career management

Therapist: job description, necessary education, employment conditions, job responsibilities and features of the work performed

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Therapist: job description, necessary education, employment conditions, job responsibilities and features of the work performed

Video: Job Roles For COUNSELOR– Counseling,School,Apprenticeship,Private organization,Psychology 2024, June

Video: Job Roles For COUNSELOR– Counseling,School,Apprenticeship,Private organization,Psychology 2024, June

Therapist is one of the most common medical specialties. Doctors work in clinics and hospitals, in sanatoria and medical examination centers. Their activities are regulated by the job description of a general practitioner. We will get acquainted with the general functional responsibilities, the conditions of employment, the requirements for the education of a specialist and other important provisions of this document.

General Provisions

Let's start with the first paragraph of the job description of a general practitioner. The “General Provisions” include the following:

  1. This document (job description) is intended to determine the functional duties, responsibilities and rights of the therapist.
  2. The decision on the appointment of a specialist, as well as on the release of a doctor from work duties, is made by the head of the medical institution (medical institution) in accordance with Russian labor legislation.
  3. The specialist is subordinate to the head, head of the unit, branch of the medical institution (or to the person temporarily replacing him in the manner prescribed by law).
  4. During the absence of the general practitioner at the workplace (cases of illness, vacation, maternity break, etc.), his duties, rights and responsibilities are temporarily transferred to another employee in accordance with the established TC procedure.

Specialist Education Requirements

The standard job description of a general practitioner introduces the following requirements for specialist training:

  • Higher medical education.
  • Specialization (or postgraduate training) in the direction of "Therapy".

Basic requirements for the preparation of a doctor

The job description of a general practitioner (district, medical examinations, day hospital, etc.) suggests that the applicant should know:

  • Russian Constitution.
  • Normative, legal, legislative acts in the field of healthcare of the Russian Federation.
  • Basic provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the issues of: protecting the health of Russian citizens, compulsory medical insurance, territorial programs of state guarantees of free medical care for the population (the types of medical care that are provided to people for free, under the compulsory medical insurance program for Russian citizens, at the expense of the federal, regional and local budgets).
  • The principles of organizing therapeutic medical care in Russia, the work of hospital and polyclinic institutions, emergency and emergency medical services for children, adolescents and adults.
  • The relationship of disease with the profession.
  • The grounds for bringing the doctor-therapist to responsibility - disciplinary, administrative, civil, criminal.
  • The main provisions of pathological and normal anatomy, pathological and normal physiology, the relationship of the functional structures of the human body, their levels (structures) of regulation.
  • The basics of water-electrolyte metabolism in the body, its alkaline-acid balance.
  • Types of body dysfunctions, principles of their therapy.
  • The functioning of homeostasis and hematopoiesis systems, the pathophysiology and physiology of the blood coagulation structure, the basics of blood substitution treatment, normal and pathological indicators of homeostasis.
  • Pathogenesis and clinical symptoms of the main therapeutic (adults, children and general) diseases, their diagnosis, therapy and prevention. Symptoms of borderline conditions observed in a therapeutic clinic.
  • Basic information on pharmacotherapy regarding the clinic of internal diseases. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the main groups of drugs. Complications caused by the main types of medicines, methods for their correction.
  • The basics of the reactivity of the human body, immunology.
  • Organization of resuscitation and intensive care services in a medical institution. Equipment installed in intensive care and resuscitation wards.
  • The basics of non-drug treatment, as well as physiotherapy, exercise therapy (therapeutic exercise complex), medical monitoring of the patient's condition. Indications and contraindications for sanatorium rehabilitation, treatment.
  • Organization of monitoring of undesirable and side effects from taking medications, cases of lack of therapeutic effect from their use on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • A healthy diet for healthy citizens, diet therapy for people suffering from various diseases.
  • Organization of anti-epidemic measures in the foci of infection.
  • Medical and social examination carried out with internal diseases.
  • Organization of dispensary observation for both healthy and sick citizens.
  • Prevention issues.
  • Methodology, varieties of sanitary and medical-educational work.
  • Organization of medical assistance for civil defense.
  • The rules of the local labor schedule in a medical institution.
  • Standards and rules for labor protection, fire prevention, safety measures.

