career management

How much does a programmer get in Ukraine, in Russia and the USA?

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How much does a programmer get in Ukraine, in Russia and the USA?

Video: Why i left the U.S. and moved to Eastern Europe 2024, July

Video: Why i left the U.S. and moved to Eastern Europe 2024, July

The profession of a programmer has managed to become one of the most popular on the labor market both in the countries of the post-Soviet space and outside the Russian-speaking regions. In this regard, many young people are thinking about choosing just such a specialization. One of the most basic questions asked before making a final decision is "how much money do programmers get." For a complete answer, you need to review the situation in countries such as Russia, Ukraine and the United States. This is what this article will be devoted to.

How much does a programmer get

To begin with, it is worth clarifying some features of this profession and, therefore, to illuminate the process of forming the cost of labor. The size of the remuneration that a programmer can receive is directly affected by the profile of the specialist, his experience and the place of work itself - the company.

It is worth noting that employers have long been not oriented to specialists of a wide profile. Narrow specializations are much more appreciated. This is due to the fact that such programmers are developing specific and popular software (for games, photo editors, medical equipment, etc.). Trying to figure out how much a programmer of such a profile gets, one may encounter completely different amounts.

Therefore, in order to determine the average price tag, it is necessary to consider not only regions, but also specific specializations.

Factors Affecting Salary Levels

If we take into account the post-Soviet space, we can distinguish several key factors that directly determine how much a programmer receives per month.

  1. Knowledge of English, which allows you to easily work with documents, can increase the income of a specialist by 1/5 of his monthly earnings. The skill of working with documentation in English is especially relevant in those companies that cooperate with foreign partners.
  2. If a programmer works remotely, he usually includes possible risks in the cost of his services, which also positively affects the level of income.
  3. Another important factor on which the earnings of an IT specialist depends is the actual productivity. No matter where the programmer works, he is paid not for the time spent in the office, but for the number of tasks completed. The more projects an employee completes, the higher his salary will be.
  4. Experience that allows you to control the activities of the team. Those who are trusted by the development department can receive 150,000 rubles. per month.

Employer policy

Company policy is a factor that must always be considered when determining the potential level of income. For example, if you pay attention to how much a software engineer receives, you can find offers from 40 to 100 thousand rubles. As you can see, the income level of a programmer depends on a whole range of factors, so it’s worth correctly building your career.

Salary in Russia

Of course, considering the prospects of the IT sphere, it makes sense to pay attention to the fact how much programmers get in Russia.

If we focus on the relevance of a particular programming language, leaving aside the data by region, then we can make the following distinction:

  1. Programmers who work with Java receive an average of 170 thousand rubles. per month. But if you take the lower level of payment, it is worth designating an income of 130 thousand rubles. Moreover, the possible limit goes beyond the mark of 250 thousand rubles. Much depends on the qualifications of a particular specialist and the policies of the company in which he works. But by and large, this programming language is one of the highest paid.
  2. Continuing to figure out how much a programmer gets, you should pay attention to those who work with a language such as PHP. In some cases, specialists developing in this segment may receive 40% less than their colleagues from the previous sector. This fact can be explained by the fact that there are a lot of programmers who know this language. The average annual price tag in this direction fluctuates at the level of 100 thousand rubles.
  3. As for those programmers who specialize in working with 1C, they can count on average 70 thousand rubles. per month. Those with a high level of qualification may be paid 290 thousand rubles. for a month of work.

The situation in the capital

When considering the labor market in the Russian Federation, special attention should be paid to the fact how much programmers get in Moscow.

If we analyze the posted vacancies, we can distinguish the following figures that the capital companies offer:

  • head of development department - from 160,000 rubles;
  • Java specialist receives an average of 140,000 rubles.;
  • those who specialize in 1C are able to find work with a salary of 135,000 rubles;
  • programmers who have mastered PHP get about 120,000 rubles.;
  • developers who choose C ++ have every reason to search for a position with a salary of 100,000 rubles.;
  • Specialists working with mobile applications on Android OC, as well as iOS, it makes sense to rely on a salary of 90,000 rubles. in the capital;
  • Flash-programmer has every reason to look for a company where they pay 80,000 rubles.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the above figures are an average indicator. Moreover, if you try to determine how much a programmer receives in the capital, without taking into account qualifications and specific specialization, then the average price tag will stop at around 80-85 thousand rubles.

Prospects in Ukraine

If you take Kiev salaries as a guide, you can easily notice that the income of Ukrainian specialists is somewhat inferior to the level of earnings of Russian colleagues.

Those for whom the question of how much a programmer receives in Ukraine is relevant, you need to pay attention to the following information. The average range of salaries of employees in the field of programming is 8-30 thousand UAH. The fact how much a particular specialist will receive directly depends on his experience, the programming language and the company in which he works.

If we are talking about an international organization, then it makes sense to count on $ 1,000 or more. Working with local employers, one may also encounter a salary of 10 thousand UAH.

In other words, the income level of programmers both in Ukraine and specifically in Kiev can vary significantly.

How to evaluate IT professionals in the United States

Considering the standard of living of foreign programmers, it is best to take into account North America, where specialists in this field feel more than comfortable.

If we take the average indicator of annual income, then it is worth voicing the price tag of $ 100,000. Thus, understanding how much a programmer receives in the USA, you can come to a monthly income of $ 8,000. It is necessary to take into account that such income is available to a mid-level programmer.

For those who value the layout of the cost of services of specialists in various programming languages, the following information will be relevant:

  • Java ($ 5,000-10,000);
  • PHP ($ 4,000-8,000);
  • NET ($ 7,000-15,000);
  • Delphi ($ 2,000-5,000);
  • 1C ($ 5,000-7,000);
  • Flash ($ 4,000-6,000);
  • C ++ ($ 4,000-10,000).

This is what the salary scale for IT industry representatives in the United States of America looks like. Of course, department heads get significantly more.

It should be borne in mind that in the western hemisphere with a salary of $ 7-10 thousand, the level of costs will be slightly different than in Russia. You will have to spend significantly less on food in percentage terms; appliances in the USA are also more affordable, as well as clothes. Therefore, in general, it can be argued that programmers in the States live better.


Having studied the information on how much software technicians, developers and other specialists in different countries receive, we can come to the obvious conclusion: Europe and the USA are the most attractive for professionals from the IT sphere. If you have to make your way to financial heights in the territory of the post-Soviet space, then it is better to target capital companies.