career management

Requirements for a waiter as a service worker

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Requirements for a waiter as a service worker

Video: Waiter Training :: Steps of Service 2024, July

Video: Waiter Training :: Steps of Service 2024, July

The work of the waiter belongs to the service sector. It is this employee who provides the comfort of visitors to a restaurant or cafe. The quality of service often gives rise to a general impression of the establishment. That is why potential employers put forward rather strict requirements for the waiter, which not all candidates comply with. So, let's find out what conditions an ideal employee should meet?


It should immediately be clarified that the requirements for the waiter differ depending on the class of the institution in which he works. The most stringent selection criteria are set in luxury restaurants. Employees in such establishments should have higher education in the field of trade, tactfully communicate with visitors and have seniority in catering establishments.

Less stringent requirements will be set in restaurants and cafes of the middle price segment. However, the salary for the waiters will be slightly lower. That is why many employees apply for vacancies in luxury establishments.

In addition, the requirements for waiters and their duties are largely dependent on the particular employer. Some people treat their own employees more loyally, others less.

Consider the general criteria that service professionals, such as waiters, must meet.

Work with visitors

Guests of restaurants and cafes almost never know who cooks their dishes. However, they always contact the waiter, who plays the role of a link between the kitchen and the lounge.

He is perhaps the first to meet visitors, so his duty is to create an atmosphere of hospitality. Each guest should feel a friendly attitude. Requirements for the waiter oblige him to be always polite and friendly. Radiating a positive attitude, it forms a favorable impression of the institution. Visitors come back again, the restaurant makes a profit, and the waiter gives a tip.

Working with clients is always an increased level of stress. After all, visitors are different. Among them may come across conflicting and aggressive personalities. However, the requirements for the waiter oblige this employee to remain extremely polite and tactful.

In this position, employers prefer to observe sociable employees who can find an approach to absolutely any visitor. After all, guests of the restaurant can be people of different ages, professions and characters.


Many positions in the modern world require compliance with certain rules regarding the appearance of employees. Requirements for the appearance of the waiter is one of the key. Throughout the shift, he is in full view of visitors. That is why this employee should look neat and make a favorable impression on visitors with their own appearance. In addition, the waiter should move nicely, and not be awkward. This is not only unaesthetic, but can also turn into an unpleasant incident if an employee accidentally breaks the dishes or touches any of the guests.

Menu knowledge

First of all, the employee must understand the menu. This is almost his main duty. It is no coincidence that many restaurant owners give waiters an exam on the knowledge of the menu, on which the employee’s salary level will subsequently depend.

So, the hall employee should not only know the list of dishes present in the menu, but also know what ingredients are included in their composition, what taste they have, etc. In addition, the waiter’s task is to give recommendations to visitors who cannot navigate the proposed menu and make a choice. The specialist should find out the taste preferences of the guest and based on this information to choose the most suitable dishes from the presented.

Waiter requirements

The waiter should know the rules of table setting, the purpose of dishes and cutlery, as well as the name of each item. The specialist should know in what order dishes and drinks are served, what requirements are imposed on the appearance and temperature of serving. Also, the waiter should be able to select alcoholic beverages for certain dishes.

An employee who is well aware of the composition of the menu will be able to quickly and correctly answer questions raised by visitors. He will not be confused if the guest asks about the composition of the side dish, recommends which drinks and main dishes are better to choose. If there is no dish that the visitor wants, the waiter must choose a replacement.


Each employee must have a certain level of culture, know the service technique, as well as the rules of behavior at the table. When working with guests, the waiter should be restrained and prudent, show a sense of tact and courtesy. Even in spite of a bad mood, it is important for an employee to maintain a friendly attitude. After all, it depends on him in many ways in what mood visitors will leave the institution.

Basic principles

The waiter should be friendly and welcoming, so that hardly having crossed the threshold, guests could understand that they are glad to see them in this establishment.

The employee must be attentive and have a good memory, so as not to accidentally confuse orders and not upset visitors who want to have a good time, and not enter into conflicts. In addition, it is important to remember prices and generally be well-versed in the menu of the establishment. An incompetent waiter causes distrust among visitors. The employee must know the features of working with the cash register and quickly make calculations so as not to delay the guests.

The basic requirements for the waiter also include the need to meet, accompany and serve guests during their presence in the institution. Even if one of the visitors annoys the employee, this should in no way affect his behavior or communication. The service should be impeccable.

Requirements for the waiter’s workplace include the need to maintain order and organize storage of necessary items.

Important aspects

Among other things, the employee must follow the instructions of his management and comply with the job description of the company in which he works.

  • Go to work on schedule.
  • Observe discipline.
  • Monitor the safety of property and other material values ​​in the institution.


As in the work of other employees in the activities of the waiter, there are actions that cannot be performed while in the workplace.

  • Leave the room without warning.
  • Sit down with visitors and receive treats from them.
  • Sit in the hall for visitors and eat on a par with guests.
  • Gather in groups, as well as talk loudly or laugh, attracting the attention of visitors.
  • Serve guests while in a state of intoxication.

Observing the duties assigned to him, the waiter can well establish himself among the superiors. In addition, impeccable service increases the likelihood of a tip. This directly affects income. After all, some establishments pay waiters a rather modest salary, while allowing them to pick up the tips left by satisfied visitors. That is why employees try to be friendly and welcoming towards restaurant visitors.