Special requirements for the preparation of a doctor

The job description of a general practitioner (hospital, clinic, resort, sanatorium, etc.) implies the existence of special requirements for the preparation of a doctor. He must know:

  • Modern methods of prevention, treatment, diagnosis and rehabilitation of diseases.
  • The content of therapy and its sections (as a clinical independent discipline).
  • Organization, task, structure, staff, equipment of the therapeutic unit of a medical institution.
  • Actual regulatory, legal, methodological and instructive documents on their profile.
  • Rules for processing medical documents.
  • The order of examinations of temporary disability of citizens, as well as medical and social examinations.
  • Principles of work planning and reporting of the therapeutic department.
  • Method and procedure for monitoring the activities of the therapeutic service.

Guide to work

The job description of a physician-therapist suggests that the specialist is guided by the following in labor activity:

  • Actual legal and regulatory documents regarding its activities.
  • Local (within the framework of the medical institution-employer) regulations, orders, orders, etc.
  • The job description of a general practitioner (district, hospital, sanatorium, etc.).

Key tasks in the workplace

The job description of the physician of the department determines the following main tasks of the specialist’s labor activity:

  • Get complete information about the patient’s disease.
  • Apply modern and objective methods for examining a patient.
  • Perform a complete list of works for diagnosing the disease, pathology, assessing the state of both the clinical situation and the general condition of the patient according to Russian standards of medical care.
  • Substantiate the clinical diagnosis, as well as the treatment tactics of the patient.
  • To carry out primary prevention of diseases of the so-called risk groups.
  • Issue and send to the department of Rospotrebnadzor emergency notices in case of detection of a professional or infectious disease.

The doctor must identify …

The job description of the general practitioner of the clinic suggests that the doctor should be able to identify:

  • Both general and specific symptoms of the disease.
  • Risk factors for the progression of noncommunicable chronic diseases.

The doctor must determine …

The job description of a general practitioner (sanatorium, hospital, clinic, etc.) prescribes that a specialist should be able to determine:

  • Indications for hospitalization of the patient and directly organize it.
  • The level of violation of homeostasis in the patient’s body (and to take appropriate measures to normalize it).

The doctor must conduct …

The job description of a general practitioner (day hospital, for example) suggests that the specialist independently conducts:

  • Examination of temporary (due to illness) disability of citizens.
  • Differential diagnosis.
  • Necessary anti-epidemiological measures in case of infection.
  • Clinical examination of both sick and healthy citizens.

Specialist duties

We continue to analyze the job description of a general practitioner (for medical examinations, in a hospital, clinic, sanatorium). The document prescribes the following responsibilities of the doctor:

  • Providing qualified medical care in their specialty.
  • Determination of patient management tactics in accordance with current norms and standards.
  • Develop a patient examination plan.
  • Diagnosis or confirmation based on clinical examinations, history taking.
  • Prescribing the necessary treatment, monitoring its implementation.
  • Organization of diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation procedures.
  • Advisory assistance to specialists of other departments of the medical institution.
  • Management (if any) of subordinate middle and junior medical staff.
  • Participation in continuing education classes.
  • Planning, analysis of their own work.
  • Examination of temporary labor incapacity, determination of indications for medical and social examination.
  • Timely execution of orders and instructions of direct management, regulatory and legal acts on their work.
  • Compliance with the internal regulations, sanitary and epidemiological regime, safety, and labor protection.

Employee Rights

The job description of a general practitioner (district clinic) implies that the specialist has the following rights:

  • Diagnose by profession.
  • Assign the necessary diagnostic methods.
  • Carry out therapeutic, rehabilitation, diagnostic and preventive procedures.
  • Seek advice from other HCI specialists.
  • To make suggestions to the management of the medical institution on improving the work of the organization.
  • To control the activities of subordinates, to give them the necessary orders within their official powers.
  • Request, receive and use the information necessary for work.
  • Take part in meetings, research conferences.
  • To pass certification in accordance with the established procedure in order to increase one's own medical category.
  • Improve qualifications at least every 5 years.

Responsibility of a specialist

The last important point of the job description. The general practitioner is fully responsible:

  • For high-quality and timely performance of their own duties.
  • Organization of their activities.
  • Timely and complete execution of orders and orders of management.
  • High-quality and timely completion of medical documents for their work.
  • Activities of subordinate workers.
  • Providing statistical information and other data on their work.

We briefly got acquainted with the aspects of the general practitioner’s activities based on the job description of a specialist. We also examined the requirements for the applicant for this vacant place, for the breadth of his professional training.