career management

Create an automatic response for emails: how to maintain a balance between work and personal life on New Year's holidays

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Create an automatic response for emails: how to maintain a balance between work and personal life on New Year's holidays

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The New Year holidays will begin very soon, and you obviously want to have fun, and not with a pile of deadlines for work. However, in this super-connected working world, it is unrealistic to assume that you can completely avoid working during the holidays. Even if your boss tells you to relax for as long as you want, chances are good that you will panic over the fact that you do not reply to customers at work mail, or that your competitors can surpass you during this period.

Dana McNeil, Licensed Therapist for Marriage and Family, shared her best tips on how to try to maintain peace of mind and manage the balance between work and personal life during the winter holidays.

Set realistic expectations for customers during the holidays

McNeil recommends setting up automatic reply to e-mail and outgoing voicemail messages to inform customers that you have a limited number of hours, but you will check messages and reply within 24-48 hours.

Do not take on a lot of responsibility, promising to respond to customers the way you usually do, because you can get stuck at the airport, at family events, etc.

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Daily time schedule

If you cannot get rid of excessive work yourself, decide that you will work very limited. Ideally, after an hour or two in the morning and evening, making sure that you have warned your friends and family members in advance that you will move away to go and answer emails and calls.

Let your family and friends know that you will be unavailable at certain times.

Let your friends and family know that you will be away at certain times of the day so that family members can be sure that they can plan something else during this time. Thus, they are not disappointed that they are waiting for your return.

Keep your promises

If you say that you work for an hour, work only for that hour. Make sure you finish work when you promise. Keeping a promise, you will not be drawn into the maelstrom of work and will be on the right track to continue to spend quality time with friends and family.

Pay attention to time zones

Do not forget that if you travel outside the city, you may be in a different time zone than customers, and this can be a problem. Schedule time to reply to messages while your customers are available. And use scheduling software such as Boomerang for Gmail or the new Gmail scheduling service so that at least you can keep track of what time of day or night you write or call a customer.

Plan ahead

Schedule important meetings before or after your return. If there are some important project details that need to be worked out, refer to this task before you go on vacation. This will help you not to overload while relaxing. Consider your important responsibilities and projects so that you decide all this as soon as possible before you go on vacation.

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