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Student labor squad. Past and present

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Student labor squad. Past and present

Video: twenty one pilots: Stressed Out (OFFICIAL VIDEO) 2024, July

Video: twenty one pilots: Stressed Out (OFFICIAL VIDEO) 2024, July

The history of student labor groups goes back in time. At the beginning of the twentieth century, they began their legendary activities. What is a student labor force? What activities do its members engage in?

Today, more than 236 thousand enthusiastic young people call themselves fighters of the labor front. Preserving the long-standing traditions created initially, they are actively engaged in construction, parenting, passenger transportation, harvesting, processing fish, services and other activities.

STO: student labor squad

STO - a team that is created for a certain period. The goal is voluntary work in your free time. Consists of students from educational institutions. The history of the creation of such labor units begins in the distant 1924. This time is considered the initial labor semester. At the beginning of the century, Soviet students participated in the construction of large state-owned facilities, in raising virgin lands, in the birth of the first collective farms. Only in 1963 did troops appear that were engaged not only in construction. These were groups of ecologists, educators, conductors, and so on.

Throughout the development of the history of the USSR at all great construction sites, the presence of service stations was everywhere observed. Work for students was at any facilities, such as the Baikal-Amur Railway, the Sayano-Shushenskaya Hydroelectric Power Station and many others. Unfortunately, with the collapse of the great power, with the dissolution of the Komsomol in 1993, most of the youth groups disintegrated. The Sverdlovsk Service Station turned out to be the most stable, this year he celebrated his thirtieth birthday.

New service stations

At the beginning of the 21st century, they again spoke loudly about the revival of student groups. And not in vain. Indeed, in fact, the student labor force gives young people initial work experience. And also develops communication skills, accustoms to collectivism. The first modern working season of the 21st century in Russia was carried out on the basis of the Sverdlovsk service station.

Similar units begin to form throughout the country. The number of students working in the summer months is increasing significantly. Headquarters are formed in all regions. The time has come to unite in order to more actively develop the STO movement. This initiative was supported by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Student Labor Squad: Rebirth Dates

In July 2003, a Coordinating Council was established in Moscow with the support of a government commission. The task is to develop an action plan supporting the development of student groups for 2004.

In November 2003, thanks to the support of the Ministry of Education, the first meeting of new modern service stations was held in Yekaterinburg. At this event, it was decided to create a central organization that will unite all regions.

In June 2004, the first meeting was held in Moscow, which was attended by all the heads of the respective headquarters.

February 17, 2004 is considered to be the date of revival of Russian service stations. On this day in Moscow, the All-Russian Forum of Student Labor Units was held. The event was dedicated to the 45th anniversary of their activities. On that day, the State Kremlin Palace gathered more than five thousand participants who came from all over the country. At the Forum, it was decided to establish a youth all-Russian society “Russian Student Groups”.

Activities STO

Now the student labor squad can be one of the following types:

  • Building.
  • Pedagogical.
  • Conductors.
  • Service.
  • Medical.
  • Ecological.
  • "Snow landing."

Each student can choose the direction that he considers most interesting for himself. The service station becomes for the children not just a temporary work collective, but something more. During the joint activity, living side by side, many guys find loyal comrades in this friendly family who can help at any moment, and someone even meets their true love. From all members of the team come only positive feedback. Student labor squad tempers character, rallies, educates willpower.

Each semester ends with a fascinating sports day. Work results are summed up, the best student labor force is announced.

Recent story

In recent years, Russian student groups have taken part in works of a large-scale, global level. Since 2009, the guys worked at the facilities of the APEC summit in the Far East, Rosatom (Krasnoyarsk Territory and Leningrad Region), and the Olympics in Sochi.

Since February 2009, the Council of Veterans has been operating, the participants of which have made a significant contribution to the development of the movement of Russian labor groups. The Council interacts with representatives of state authorities, organizes events, projects, cooperates with universities, enterprises, public institutions. The youth association "Russian Student Labor Squad" has its own badge of honor. He is awarded the best, most active participants in this movement.