
Cover letter to the resume: how to write, writing a letter, writing rules and a sample with an example

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Cover letter to the resume: how to write, writing a letter, writing rules and a sample with an example

Video: How To Write A Cover Letter (Example Included) 2024, July

Video: How To Write A Cover Letter (Example Included) 2024, July

A cover letter is an additional document to the resume if you send it to a serious company. How to write a cover letter to the resume? The employer makes quite high demands on his writing. Will learn?

How to write a cover letter to the resume?

First of all, it is necessary to determine: what is a cover letter? This is part of your image as a job seeker. That is why it is important to write this kind of letter. It is advisable to connect a creative extraordinary approach. This is a guarantee that your resume will be paid attention to.

A cover letter is a short story about you. It must be written in free form so that the letter demonstrates your interest in this particular employer.

Writing steps

What to write in a cover letter to the resume? You must first answer yourself a few questions:

  • Why do I want to work in this company?
  • What can I do to develop the company?
  • Why should they hire me?

A cover letter can not be written, but not the fact that your resume will be paid attention to. The fact of its presence increases the likelihood of a response to a resume, even in the event of a refusal. A cover letter also increases the chances of an invitation to an interview with a potential employer. And this, in turn, is another opportunity to present yourself.

The fact of writing a cover letter will automatically help you prepare for the upcoming interview. The main thing is to write and tell the truth. If you embellish your biography, memorize the information. Otherwise, at a personal interview you can be confused, what you said will not correspond to the text.


Your future depends on how competently the cover letter will be drawn up. Therefore, at the initial stage of writing it, a stupor usually arises. Often a person cannot appreciate himself.

However, the desire to receive a prestigious high-paying job should outweigh the usual modesty.

How to write a cover letter to the resume? In fact, there is no right or wrong template for such a letter. The cover letter should reflect the personal and professional qualities of the applicant.

However, some recommendations are available:

  1. When viewing vacancies, you do not need to send your resume to all open job offers. Take the time and thoroughly study each of them. Turn on the “investigator” function and find information about the company, read customer and employee reviews. Draw your conclusions.
  2. When writing a cover letter, be sure to indicate the reason why you were interested in this company. Usually this is the information that the HR manager draws attention to. If he does not see an interest in your words, then the chance to get a job will decrease markedly.
  3. Contact the recruiter (hiring manager) by name.
  4. Talk less, work more! Show that you are worthy of this position. Justify by the example of your work your best professional skills. Be sure to back up the words with the fact. Information should be concise and concise, without “water”.
  5. When compiling a cover letter, carefully make sure that the information in the resume does not repeat (do not diverge) from the letter. These two important documents should complement each other informationally. So, the dry facts - for the summary, we give emotions to the cover letter.
  6. If creativity beats a fountain out of you, it is better to keep your inner creativity to yourself. At least before entering the post. Many large companies claim that they need young ambitious and creative personnel, but still adhere to the usual business canons. However, if you submit your resume to a young and progressive company, in which the spirit of sound creative chaos literally “has settled”, then do not restrain yourself. Feel free to go to the experiment!
  7. Professionally done work, which as a fact confirms your resume, increases your chances. Its potential is better described in several sentences. But the ability to work qualitatively will require facts. Confirm your competency with an example.
  8. Properly “submit” your human resources in conclusion, in the business environment this concept is more commonly known as eychar. Do not be afraid to take the initiative, worry about feedback.
  9. All details, title, date, name and address of the recipient must be made out in accordance with all the rules for writing a business letter.

End the letter of thanks for your time. Before sending a letter, be sure to go over the text. Check it for errors. Better let someone read. The letter should be logically structured, without loss of thought and leaps. Imagine that you are an employer and are reading a cover letter. Given this role, read it again. Are you ready to hire such a specialist? Moreover, the perception of yourself and your abilities must be adequate.

Short version

How to write a brief cover letter briefly? The main points that should be reflected in the letter:

  • The position you are applying for
  • Link to the source from which you learned about the vacancy;
  • personal offer to the employer to consider your candidacy;
  • make an excerpt from the resume and justify the correspondence of your personal and professional qualities with this position;
  • Be sure to indicate that you are ready for professional growth;
  • indicate willingness to be interviewed in the company and provide more information about yourself.

An example of a short version:

Dear Elena, In response to your vacancy, “Specialist in Attracting Wholesale Customers,” published in the journal “Salary and Jobs,” I am sending my resume. If necessary, I am ready to provide any additional information for consideration of my candidacy.

Regards, Ivanov Ivan 0-00-00-000

Expanded Option

A detailed version is usually necessary for American and European companies. It is made in a similar form. The text of the cover letter must indicate:

  • job title (two similar or related positions) to which you send your resume;
  • indicate the source from which they learned about the vacancy (website, newspaper, advertisement);
  • personal offer of yourself as a candidate for the position.

How to write a cover letter to the resume: sample.

All my professional skills and knowledge, as well as expectations of further advancement, are in the area of ​​working with clients and active direct sales (both at the administrative and executive levels).

Currently, I have more than 6 years of experience working in direct sales in the B2B market in the manufacturing field, as well as experience in a leadership position in this area over the past two years.

As the head of sales at the last place of work, I was personally responsible for the results and activities of the sales department in the field of B2B (cosmetology and medical equipment).

We write according to the model

The cover letter does not have clear spelling rules. For each direction of activity there should be a style. However, the canvas remains the same. An example of a cover letter to a resume (sample) is presented in the photo below.

Remember that a cover letter is your business card. Examples are examples. You need to show your personality, because the biggest mistake of all applicants is stereotyped. Usually, the employer receives letters as if they were written in carbon copy. Sincerity is what you need.

We write a cover letter to the recruitment agency

A recruitment agency is just a kind of filter. Use his services only in such cases:

  • to get a quality job seeker;
  • in order not to engage in job search independently;
  • if the company does not have its own personnel manager.

A recruitment agency is an intermediary between you and a potential employer. Often, the human resources agency acts as a damaged telephone.

To avoid unnecessary troubles, it is better to establish personal contacts with your direct employer.

If you need an internship …

If you are a young and inexperienced student or already a graduate of a university, then get ready for the fight. What cover letter should I write to my resume if I have no work experience? This can and even needs to be done.

An example of a correct cover letter to a resume without work experience:

Do not be afraid to write that you do not have work experience. If you have a desire to work in a foreign company or a foreign project, then be sure to write a cover letter in English. How to write a cover letter to a resume - you have an example.

We hope that all the information was useful to you. Good luck, and do not be afraid to represent yourself!