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Job description of primary and high school teachers

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Job description of primary and high school teachers

Video: PRIMARY TEACHER Interview Questions And Answers (PASS Your PRIMARY SCHOOL Teacher Interview!) 2024, July

Video: PRIMARY TEACHER Interview Questions And Answers (PASS Your PRIMARY SCHOOL Teacher Interview!) 2024, July

A school teacher, having signed an employment contract drawn up in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in most cases is obliged to familiarize himself with the provisions of his job description. Its structure is also formed on the basis of various legal acts. What is the specificity of job descriptions for teachers of modern Russian schools?

The specifics of the teacher's position

Teacher work, as a rule, is associated with age specialization. That is, a school employee can have the highest level of professional training for teaching elementary children or, conversely, graduation students. However, the job description of teachers, as a rule, does not depend too much on how old the students are. The competencies of the school employee remain generally the same regardless of subjects. The task of the teacher is to give knowledge.

Of course, in some particular aspects, job descriptions may vary depending on the specialization of the school. There are private educational institutions, and there are state and municipal ones. The job description of the teacher of a commercial school may include provisions that are not provided for by state authorities or even not recommended by them, and therefore are absent in the relevant documents of state institutions.

Consistency of instructions

So, the job description of a school employee is a document that generally remains uniform regardless of the age specialization of the teacher or the subject he teaches. This can be seen by examining several typical samples of relevant documents.

This state of affairs is quite logical. As we noted above, the task of the teacher is to give knowledge, and this cannot be done in any special way for the Russian language or mathematics, except through conducting classes. The uniformity of job descriptions is also due to the commonality of the legal framework on the basis of which they are compiled.

In this sense, not only documents published by educational institutions of the same status, in particular secondary schools, may be similar. The job description of a speech therapist teacher at a preschool educational institution, due to the commonality of the legal base of the relevant institutions and schools, can in its structure generally correspond to a similar document regulating the professional activity of employees of educational institutions.

Legislative aspect

What laws should a teacher's job description comply with? First of all, this is the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 761n, which approved the provisions of the Unified Qualification Handbook of positions, namely, in the part concerning the specifics of the labor functions of teachers. Other major legal acts are the Law “On Education”, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and the Federal Law “On the Basics of Labor Protection”. Local regulatory sources are also important - the Charter of an educational institution, the Collective Agreement or, for example, the Internal Rules.

It can be noted that in the preambles, which contains any job description of teachers, as a rule, indicated legal acts are indicated as fundamental from the point of view of the development of the document. The preamble is followed by other structural parts of the job description. Let's consider their essence.

Job description structure: appointment and dismissal

The job description of teachers includes provisions regarding the procedures for hiring a teacher and relieving him of his duties. The wording here is usually unambiguous and reflects the fact that the employee is approved in his post or removed from it by the school principal. In accordance with the order of the head of the educational institution, the functions of the dismissed teacher may be temporarily assigned to other employees.

Educational requirements

The job description of a teacher in a school, as a rule, includes provisions that reflect the requirements for the level of education of a specialist. Moreover, in many institutions it is accepted that the length of service of a teacher is more important than the fact that he has a diploma. At the same time, there are schools in which the presence of a teacher in higher education may exclude requirements for work experience in relation to him. And this is prescribed in the job description.

Knowledge requirements

The next section of the document of this type reflects the requirements for teacher knowledge. New teacher job descriptions usually include the following list.

Firstly, the relevant documents reflect the knowledge requirements of various legal acts. Namely: the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Federal Law "On Education", and possibly municipal laws. Among them should be noted labor laws, various codes related to work - Civil, Family. This, of course, is the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Secondly, these are the requirements for knowledge, reflecting competencies in various disciplines. Here, the job description of a mathematics teacher may differ slightly in some formulations from a document for a specialist in teaching Russian to children. At the same time, for teachers of both profiles, the corresponding part of the instruction may contain the same knowledge requirements in the field of pedagogy, child psychology, hygiene, and sociology. In any case, the job description of a teacher of the Russian language, mathematics, physics, and geography will contain requirements regarding the possession of teaching methods of the subject, teaching aids.

Thirdly, the criteria characterizing the teacher’s tools are indicated. These may be requirements for knowledge of modern teaching technologies, approaches to developing learning, methods of persuasion, and establishing trusting contacts with students and their parents.


