career management

Internship in the Moscow government is an opportunity to build a successful career

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Internship in the Moscow government is an opportunity to build a successful career

Video: MentorCon: Internships 2024, July

Video: MentorCon: Internships 2024, July

If you want to start a career as a civil servant, then an internship in the Moscow government will contribute to the fact that the acquired skills will help to quickly achieve excellent results.

Internship - the opportunity to get acquainted with the profession

Passing training in any higher educational institution, each student receives the necessary amount of theoretical knowledge in the chosen profession, which are practically not supported by any skills. Therefore, back in 1973, regulations were introduced in the USSR that required university graduates to have an internship after receiving a diploma.

Today, internships are also held for young professionals who have graduated from higher educational institutions, for students in recent years and for graduate students. As a trainee with a relatively low salary, a young employee receives the necessary professional skills, which is a compensation for a small salary.

An internship in the Moscow government will allow everyone not only to go through a good management school, but also provide an opportunity to bring to life interesting ideas and creative ideas.

Who has a chance to get an internship in the Moscow government

For several years in a row, the Moscow government has been conducting internships for young people who want to try their hand at public service.

Preference is given to ambitious and talented. Those wishing to apply for an internship should be sociable, have the ability to learn, be able to achieve their goals. Not in last place honest and decent job seekers.

An important factor can be considered that the internship in the Moscow government guarantees a permanent job for a young specialist.

In order to get an internship, you must:

  • to be active and successful in fulfilling public duties, in science, professional activity, have excellent performance in sports;
  • be able to find unusual solutions for complex tasks;
  • have a desire to work for the good of beloved Moscow.

Those who possess the above listed qualities and wish to intern in the Moscow government should send a resume to And also in writing, contact the head of the department selected for practice, introduce yourself and share your ideas on issues related to future work.

How is the internship

Internship in the Moscow government is carried out under new conditions. The number of places provided for practice has been increased compared to previous years. The ability to work on a flexible schedule will help young people to solve the issue of combining study and work.

The practice is carried out for seven months. Every week you need to work out 20 hours. The salary of an intern is an average of 20 thousand rubles. But the most important thing in the internship is the acquisition of experience in implementing projects that are interesting and important for Moscow, and the accumulation of practical skills.

Future trainees are given the choice of the direction of their upcoming activities, on which the place of the internship and the tasks that will need to be addressed depend.

What will the internship give

An internship for students in the Moscow government is a wonderful experience that they can get while still studying at the university. Having familiarized themselves with the functions, work and various initiatives of the Moscow government from the inside, they will be able to assess in advance how well they have chosen their future profession.

A deeper immersion in the affairs of the city’s authorities, participation in various projects in Moscow, preparation of various events held by the city authorities, all this provides a long-term internship in the Moscow government. Reviews about it are only positive.

Specialists who have received such skills become good managers, which benefits not only them, but also all residents of the capital.