career management

Work in Ireland for Russians: features, options and recommendations

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Work in Ireland for Russians: features, options and recommendations

Video: 8 work from home jobs anyone can start now | UK, US Worldwide 2024, June

Video: 8 work from home jobs anyone can start now | UK, US Worldwide 2024, June

For Russians, working in Ireland is a great opportunity to move to a developed European country with a market type of economy and a high standard of living. Despite the fact that unemployment as of January 1, 2017 reached 7.2 percent, vacancies for foreigners in Ireland are always available, especially when it comes to highly qualified specialists. This article discusses the issues of job search in Ireland, current requirements for employees from abroad, as well as specific vacancies and salaries.

How to find a job in Ireland?

Today, approximately ten percent of Ireland’s workforce consists of specialists from overseas. The key question here is to find an employer who agrees to issue an employment contract with a citizen of another country (after all, achieving this is not as easy as it seems at first glance). In addition, for successful work, the Russians need to obtain permission to work in Ireland.

It is important to note that the local government is one way or another determined to attract personnel, which is more in demand for the Irish economy. Thus, today in the country there are nine varieties of permits for foreigners to work. By the way, they have significant differences with employment systems in other countries, for example in the UK. Permit work in Ireland aims to fill existing gaps in the local labor market.

Normal Resolution

It is important to note that the rules governing categories such as work and study in Ireland have changed in some ways since October 2014. So, due to amendments to the legislation, the Green Card program was canceled, and the conditions regarding current work permits were changed.

Thus, today one option is the usual resolution. Work in Ireland under this authorization is appropriate when two basic conditions are met. Firstly, it is necessary and necessary to pass a check on the labor market. What should be understood by this procedure? This event is tantamount to verifying that citizens of a single economic space or local residents are not applying for a particular job. So, information about the vacancy is posted in the employment service for at least two weeks, as well as on sites related to employment, and in local newspapers for three days.

Secondly, working in Ireland can be relevant for a foreigner only when his annual salary is at least thirty thousand euros. It must be added that in some cases a slightly lower amount is allowed.

Critical skills

Work in northern Ireland, which is accompanied by special (critical) skills, does not require the implementation of an audit on the labor market. Moreover, such permission is available for absolutely all varieties of professions. The main condition here is a salary of at least sixty thousand euros per year. It is important to add that in relation to particularly valuable specialists, this bar can drop to thirty thousand euros per year.

Permission for family members

Work in Ireland is possible by granting the relevant government authorities of the country permission to work for family members. In this case, we are talking about spouses, partners and persons who are dependent on a foreigner officially employed in Ireland. It must be added that such a permit does not imply a mandatory test on the labor market, which is very pleasing to Russian citizens, because the procedure through this is greatly simplified.

Reactivation procedure

A permit to carry out professional activities in the territory of Ireland under the reactivation procedure allows foreigners who previously had permission to work in the country in question, but due to some circumstances who have lost it, find a job again. As a rule, the loss of the right to employment does not occur through the fault of the foreigner.

Additional permissions

In addition to the above, additional permissions are relevant today. It is important to note that they are used much less frequently and include the following points:

  • Internship of foreign students.
  • Employment of employees in managerial positions in the Irish branches of foreign companies.
  • Labor activity for servicing sports and cultural events.
  • Employment in accordance with exchange programs for researchers and scientists.
  • Temporary work related to the provision of services by foreign companies in Ireland.

Jobs in Ireland: Options

In order to successfully determine the vacancy in Ireland for a native of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to carefully analyze the local labor market and implement an action to soberly assess your own chances of finding a job. It is important to note that, first of all, this concerns English proficiency at a fairly high level, because without a language work in Ireland for Russians is practically not available.

In addition, the skills, experience and qualifications of a foreign specialist play an important role. It's no secret that in the process of employment you will have to compete with a huge number of European job seekers. In the process of finding a job in the country in question, great importance is usually given to the reviews of relatives and acquaintances who have ever had experience in employment in Ireland. In addition, personal communication with local residents is very appropriate in this case.

Whom to work?

To date, the minimum wage for qualified professionals in Ireland is 8.65 euros per hour, and the average salary in Dublin is 33,000 euros per year. Compared to earnings in Russia, this situation is very favorable. Due to the fact that in Ireland there are European centers of almost all the leading companies in the IT sphere, computer technology specialists are given more chances to find work in this country than representatives of other specialties.

By the way, such a serious situation does not apply to medical workers of absolutely all levels. Why? The fact is that a doctor with experience and a decent knowledge of English can easily and very quickly find a job in Ireland.

Useful Information

It is important to note that the most vacant jobs are in the big cities of Ireland, including Cork, Limerick, Galway, Droeda, Waterford and, of course, the capital of the country - Dublin. It is necessary to add that in all of these cities there is a local press in which advertisements for vacancies are posted. That is why it will be useful for a native of the Russian Federation to look at local mass media on the Internet and, of course, send a few responses in accordance with the vacancies you like.

Another very interesting and at the same time effective option is to check ads directly on the official resources of those companies where there is a desire to find a job. Thus, it is necessary to implement mailing to similar structures of your own resume, as well as call back in order to find out whether the resume has reached a particular company and what are the chances of taking a specific vacancy at the moment.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the search for work abroad is a rather lengthy and complex process. Why? In order to employ a foreign citizen, an Irish employer must obtain a permit from the Ministry of Labor or from this person (the features and varieties of these have been discussed in previous chapters). This permission is issued in the personnel department of the host employer company, which, incidentally, is engaged in the payment of state fees. Thus, in order to take such a serious step and hire a foreign employee, the structure must be confident in the absolute competitiveness of the future employee, because citizens of other countries of the European Union and citizens of Ireland themselves can apply for a particular vacancy.

You need to know that in Ireland, the probationary period is six months. In addition, a foreign specialist receives the same salary as the Irish employees of a particular structure. Funds are transferred to a bank card, while premiums range from seven to ten percent of the annual salary.