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How much do they earn in the Ministry of Emergencies in Russia?

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How much do they earn in the Ministry of Emergencies in Russia?

Video: RT News lntl - RUSSIAN passenger aircraft with 220 onboard crashes in EGYPT 2024, June

Video: RT News lntl - RUSSIAN passenger aircraft with 220 onboard crashes in EGYPT 2024, June

Currently, the rescue profession in the Ministry of Emergencies is in demand and interesting for many young men and women who want to devote their lives to saving lives. After all, it is humane, noble and not bad paid. So many believe. But how much do they earn in the Ministry of Emergencies? We will learn what reward is for hard, responsible, and sometimes dangerous work, from this article.

Who works in the Ministry of Emergencies

The EMERCOM service consists of many employees, which are divided into three categories: well-known rescuers, firefighters, pilots are workers belonging to the military structure; experts and specialists - employees of the state civil service; Researchers are also distinguished. Each category has its own requirements and wages.

All of these categories of people are employees of the Ministry of Emergencies. These are people with a certain status and rank in the fire service, they are members of the rank-and-file or management team, have different earnings and surcharges. However, privileges and allowances do not apply to employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations who are service personnel (operators and drivers). How much they earn in the Ministry of Emergencies will be discussed below.

Rescue profession

Let us consider in more detail the components of the lifeguard profession in the Ministry of Emergencies. This department is one of the most stressful work, because a person must be mentally and physically prepared for various situations, have the knowledge and skills to save the lives of people on water, on land, in the mountains.

It is important to be as concentrated and attentive as possible, quickly and calmly make decisions on the spot. Indeed, the fate and life of many people depend on the coherence of actions, efficiency and emotional stability of the emceesnik. It is necessary to initially soberly assess your capabilities so that the peculiar romance of the profession does not overshadow the realities of life. It’s very difficult to face the grief of thousands of people every day without losing your peace of mind. It happens that the professionals themselves also need emergency psychological help. Those wishing to join this profession should not first think about how much they earn in the Ministry of Emergencies per month, it is better to leave this question for later.

How to become a lifeguard

The selection of new employees is based on the competition. The main criterion for the future rescuer is the passage of service in the Russian army, good health and a stable psyche. The age limit is from 18 to 40 years old, the minimum presence of secondary education and a spotless reputation. Also important are qualities such as optimism, politeness, self-control and non-conflict. In addition to documents, it will be appropriate to attach certificates of available sports achievements, diplomas of courses taken and a personal description from your previous job to your resume.

The future rescuer is expected to be interviewed, then sent to a polyclinic at the district medical commission, to the hospital, as well as a polygraph test at the center for psychological diagnostics. In the Russian Federation, the leader in the largest number of lifeguard vacancies is the Moscow region, silver is in the Leningrad region, the bronze place goes to the Chelyabinsk region. How much money is earned at the Ministry of Emergencies in Moscow cannot be compared with what this figure is in other smaller cities, the parameter will be different. In the capital there are more people, movement, risks, respectively, each employee works on the account. Here you need to prepare for hard shifts, conflicting emotions, belated thanks.

Remuneration for labor

Regardless of the person’s spiritual zeal to embark on the path of help and learn all the skills of a representative of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, an important factor for any working person is remuneration. So how much does the employee of the Ministry of Emergencies earn? His salary consists of several components: the salary, the additional payment for the title and the accrued length of service, as well as various allowances.

In addition to the above, there is a preferential subsidy for the construction and purchase of own housing, medical care, spa treatment, and increased insurance payments. Increased cash payments for insured events in connection with personal injury or death in the line of duty.

The salary is the stable amount of money paid to the employee for the worked month. Salary has a pronounced difference depending on the position of the employee, the category and type of department of the department, as well as the locality. For example, in a small city where the number of people is less than one hundred thousand, the salary of a fireman is nine thousand rubles, and in large cities like St. Petersburg, thirteen thousand rubles. You can find out more by contacting the decree of the government of the Russian Federation.

What does the salary consist of?

The monetary supplement for seniority and title is paid strictly individually, there is a direct pattern: the higher the title and the longer the seniority, the greater the monetary allowance the employee receives. An interesting fact is that the rescuers of the Ministry of Emergencies are not persons liable for military service, they do not serve in military units, however they wear epaulets and have ranks from junior sergeant to colonel.

Monthly allowances represent an additional payment for certain working conditions, they increase the earnings of the employees and are accrued in the following cases: for a class or category, for seniority, for working with documents containing state secrets, for special achievements in the service. In the case of a job that has an increased risk to the lifeguard, the premium is increased three times.

How much do the rescuers of the Ministry of Emergencies earn in the Moscow and Leningrad Regions on extra charges? For a fixed salary, the premium is 10%; with a length of service of 25 years for the working experience, the allowance may reach up to 40%; the premium for good faith service may be 100% of the salary, and such payment is made no more than three times a year; pay extra for special working conditions in the amount of up to 100% of the salary.

Salary in numbers

In connection with the increase in the level of prestige of the Ministry of Emergencies, the state is increasing salaries for employees of all categories of departments. Every month, civilian specialists receive 15-25 thousand rubles, research workers - up to 23 thousand rubles.

How much rescuers of the Ministry of Emergencies earn per month in large cities and regions are of interest to many. In each region, salaries can vary greatly, due to different living standards, as well as the presence of northern and district coefficients. The rescuer of the Ministry of Emergencies receives the highest salaries in the Magadan Region (70 thousand rubles), in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (60 thousand rubles), in Moscow (50 thousand rubles).

Let's compare salaries in the regions: in the Khabarovsk Territory - 25 thousand rubles; in the Krasnodar Territory - 23 thousand rubles, in the Stavropol Territory - 15 thousand rubles, in the Vladimir Region - 14 thousand rubles. The difference is significant, despite the fact that much depends on the aforementioned components of wages - salary, length of service, rank, and allowances.

In 2018, the state plans to increase the salary of EMERCOM employees by one and a half times. 2.5 billion rubles have been allocated for this.

EMERCOM salary abroad

Abroad, the rescue service has other names, but, in fact, work and official duties are not much different from the Ministry of Emergencies. In large American cities, the salary of the Ministry of Emergencies varies depending on the rank and position in the range from 36 thousand dollars (ordinary) to 90 thousand dollars (chief). In Germany, initially an employee receives three thousand euros per month, the same salary and a fireman in the UK. In Kazakhstan and Estonia, rescuers earn 750 and 650 euros per month, respectively.

Now you know how much they earn in the Ministry of Emergencies in Russia. Thus, we can conclude that, compared with most European countries, the income of email users is minimal, but exceeds the CIS countries by indicators. It is gratifying to realize that these people are at great risk, saving hundreds of lives, despite how much money they get for this work.