
The highest paid professions in Moscow (2014). Highly paid professions in Moscow: a list

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The highest paid professions in Moscow (2014). Highly paid professions in Moscow: a list

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For an ambitious and purposeful person who wants to achieve world recognition, before starting his ascent to the top of Olympus, it is important to study the labor market offers, to analyze what are now the highest paid professions in Moscow and other cities of the country, what kind of rewards true professionals get their job.

In this article we will analyze the highest paid professions in Moscow 2013-2015. But even if your position is not included in the list of the highest paid - this is not a reason to be upset. There is no limit to perfection, and success can be achieved in any professional industry.

The highest paid professions in Moscow

Obviously, the highest salaries are received by the heads of enterprises, top managers of organizations, senior management in commercial organizations and government agencies. The managing director of the investment bank has a salary of $ 3 million per year. The annual earnings of the presidents of the oil companies are more than 2 million. Analysts, investment bank chairmen, marketing directors receive about $ 1 million a year. The success of the company as a whole depends on how competently they organize the work of the organization, how the strategy for promoting the product will be implemented.

What distinguishes a person applying for a specific position from many others? The ability to combine technical knowledge with management skills, creativity and innovative thinking will always be held in high esteem. But do not forget that the chances of getting into the leadership of a bank or enterprise are negligible. Therefore, it is worth considering the highest paid professions in Moscow of a lower order.

Accountants, IT-specialists

One of the main specialists of any enterprise is an accountant, a person without whom, in principle, the organization of the distribution of finances is impossible. His responsibilities include the preparation of periodic reports, tax assessment, maintaining an archive of financial activities, control of expenses and income. The applicant for this position must have a higher economic education, as well as at least three years of experience in this specialty. What do graduates with no experience is not clear.

Accounting activities take pride of place in a list called "The highest paid professions in Moscow for women." A qualified specialist holding the position of chief accountant in a reputable company can receive more than 200 thousand rubles a month.

Given the fact that the demand for information technology is constantly growing, there is a constant computerization of society, the demand for specialists in the field of IT technologies does not fade. They can do a lot: create software for organizing the work of the supermarket, prevent information leakage, organize the network, protect it from hacking, ensure the operation of important sites and Internet services. The highest paid professions in Moscow in the field of IT technologies are those of programmers and web developers. Their salary is from 60 to 200 thousand rubles a month.

Area of ​​jurisprudence

Another important link in any company is a lawyer. For the fact that he can defend the rights of the company, help maintain a balance on such a thin and unstable edge of the law, they are ready to pay him from 35 to 100 thousand rubles a month.

What can be called highly paid professions in Moscow in this sphere of labor? The directive lawyer receives a high salary - this is the person who deals with the financial securities of the enterprise. Another interesting position in the field of jurisprudence is an adviser to a law firm. Such a person can receive both miserable fees for consulting the company, and absolutely incredible rewards just for using his name in advertising. This profession requires intellectual costs, usually such people have several degrees.

Managers and Marketers

Employers are valued for people who promote brands, deal with advertising, and promote the product in every way on the market. Meet: marketers in front of you. Their salary may be 50 thousand rubles a month.

Managers are different, but they all get good salaries. HR managers are willing to pay 45 thousand rubles a month. Employees who are able to analyze the quality of goods, make purchases, analyze the situation on the market are paid from 35 to 50 thousand. There are also risk managers who are well aware of the market situation in times of crisis, monitor, analyze and reduce various risks. They are willing to pay 500 thousand rubles a month.

Even if you have absolutely no experience in this field, but the language is well-suspended, you can unobtrusively convince a person to use the offered service, you can become a sales manager. Their monthly rate is about 50 thousand rubles.

Manufacturing sector

Production has always been held in high esteem. Now you can meet a lot of psychologists, sociologists, designers and lawyers, and very few truly talented engineers, people who are able to take charge of the workshops. They can rightfully claim a salary of 80 thousand rubles.

In the future, it is believed that engineers will be included in the list of "Highest-paid professions in Moscow," especially engineers for the development and maintenance of medical equipment. American researchers calculated that by 2020 the number of vacancies will increase by 61% compared with the current situation.

The highest paid professions in Moscow for girls and women

What comes to mind first when it comes to female professions? Nurse, teacher, hairdresser or manicurist. But there are other areas where female labor will be well paid.

Purposeful woman can always open her own business. And no matter in which industry, the main thing is that there is business acumen, hard work. Of course, girls and women do not seek to open their own tire service or car dealership, they prefer to do the affairs of a beauty salon, hairdresser, wedding salon. Women succeed in sales of toys, jewelry, cosmetics, handmade products, such as embroidery, knitwear, and souvenirs. Here you can’t sit still for a minute, you need to constantly move forward, establish contacts, organize the work of personnel, otherwise you cannot cope with competition.

Services sector

In the service sector, women are undoubtedly valued, because they are more flexible, find a common language with customers faster, and conflict less. Stewardesses, cafe and restaurant administrators, human resources managers are the highest paid professions for women in Moscow. The list can be listed for a long time.

Good salaries are received by nail service masters, cosmetologists and makeup artists, fitness trainers and nutritionists. For example, having experience, own circle of clients, a full hand and a developed imagination, a manicurist is able to earn 90 thousand rubles a month. A very good salary, which many men would not refuse.

Where to go to work without experience?

As you know, now without work experience anywhere. But still, where to go to work, barely graduating from a university or college? What are the highest paid professions in Moscow without work experience?

Both in Moscow and in any other city, you can get a job as a copywriter. This is a person who, in accordance with the requirements, writes competent texts for companies. Monthly earnings can reach 40 thousand rubles. The position of a call center operator also does not require work experience. If you can beautifully talk about the sights of your native city, have good diction, you can get a tour guide, where there is an opportunity to earn about 50 thousand rubles a month.

Requirements for Applicants

What are the general requirements of employers? For leadership positions, they are always very high. This and the presence of higher education, and competent knowledge of foreign languages, no doubt, we need experience in this field. Skills and practical knowledge in management and jurisprudence are also welcome.

For any highly paid position, a person must have high resistance to stress, be prepared for an irregular schedule and work on weekends. But, as they say, you can’t catch a fish from a pond without difficulty. Everything is in your hands, success in work!