career management

Certification of managers and specialists: training and rules

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Certification of managers and specialists: training and rules

Video: Training Manager Interview Questions And Answers! (PASS a Training & Development Manager Interview) 2024, July

Video: Training Manager Interview Questions And Answers! (PASS a Training & Development Manager Interview) 2024, July

Certification of managers and specialists of organizations is carried out in order to increase the efficiency of enterprises, improve the selection and placement of existing personnel, provide an incentive for the development of qualifications and increase their responsibility for the actual results of the organization’s economic activity. Another goal of this event is to develop initiative and activity among managers and specialists.

What is graded?

Based on the results of this process, an assessment will be made of the professional, business and moral qualities of managers and specialists, their ability and ability to work with people. A special commission will draw a conclusion on the conformity of each certified position held. Certification of managers is carried out both in municipal institutions and in industrial ones.

The main tasks of the procedure

The main tasks of certification of managers and specialists include:

  1. Clarification of the employee’s job suitability.
  2. Determination of the availability of prospects in the use of potential abilities and capabilities of the leader or specialist.
  3. Stimulating the growth of their professional competence and relevance.
  4. Identification of the need for continuing education.
  5. Identification of the degree of professional training, and, if necessary, the appointment of a retraining specialist.
  6. Ensuring the possibility of promotion and rearrangement of the staff, for example, timely dismissal from office, demotion.

Dates, composition of the commission

There are no specific dates for certification of managers. The schedule and exact terms are established by the city administration and approved by the relevant resolution.

The commission includes: the chairman, his deputy, secretary, members of the commission. The exact composition is determined by the decree, which is approved by the head of the city. But there is a group of persons who are not subjected to the next certification:

  • Pregnant
  • employees on maternity leave (they are subject to certification only after 1 year after going to work);
  • specialists who have not worked for 1 year.

Order of conduct

For certification of heads of organizations of a municipal type, it is necessary for all employees subject to it to provide an official characteristic no later than 2 weeks in advance. It is prepared by the industry committee of the city administration. This document should contain a comprehensive assessment of the personality, its strengths and weaknesses, individual abilities, performance indicators of the organization for the previous year and the certification sheet itself. If available, the results of the previous check are also provided.

The employee must be familiar with his characteristics no later than 2 weeks before the upcoming certification.

The created commission first listens to the certified employee, then asks questions that relate to his position. Members of the commission also review the materials provided to them. The results of their activities may have the following ratings:

  1. The specialist corresponds to his position.
  2. The employee corresponds to his position, but subject to the implementation of the recommendations provided by the commission, as well as to improve his work with re-re-certification after 1 year.
  3. The certified person does not correspond to his position.

In addition, the said commission has the authority to make recommendations on changes in wages, promotion, increase or cancellation of salary increases, inclusion of a person in the reserve for increase or for removal from office.

The Commission also makes proposals for improving the qualifications of workers, improving labor activity, indicating motives, on the basis of which recommendations are made. Evaluation of the activities of the leaders of the organization of the municipal type and recommendations are adopted by members of the commission by open vote, which is carried out in the absence of a certified one.

The certification rules for managers and specialists state that the procedure will be carried out in the presence of at least 2/3 of the number of commission members that were previously approved by the relevant resolution. According to the results of voting, the attestant may be recognized as relevant to the position and vice versa. In case of equality of votes, the decision is made in favor of the attestant.

A certification sheet is a document where the results of verification, assessment and recommendations for a specialist are entered. It is compiled in a single copy and signed by all members of the commission. The characteristics and certification sheet are stored in the personal file of the employee. If labor disputes arise that are associated with the past certification, then they can be considered in accordance with this current legislation.

Why is this procedure needed?

There are many ways to identify the real level of qualification of an employee, his job position, find the right motivation, but the leading place is held by the training and certification of managers and specialists.

It is with its help that the real capabilities of a particular employee become clear. This method allows you to improve the quality of work not only of a particular person, but also of the organization as a whole.

What is the difference between employee appraisal and certification

The most significant difference lies in the regulatory framework that governs the described procedure. Assessment of human performance is based on regulatory documents of the organization. And specific rules for the certification of personnel are found not only in regulatory state documents, but also in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Another difference is that, based on an assessment of a person’s work, it is impossible to dismiss or reduce wages, write him a fine, etc. Such measures can be taken only due to poor certification results.

The employee has the opportunity to go to court if he does not agree with the result of the assessment of his work. In this case, the organization will face a number of unpleasant moments.

