career management

Work in the "Read-city": reviews of employees. Read City, bookstore chain: employee salary reviews

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Work in the "Read-city": reviews of employees. Read City, bookstore chain: employee salary reviews

Well, today we’ll bring to your attention the feedback from the Read-Gorod employees about the company's stores in different cities of Russia. This trading network is a pretty good looking place for employment. But is it really so? Practice shows that often the external gloss does not meet the expectations of workers. Is it really here that we have to face this phenomenon? Let's try to deal with this difficult question as soon as possible.


The first thing you should pay attention to is the activity of the company. The thing is that it is on this that the primary reviews of employees depend. Read-the-City is an interesting enough store. What are we dealing with?

This is a book distribution network. That is, "Read-city" - these are the most ordinary shops. True, they are not yet distributed throughout Russia. But where there are "branches" of the network, reviews about the company by employees and customers are left extremely often. For consumers, this place is one of the best, where you can buy any book at competitive prices. But what kind of work in Read-City does employees receive feedback? Is it really a diligent employer?

Job interview

If you rely on the opinions of consumers, then you can lean toward this answer. But practice shows that in reality each employer has its own shortcomings. You can close your eyes to some, but some turn out to be so significant that you have to look for a new boss.

The first step that you will have to go through in order to become part of Read-the-City is an interview. Each city has its own experience, and therefore it is difficult to determine how this stage actually goes.

For example, Chitai-Gorod (Novosibirsk) receives good reviews from employees in this regard. The interview is conducted at the head office of the company, with specially trained recruitment managers. The whole process literally predisposes you to yourself. So, it makes sense to become part of the trading network.

True, not everywhere is so good. For example, “Read-city” (Krasnodar) reviews of employees about this stage earn terrible. Managers working in the main office are not able to communicate with potential subordinates. And instead of the usual interview, at least in a calm environment, it turns out something like a hard interrogation. Few people will like this phenomenon. No one knows for sure whether you are lucky with the interview or not. But for now, one thing is clear: coming to this stage is prepared for rudeness. It’s not necessary to expect that you will be greeted with a smile. This will help to avoid disappointment.


The Chitai-Gorod chain of stores often receives feedback from employees for promises made by a potential employer. Agree, because this is what attracts the public. If the employer initially says that you have to work hard and earn little, will you get a job in a company? Hardly.

What do they promise, according to employees, in Chitai-Gorod? First of all, these are salaries. They are here, according to the employer, more than high. The monthly salary income is 20,000 rubles plus bonus. In your hands you will receive about 25-30 thousand. For most regions, this salary is very high.

Secondly, the employer also promises a full social package and a flexible schedule. Just what many employees need. Exceptions can also be made for young mothers: take them part-time and part-time. Students, according to employees of the corporation, also rely on their benefits. For example, a free work schedule or combination with the educational process. A dream, not a store!

Thirdly, the reviews of the Read-Gorod employees emphasize that they will also promise you stable payments (on time), vacation without problems, maternity leave, breaks for the session, and so on. In theory, according to the laws, all this and so should be with employment. But practice shows the opposite. So why are some employees not happy with their employer?


Before you look at reality in the eyes, you should also not forget about the proposed vacancies. What awaits us for work? In Read-City, employee reviews bring new job seekers due to the abundance of jobs.

The thing is that in this book distribution network, as a rule, cashiers and consultants are required. Occasionally, there is a need for warehouse workers, as well as loaders. Merchandisers are another position that you can get a job. However, mainly schoolchildren and students take this vacancy.

In general, there is nothing special. Overwork, according to the employer and consumers, will not be required. Only for some reason, the Read-City network is still not receiving the best reviews from employees. Let’s now try to figure out why.


All the negative starts exactly from the moment you sign the contract with the company, or rather, on your first business day. Read-City is a company that does not particularly comply with the terms of the contract with its employees. And the first thing that disappoints, according to employees, is the work schedule.

“On paper” you agree on 2/2 or 5/2. Sometimes, as already mentioned, shifts and part-time jobs are possible. Only in reality, most likely, you will have to work every day and without interruptions, and even 12 hours a day. At the same time, they will ask you to perform work not only yours, but also that which your superiors order.

Not the most honest reception, is it? As you can see, already for this the reviews of the employees of the Read-City have a negative connotation. But this is only the beginning. The most interesting is yet to come.

Holidays and Holidays

For example, the Read-Gorod chain of bookstores receives not the best reviews from employees for not observing their promises about the social package. According to the documents he is, in practice - no.

You will not be able to get a vacation. And if you can get it, then, most likely, at your own expense. Payment for this "event" is rare, payments amount to half the required amount, and come with a huge delay. You will not be allowed to attend the session either. You will have to pay again for passes from your pocket. If this is not done, the cost of missed shifts will be deducted from your salary.

Holidays in the "Read City" are not paid at all and never. Rather, they are still paid, but only to management. Ordinary employees may forget about compliance with the terms of the contract by the employer in this company. Hospital also almost paid. There are cases when people became disabled or suffered serious illnesses, and the authorities simply “kicked” them out of workplaces, and then completely refuted the fact of the work of a person on the network. So you have to prepare for such cases. In principle, such situations can happen everywhere, but the Read-City network receives negative reviews from employees in this regard most often.

The salary

Special attention should be paid to earnings in the company. After all, this is an additional incentive to find a job in a distribution network. About what they promise you has already been said. But how are things really?

Read-City employees get worse reviews about salaries. Instead of the salary amount specified in the contract (about 20,000 rubles), you will be given a “gray” salary. It will be several times smaller. After signing the contract, if you check the documents with your employer, then 20 thousand will be replaced by 10 000 salary.

It turns out that we were simply deceived in order to lure to ourselves. It is useless to prove that you were promised a salary of 20,000, even though you have your own copy of the contract in which everything is written.

Of course, wage delays are also observed. Sometimes for several months they may not pay. So, “Read the city” is not the most stable place to build a career. And if you need stability, then, according to many employees, you turned to the wrong address.


With bonuses, the situation is no better. In practice, they are paid to few. And then, they are given for special merits. Which ones? No one knows. We can say that the award in the “Read City” is a peculiar handout of the bosses, which is given at those moments when the leadership is enough for everyone. These cases are rare and even too much.

Thus, it is not necessary to count on additional income. According to the employer, you need to be glad that you were paid, even if it is money that is not enough even to pay utility bills. When settling in Read City, think carefully about whether you need it? Maybe find another place to work?


The next moment, which forces us to leave feedback from the employees of Read-Gorod, is the punishment. For this aspect, the company earns far from the best reputation. And that is understandable.

Penalties are imposed on everyone and always, for any event that the bosses do not like, and in the amounts that the management will name. As employees emphasize, fines in this distribution network are high. And because of this, you can generally get about 4-5 thousand rubles per month. This means that there is no sense of "hunching" in such an environment. Read-City is a company that has long been blacklisted by employers in many cities. If you do not want to feel the real torment on yourself, then go around this place. In this case, one does not have to endure injustice and deception. Look for a more prestigious employer company that is not on the blacklist.