession indicate that they sometimes have to use special equipment or physical force under the law to people under the influence of alcohol, drugs or toxic intoxication, as well as those who are trying to obstruct the requirements for them. Such powers imply their reasonable use from a person, which should take into account the current situation, etc.

The work of the bailiff is very intense. That is why a person who decides to devote himself to this profession should have increased stress resistance.


Bailiffs are civil servants. Depending on the length of service and position they are assigned class ranks.

The lowest of them is a junior lawyer. The highest step of the career ladder is the work of the main bailiff. The requirements for a candidate for this position, respectively, are the most stringent.

The salary

As you can see, the work of the bailiff involves the execution of a fairly wide range of powers. However, the salary of people in this profession is not too high. For example, it is hardly possible for a novice specialist to count on an amount exceeding 15 thousand rubles, which will include the official salary and monthly allowances (up to 60%) for special conditions of service.

More experienced employees, as well as the management of the FSSP, are in a better position. Their salary increases can reach 150%. In addition, these professionals income increases depending on the length of service. At the same time, the maximum allowance of this kind is at the level of 20% of the salary. An increase in wages also occurs with each assignment of a class rank.

A good addition to the salary and the existing allowances are bonus. Their size is determined by the incentive system in force in each territorial body. Also, the size of bonus payments depends on the number of actually performed cases.

So, the average salary of FSSP employees in the country is in the range from 12 to 22 thousand rubles. How is a bailiff paid in Moscow? The responses of representatives of this profession make it possible to judge that in the capital their salaries range from 18 to 26 thousand rubles.