Job descriptions may contain guidelines. Some of them may be close to the requirements that we examined above. That is, for example, in some educational institutions the instructions stipulate that the teacher should be guided by such and such laws, regulations, and norms. In essence, such formulations coincide with those recorded in the section on qualification requirements. But besides them, the job description may contain guidelines regarding, for example, impartiality in communicating with students, respect for their rights, or their official or civil duties.


In a number of schools, teacher competencies are prescribed in job descriptions. In fact, they represent the same requirements, but adapted to specific sections of the educational process. Consider some examples of competencies that may be included in the relevant document. Note that they are typical for teachers of any profile, and therefore they can include both the job description of a primary school teacher and one that is adapted to the activities of school workers specializing in teaching older children.

Professional competency

First of all, professional competence is important for a teacher. She assumes that the teacher has the skills to effectively solve problems in the field of teacher education, is able to use his life and experience gained during training. Professional competence also involves the possession of the necessary technologies that are involved in the educational process - computer, psychological, sociological. Also in this area of ​​skills is an interest in specialized literature and the improvement of pedagogical qualifications.

Communicative competence

Communicative competence is very important. She suggests that the teacher can easily find a common language with the children. Such provisions are often contained in the job description of a speech therapist teacher, since he needs the appropriate skill for communication with students who may have difficulties with pronunciation.

The type of competency under consideration is important for the teacher in terms of correctly conveying the required information to the child in a form that he understands. Moreover, this applies to both classes held in the classroom and individual lessons, which can also be included in training programs.

In many modern schools, teacher job descriptions include information competency provisions. This refers to the availability of knowledge and skills that contribute to the quick finding of the data required for organizing an effective educational process - on the Internet, in legal reference systems, in libraries.

Legal competence

The legal competence of the teacher is extremely important. It involves not only knowledge, relatively speaking, of the content of laws relating to work, but also a correct interpretation of their essence, possession of general principles that reflect the law enforcement practice of the relevant legal acts. This competency is among those that do not depend on the specialization of the employee in the school, they may include job descriptions for primary school teachers or teachers who teach older children.

Teacher Functions

The most important section of this type of document is the function of the school employee. Among the basic ones that are contained in the job descriptions of many educational institutions, the following can be noted: training and education of children, taking into account their individual psychological, physiological characteristics and characteristics of the subject, the organization of the educational process in lessons and classes outside the school schedule, promoting socialization and improving the culture of children, as well as compliance with the necessary safety rules in the classroom.

Job responsibilities

Perhaps this is one of the key sections of the job description. Teacher responsibilities may include:

  • compliance with the necessary qualification characteristics, passing timely certification in order to confirm them;
  • guarantees to follow the school charter and internal regulations, compliance with the terms of the employment contract, fulfillment of one’s own duties, orders of the head, compliance with discipline criteria
  • passing a regular medical examination, confirming the suitability for the implementation of professional activities for health reasons;
  • respect for the rights and freedoms of students, their parents, their colleagues, respect for their legitimate interests.

Many schools (in state and municipal ones - this is almost always necessary) accept the teacher's job description according to the Federal State Educational Standard (according to the Federal State Educational Standard). In this case, provisions regarding the compliance of the educational process with the standards of the Federal State Educational Standard may be included in the range of duties of the teacher.

The structure of the teacher’s job responsibilities may contain items reflecting the need for tests, adjusting curricula based on the results of their implementation, and approving appropriate programs aimed at improving children's performance.

Teacher rights

The job description of the teacher, as a rule, fixes the rights of an employee of an educational institution. Which of them can be called basic?

First of all, this is the right to participate in the management of the school through discussions within the Pedagogical Council. This is the right to protect professional honor, personal dignity. Depending on the specifics of the school, the corresponding list can be very wide. So, many educational institutions record teacher rights in job descriptions:

  • freedom of choice of teaching methods, specific textbooks and other materials that are best, according to the school employee, suitable for the implementation of the program;
  • to familiarize themselves with the experience of other teachers by attending their lessons - in accordance with the arrangement or recommendations of the director;
  • to increase professional competence, to voluntary certification, which may result in obtaining a higher qualification category;
  • on social guarantees - such as, for example, extended holidays, retirement benefits and other benefits stipulated by the laws of the Russian Federation.

This is the structure of a typical job description of a teacher in a Russian school. It can be noted that the sphere of education in the Russian Federation remains among the most dynamic, including in the aspect of regulatory legislation. It is possible that over time, the requirements for writing job descriptions for school employees will be different. But while they are organized quite logically and generally reflect the specifics of the modern educational process.