
Work as a driver in Business Lines: driver reviews about the employer

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Work as a driver in Business Lines: driver reviews about the employer

Video: Driving Workforce Engagement with AAIM 2024, July

Video: Driving Workforce Engagement with AAIM 2024, July

Many men are interested in working as a driver in Business Lines. Driver reviews about this employer are left quite often. Other employees also often speak out about cooperation with the organization. Is it worth it to get a driver here? What are the pros and cons of working citizens? Is the employer in good faith? Or is he somehow deceiving his applicants and subordinates? All this will be described later.

Description of Activities

Business Lines is a very large organization that operates in Russia. This is a logistics company. She offers freight services.

Not a scammer. Business Lines is a well-known company offering jobs to many citizens. Most often, drivers are required here. But what can applicants and employees say about the organization as an employer? Clients have no special complaints - the work is done efficiently and on time, at affordable prices. And how good is the company for employment? What feedback from drivers about working in Business Lines can be seen?

Number of seats

The first thing they pay attention to is that there are a lot of places for employment. There is competition for employment, but not too much. "Business Lines" constantly requires drivers of different categories of driving.

How can I find a job? What do Business Lines offer? You can get a job as a driver just by calling the organization and having an interview. Nothing difficult or special.

Job interview

However, the interview is also pleasing to many potential employees. The thing is that working as a driver in Moscow (Business Lines) is a common occurrence. The company has not so many requirements. And the interview pleases with the fact that recruitment managers will always tell about all the details of cooperation.

At the stage of the first acquaintance, employees are offered:

  • official employment;
  • full social package;
  • nice and friendly staff;
  • career opportunities;
  • high earnings.

Accordingly, all this only attracts. Job seekers leave mostly positive feedback about the employer. Call back and invite to start work almost all potential drivers. This means that there are no significant problems with employment.


A driver job in Business Lines receives positive feedback from drivers for the lack of strict requirements for applicants. The thing is that the organization wants future drivers:

  • were adults;
  • had a driver's license of one category or another.

No more significant queries. Often require citizenship of the Russian Federation. In fact, if a person has a driver’s license with one or another category of driving (usually C, D, E), you can easily get into an organization. No additional training is provided here. This upsets some. You will have to get one or another category of driving on your own even before direct employment.

The presence of education does not matter. But what does working as a driver mean? The company "Business Lines" do not recruit students. After all, employment implies full employment. Most often, either people without education or job seekers who have already graduated from the university work here.

Official employment

Almost all drivers point out that Business Lines offers only formal employment. And it pleases many citizens. No fraud or fraud, all conditions and norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation are fully respected.

The employment contract is drawn up in several copies. In addition, citizens can at any time request their work book in their hands. Unofficial employment in the organization is not welcome. And this fact will have to be taken into account by those who want to work informally. "Business Lines" is a conscientious organization that does not recruit workers, especially drivers, for unofficial work.

Social package

What other opinions does getting a driver in Business Lines get? Driver reviews indicate that this organization does offer a complete social package. But, for example, payments for sick leave or vacation pay sometimes come with some delays.

In addition, such cash is small. Do not wait for Business Lines to start paying vacation pay or sick leave. Many point out that sometimes it is very difficult to get a vacation. Some do not rest for several years. Nevertheless, a social package in the organization is proposed.


Driver work ("Business Lines", category E or any other) receives good reviews for the fact that the employer offers his subordinates an official car. And it is the organization that will deal with the payment of repair and maintenance of vehicles. They don’t drive here on their cars (regardless of category). Only on official vehicles.

Accordingly, this technique frees drivers from most problems. Official vehicles are being monitored, as employees say. In particular, the mileage. Use of the machines provided for personal use is prohibited. Many employees emphasize that such tricks are fined, reprimanded or otherwise punished. Repeated violation is dismissal.

The transport is all new, it is regularly updated. Drivers who are falling apart or damaged are not allowed to travel. "Business Lines" carefully monitor the safety and serviceability of their cars. This phenomenon only pleases drivers!


What do Business Lines offer? Work as a driver or any other employee is employment in a friendly team. This feature is emphasized by many employees of the company. And the drivers as well.

They simply indicate that you have to work with friendly, active people. No rivalry, no deception or other negative aspects. There are, of course, not the best colleagues, but there are few of them. Basically, "Business Lines" are distinguished by a close-knit and friendly team.

If necessary, drivers can negotiate and replace each other. This practice occurs, although not so often. Nevertheless, each driver can rely on his colleagues. They will always be ready to help and help out in one case or another.


What else distinguishes the work of a driver in the "Business Lines"? Driver reviews indicate that the organization pays "white" earnings. But it is relatively low. That is why many emphasize the small size of vacation and sick leave.

But in the "Business Lines", if you believe the numerous reviews of drivers and other employees, the practice of "gray" earnings. It is much higher than salary, serves to motivate employees. Some are outraged by such a system, but still continue to work in the company. Driving (Business Lines, category C or any other) is a good way to make money. Although not in the form of a net salary, but the money is paid to all subordinates.

Sometimes the discontent of personnel is caused by some delays in payments. Fortunately, there are not so many of them. There is another negative point related to earnings, but about it a little later. First, pay attention to more important nuances.


For example, on a work schedule. Reviews of drivers about work in "Business Lines" are not the best there are for how much you have to work. Many indicate a high workload. You have to work not only during the day, but also at night. Often, all overtime is not paid. The schedule is stressful, most often there is even no time to rest.

And due to lack of staff, it is sometimes impossible to go on vacation. All this is often emphasized by drivers and their relatives. However, this situation is not uncommon; such problems are encountered in most logistics companies.

When settling in the "Business Lines" by a driver, a person must prepare for a serious load and constant stress. Driving here requires stamina. Otherwise, it will not work either to cooperate with the organization for a long time or to earn money.


Driver work ("Business Lines") in Ufa receives diverse reviews. However, as in any other city. Negative opinions are often expressed because real earnings in the organization (even “gray”) at the end of the month remain not too high. Why?

Business Lines has a fine system. Fine employees (and drivers including) for any mistake or misconduct. This factor should be considered by each employee. Most often, collective punishment takes place. This means that the entire shift will be fined for the mistakes of only one person.

It is the penalty system in Business Lines that receives a lot of negative reviews. In any case, from drivers and other subordinates. The management of the organization does not attach importance to the fact that real incomes of employees are reduced. The boss says a tight fines system is a good reason to abide by the rules.

During repair

Working as a driver in Business Lines is not getting the best reviews for one more small nuance. We are talking about the period of the proposed vehicle in repair. It is noted that employees are just waiting for the car to be repaired. At this time, new vehicles are not issued to them. Accordingly, you have to sit without work.

All this, of course, affects the real salary of subordinates. Some advise looking for a part-time job while working with Business Lines. Fortunately, the repair of vehicles is usually carried out quite quickly.


Now it’s clear what kind of feedback Business Lines receives as an employer. In general, this is a good organization, but with its unspoken rules and the penalty system, it causes discontent of many. In some cities, this employer is blacklisted. However, all organizations to which employees have any complaints are included in such lists.

Should I get a job here? Work is recommended only for drivers with one or another category of driving, stress-resistant and hardy. Many advise family members not to get involved with Business Lines. Employment here is permanent, the family will have complaints.