career management

Telemarketer is a 21st century seller

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Telemarketer is a 21st century seller

Video: The Salesperson 2024, July

Video: The Salesperson 2024, July

It is becoming increasingly difficult to sell goods every day. In conditions of fierce competition, manufacturers face the same question: where to put their products? A good telemarketer can very well handle this task. This is a specialist who is able to find a buyer for any product.

New in Sales

A few decades ago, it was enough just to lay out a new product on store shelves, and it immediately began to cause a keen interest. Now the situation looks a little different. A manufacturing company must present its products in such a way that trade enterprises undertake their implementation. But this does not guarantee the desired result. A thing can lie on the counter for a long time and not attract any attention. This situation forced sales departments to become more active.

In the late nineties in the lists of employees of many companies there was a position called "telemarketer". This is a kind of seller who uses telephone to achieve the ultimate goal. In America, such specialists were already in the middle of the last century. And in our country, this type of marketing became possible only when the majority of the country's population acquired mobile phones, which a telemarketer could always call. This facilitated targeted selection and made it possible to quickly obtain the necessary information.

Process features

Depending on how you work, marketing by phone can be inbound or outbound. In the first case, customers themselves call with questions, and in the second, specially trained employees, being on the opposite end of the wire, offer goods to potential customers whose numbers are taken from a pre-compiled database. To prepare such a list is not difficult. Depending on the initial criteria, the database of marketers can be cold or hot. All the difference is the selection of candidates. If you use the usual telephone directory, it will be the simplest and least productive cold base. The hot list includes the contacts of those who have ever shown interest in a certain category of goods. It turns out that the telemarketer is the same employee of the sales department. True, now he acts differently. He can only contact the subscriber and, if possible, interest him in his offer.

What should a telemarketer do?

Telephone sales in recent years have become particularly relevant. Such hard work is sometimes undertaken by specialized companies.

They have experienced staff who are ready to sell any product. What kind of work does a telemarketer do? The responsibilities of such a specialist are that he must:

1) Plan work with clients for the coming day, which consists not only in a telephone conversation, but also the conclusion of specific contracts on behalf of the manufacturer.

2) Check information about the buyer, confirming its reliability.

3) Advise customers on the range of products offered for the preparation of specifications.

4) Monitor the implementation of contractual obligations and carry out claims work if necessary.

5) Maintain the existing database and search for new customers. To do this, you need to make cold calls and study the interests of potential future customers.

6) To take part in the development of a discount system for the greater interest of buyers.

But this is only part of what the telemarketer does. The responsibilities of each employee also consist in constantly compiling detailed reports for management on the work done for the day, month, year, and so on.

Mandatory qualities

The work of a telemarketer is complex and very responsible. Not every gender has the strength to cope with such a task.

A really good specialist should have many important qualities, such as:

  1. Sociability. Communication with the client should be open and friendly. A humble and intimate person will never be able to convey the necessary information. But he should not be impudent either.
  2. The ability to convince and conduct a conversation. Everyone knows that the most important thing in any conversation is the ability to listen. It is necessary to direct the conversation so that both sides hear each other. Who would be pleased to listen to a stream of incomprehensible information from the handset? It is necessary to make it clear to the client that the conversation with him is very important for the company, and the offered product for him is a real find and an urgent need.
  3. Initiative. In the work you constantly need to look for new ways to solve the tasks.
  4. Consolidation and attention to small details. We must not forget about potential customers for a long time. Otherwise, other, more enterprising employees will take care of them.
  5. Experience. The telemarketer must have at least a general idea of ​​the area of ​​activity where the goods sold by him are used. Otherwise, the dialogue will not work.

Having all these skills, an employee can count on becoming a high-level specialist.

Useful Tips

Now no one is surprised at the specialty with the unusual name "telemarketer". Responses of the workers themselves about this profession indicate that they were very lucky at one time. Having made the right choice, they ended up in a friendly team, where everyone is ready to help.

Such work gives a lot of experience and a supply of knowledge, and communication skills allow you to feel free in any situation. Telephone marketers with experience advise newcomers to pay attention to several important points:

1) When talking with a client, you need to not only answer questions, but ask them yourself. This will allow you to learn more about what really interests him.

2) When talking, always call the interlocutor by name, and whenever possible make an appointment.

3) It is better to conduct a conversation in complete silence, without background noises.

4) A polite treatment is a guarantee of a constructive dialogue, and thought-out speech in advance will most likely lead to a deal.

These rules must be followed in order to maximize the position of the interlocutor and turn the conversation in the right direction. Of course, there are among customers those who are negative about this type of sales. But the likelihood of negativity in such a matter is always great, and one must be prepared for it in advance.