career management

Reiter - who is this?

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Reiter - who is this?

Let's start from afar. Now the late Zadornov told such an anecdotal story. On the set of one show, an elderly lady came up to him and asked what was written on his badge. And there it was in English Zadornov. Writer She thought that he was a Jew and his real name was Reiter, and Zadornov was a pseudonym. The comedian barely explained that this was a mistake.

Of course, a person who knows a little bit of English knows that a writer is not a Jewish surname, but translated into Russian as a "writer". So who is a writer, and why did a new word be needed in Russian? Why not call him just a writer?

Reiter: Definition

So, let's solve the riddle. The word "Reiter" is still not very popular, but quite transparent. The Internet is awash with trendy professions such as copywriter and web writer. Reiter is a broader concept. This is a person who writes articles and creates unique content. He can only be called a writer with a big stretch. In the Russian tradition, the word “writer” sounds proudly and means not just the person who writes (in this context, it will sound with irony, for example, if we call the writer a student doing homework), but the creator of works of art. There are, of course, spiritual writers, and philosopher writers, educators, and scientists. But nevertheless, the first to think of writers comes not just any textbooks, but novels, novels and stories. To call articles fiction does not work. What did not please someone the names "copywriter" and "web writer"?

If you strictly adhere to the meaning of the word "copywriter", then it comes from the English copywright - "copyright" - and initially means an employee who creates advertising, selling texts. A web writer is, of course, one who writes on the Internet. And the field of activity of the rider can be much wider. Not all articles are advertising and not all are published exclusively on the Internet. To understand this, you can give an example. What can be called those who fill this site with content? These are writers, because there are a huge number of informative articles that have nothing to do with advertising. These are web writers because the resource is located on the web. In principle, the elements of copywriting in the strict sense of the word are also present here - you can find advertising articles.

How to start working as a writer?

Writing texts is one of the most popular ways to make money on the Internet. It is enough to have a computer and the Internet and have a good command of the native language. Understand what text uniqueness is and how to achieve it. There are anti-plagiarisms to check it, for example, you can make it on for free. If you write "from the head", uniqueness will be 100%. But most often, especially when working with unfamiliar topics, you will have to rework the material of other articles. In this case, it is important to be able not to follow the footsteps of someone else's text, but, having studied several articles, to present the material in a free form, separating the necessary from the unnecessary. It is more difficult to work with topics that are saturated with terminology, but even with experience it will be possible to achieve the required uniqueness. For beginners, the Advego and Etxt exchanges are suitable, more advanced work on the closed exchanges Textbroker, ContentMonster, Turbotext or cooperation with customers personally. This promises quite real earnings, but it's better to start small.

What qualities are important

Despite the fact that automatic text verification programs are growing and improving, literacy is important for a rider. Yes, the program itself will emphasize elementary spelling errors, but the subtleties of punctuation can be overlooked. It is important to be able to build a phrase in accordance with the literary language.

Of course, for people to read texts, they must be interesting. The ability to write interestingly can be a natural talent, but it can be developed.

The good of criticism

Ask to read your “creations” and criticize. Comments can help you see your weaknesses and work on them. It is only important to understand that if you are not mentally prepared for criticism and it will extinguish your ardor, it is important to build confidence in yourself. To begin, start writing for yourself, at the table, as a workout. For example, the skill to express your thoughts in people keeping a diary is developing very well. There is an interesting way to take a fresh look at what is written. Read your text out loud and record it on a voice recorder or take it on camera. Previously undetected defects will be heard, and you can correct them. The ability to edit your text should also be honed and reach automaticity. Over time, a quick glance will be enough to understand where, what, and how to fix it. But careful, thoughtful re-reading should not be avoided.

Writing Exercises

  • To write on a topic that is not close to interests. Everyone is advised to write about what's interesting. And you try to take a topic that is indifferent and alien to you, and find in it something that will ignite you and the reader!
  • Broaden your horizons. The breadth of outlook is directly reflected in the texts created. Sometimes the author has enough accumulated knowledge, he can immediately, without looking anywhere, write an interesting article. But usually you need to use sources.
  • Write about the familiar. Take a look at the objects around you. Try writing about a chandelier hanging on the ceiling. Or a mug of tea. Yes, so that it was lively and exciting.
  • Reduce time. Writing is interesting, but there are many other worries in life, so you cannot pore over articles every day from morning to evening. And in the end, writers are people who write for income, so the higher the productivity, the more you can earn. If a beginner picks one simple article all day, then a professional will easily write a few of them without losing quality. We think, obviously, which side will benefit. Therefore, you can try to take a limited time, for example, an hour, to write a text. It turned out - next time give yourself a text of about the same volume and complexity of 45 or 50 minutes.
  • It’s clear to write. Reading an incomprehensible, full of terms and full of complex revolutions text, a person quickly gets tired. It is necessary that the text be read in one go. It’s important to understand which audience will read your article. For example, an article on medicine for doctors and medical students will seem like a bird's eye to the general population, but in a simplified, close to life article on medicine, a student preparing for an exam will not find the exact facts he needs. Most often it is necessary to write publicly available texts. It is important for the Reiter to be aware of this.

Old and new

Familiar stamps are not as bad as they seem. Everything familiar relaxes a person and inspires confidence in him. Psychologists say that in order for information to be assimilated, the message should contain only 30% of the new information. If the text is nothing new, then why is it written? This applies not only to the content, but also to how this information will be presented. It’s worth introducing the usual cliches at the beginning of the text and inspiring confidence, but if all of it is made up of hackneyed platitudes, it will cause nothing but boredom. Shine with originality, add a twist! After all, a writer is a creative profession.