career management

The standard instruction on labor protection is a fundamental document in any production

The standard instruction on labor protection is a fundamental document in any production

Video: Standard Work Instructions 2024, July

Video: Standard Work Instructions 2024, July

At each enterprise that is associated with production, construction or other works where there is an increased risk of labor, a standard instruction on labor protection is applied. This document is issued for each workplace separately. Therefore, a person who is listed as a driver of a passenger car cannot be a truck driver; he must have his own standard labor protection instructions for the driver.

All documents drawn up must be approved by the departments of health and safety at the ministries of the Russian Federation. They are designed to develop local instructions, taking into account the working conditions in a particular enterprise.

A typical instruction for labor protection is the main document that sets out the rules of conduct for an employee when performing work in production. Employees of all qualification and level groups, as well as their immediate supervisors, must know all the requirements that are imposed for the safe performance of production functions. The management of the organization must create conditions at all workplaces that meet the OT rules and provide its employees with personal protective equipment.

At all enterprises, safe routes on the territory of the facility are developed and brought to the attention of all employees, and evacuation plans are drawn up in case of fires or emergencies.

Each employee is required to comply with all requirements of the instructions. In case of noticed malfunctions of equipment, structures, as well as in case of accidents, the worker must inform the higher management. All company personnel are personally responsible for non-compliance with safety regulations. The workplace and production equipment must be cleaned and clean. The employee is obliged to ensure that his workplace is provided with protection and fire extinguishing equipment, and occupational health and safety documentation. The standard instruction for labor protection of subordinate personnel prohibits the implementation of management orders that are contrary to the requirements of this instruction.

Problems of labor protection and safety in construction remain the most significant and relevant. The solution to these problems affects the interests of each employer and employee in this industry.

Labor protection in the construction industry is a system of legislative, hygienic, technical and organizational measures. The main goal is to preserve the health of construction workers from accidents. The company must provide its staff with favorable working conditions to improve the quality of work performed and increase productivity.

Construction work is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on occupational safety, as well as regulatory and legal acts. Standard instructions for labor protection in construction have been developed. They contain:

- conditions for the admission of working personnel to perform their professional duties;

- the necessity of fulfilling the rules of the labor schedule of the enterprise, the requirements of fulfilling the regime of work and rest;

- Dangerous and harmful factors of production, necessary protective clothing and other protective equipment are listed.

The sections of the instructions indicate all the actions of the employee before the start of execution, during and after the completion of work, as well as instructions for emergency behavior. Before starting production work, each workplace should be carefully prepared, all equipment and materials checked for serviceability. During the execution of work, the employee is obliged to choose safe methods and methods of using technological equipment and equipment, hoisting mechanisms, carefully handle materials and raw materials, perform actions that are aimed at preventing injuries and emergencies, apply personal protective equipment. At the end of the work, all equipment must be properly turned off, waste and garbage removed, the management is notified of any deficiencies in work that could affect the safety of other workers. The instructions indicate the list of possible traumatic and emergency situations, the reasons for their occurrence, the actions of the worker in such a situation, and in cases of injury - the provision of first aid to the victim.

Standard instructions must have state registration, which is determined by a decree of the Government of Russia.