When evaluating an employee, an enterprise is set with broader goals than with certification. The management has the opportunity to determine how much a particular employee copes with his position.

Certification of managers will show the professional qualities that a person possesses, and as for the untapped potential, then he will not play any role. The leadership potential can determine the potential of employees and its prospects by means of an assessment of work. In addition, the same tasks are solved as with certification.

An important point is to observe the exact terminology. This is due to the fact that an incorrectly applied concept immediately changes the essence, purpose and significance of the results obtained.

Basic goals

The certification of managers and staff pursues the following objectives:

  • Get a performance rating.
  • Reveal the conformity of the post.
  • Identify weaknesses in training.
  • Develop programs for future improvement.
  • Determine the level of ability to work collectively.
  • Find incentives for the employee to improve the quality of work and fulfill their direct responsibilities.
  • Identify areas for future professional growth.
  • Improve the system of work in the personnel service.
  • Strengthen the level of labor discipline and responsibility.
  • Make a list of employees to be reduced.
  • Optimize the microclimate in the team.

Certification of Industrial Safety Officers

All industrial enterprises whose activities are in one way or another connected with hazardous production facilities must take measures to prevent emergencies, accidents, and adverse consequences.

Certification of managers and specialists in industrial safety ensures this same safety by issuing special work permits. The management is obliged to monitor the trouble-free operation of the facilities, to know the necessary standards, to allow specialists who have passed the certification test to work.

The certification audit of industrial safety managers should be carried out once every 5 years. In the course of the test tasks, knowledge is checked:

  • general industrial safety requirements;
  • safety requirements on issues that fall within the competence of the attestant;
  • regulatory criteria for energy security;
  • safety requirements for hydraulic structures.

Types of certification for industrial safety and frequency of passage

Order of Rostekhnadzor dated January 29, 2007 No. 37 establishes the frequency of certification testing of specialists and managers. So, the initial inspection must be carried out no later than 1 month after the transfer of a specialist to another type of work, his appointment to a post or transfer to another organization.

The frequency of inspection is 1 time in 5 years, unless another frequency is provided for in a particular area by means of special normative acts.

An extraordinary check of knowledge in the field of industrial safety is carried out in relation to personnel and managers, whose responsibilities include responsibility for conducting work at the facility where a fatal accident or accident was recorded.

Certification check of employees of educational institutions

Higher demands are placed on employees in leadership positions. After all, they bear a huge responsibility for the level of training of future specialists.

Certification of the heads of educational institutions is carried out once every 5 years. A person who has worked for less than 1 year does not pass this test. In addition, there is still a group of persons who are exempted from it:

  • managers who have received a position in accordance with an order of the Government or the President of the Russian Federation;
  • temporary acting;
  • pregnant women or employees on maternity leave.

The certification of the heads of educational institutions underwent some changes in 2018. Basically, this concerned the documentation that needs to be prepared for the commission. The employee must provide:

  1. The written consent for certification of managers, which is based on the relevant notice.
  2. Consent in writing to the members of the commission to conduct research and consideration of the submitted documents and data.
  3. The final report of their activities, full information about the work as the head of the educational institution.
  4. Documents containing information on how the general curriculum is implemented.
  5. Recommendations and opinions from collegial bodies.
  6. Any other documents related to labor activity that the head considered necessary to provide.

There is also a list of additional information that the head of an educational institution is required to prepare for certification. The list includes:

  • information on income, expenses;
  • about available property;
  • facts of marriage, divorce, birth of children;
  • work book, documents confirming the existing education, academic degrees, honorary title;
  • full list of research projects.

In addition, for the certification of heads of educational institutions it is necessary to prepare information about the planned program for the development of the educational organization.

Another important change concerns the revisions of the certification process itself. It should be carried out in 2 stages. The first stage is based on the confirmation by the employee of the level of his own professional skills. The second is to confirm the level of available qualifications.

It is important for a certified person to provide a complete list of necessary information, otherwise he will not be allowed to participate in the procedure.

The procedure for certification testing of heads of educational organizations

First of all, a decree is issued containing information on the upcoming process, indicating the posts that are being checked, and the timing of its implementation. The order also shows the purpose of the check. The composition of the certification commission and the consequences for employees who have not passed the audit will depend on this.

All employees must be familiar with this order. Further, the exact composition of the commission is approved, which includes representatives of municipal and federal government bodies. Employees provide them with the necessary documents to evaluate their performance. After studying them, the attestant is asked questions of interest to the commission, a conclusion is made about its work and recommendations are given.